Walls are closing in on DJT.... *All of Trump Charged threads have been merged - post here*

On the 87th attempt, have the dems FINALLY got Trump?

  • Total voters
California's current budget tops $300 billion, the largest by far of any state.

(Demonrat run) California, (Unlike Republican Gov DeSantis of Florida), has been struggling because of the rising prices of most goods and services and how the U.S. government has been trying to control it, (with the totally failed Bidenomics).

It is now much more expensive for people and businesses to borrow money, meaning fewer people are buying homes and fewer businesses are hiring workers. That is leading to fewer tax collections for the state, (while conservative run Florida is booming).

California is facing a record $68 billion budget deficit, state officials announced Thursday, forcing hard choices for Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom in his final term as he works to build his national profile, (instead of doing his job as governor).

This article was from Liberal Left-wing NPR, not Fox or OANN,,, (with some iG additons).

California should be the greatest state in the union but it has become a place of extreme wealth for a small % of the residents or abject poverty for the rest of the state's population.

hint: there's probably a squiggly little red line under certain words, check those first!
See. Break me down to build you up. Hope it makes you feel like a man.

Sadly, I bet I'm doing better in life than you. Must hurt that a guy weak with English (in yours eyes) is doing better than you. That shows how much that actually matters.
I'll never understand that movement. You even see signs that says "Trans/gays for Palestine". Do they know that Palestinians hate trans/gay people? 😬
This is something I believe comes from an ignorant place, where whatever your supposed foes believe to be true, you automatically take the opposite side because everything they think and do is bad. In order to be good you must oppose them in totality.
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This is something I believe comes from an ignorant place, where whatever your supposed foes believe to be true, you automatically take the opposite side because everything they think and do is bad. In order to be good you must oppose them in totality.
And it comes from the colleges, like IVY league colleges. I expect more from them.
And he tries so hard to hide it. Theo taking a test:

chris farley wisconsin GIF

I had to google him. Figured I save any curious others the trouble....

Herbert Jeffrey Hancock (born April 12, 1940) is an American jazz musician, bandleader, and composer. [2] . Hancock started his career with trumpeter Donald Byrd 's group. He shortly thereafter joined the Miles Davis Quintet, where he helped to redefine the role of a jazz rhythm section and was one of the primary architects of the post-bop sound.
I had to google him. Figured I save any curious others the trouble....

Herbert Jeffrey Hancock (born April 12, 1940) is an American jazz musician, bandleader, and composer. [2] . Hancock started his career with trumpeter Donald Byrd 's group. He shortly thereafter joined the Miles Davis Quintet, where he helped to redefine the role of a jazz rhythm section and was one of the primary architects of the post-bop sound.
Released back in 1983 when I was 14.

And it comes from the colleges, like IVY league colleges. I expect more from them.

It comes from individuals and from some few individual colleges. Putting that kind of crap on innocent others not involved is wrong imo. Be specific with criticism whenever possible. Many of those protesting on campus are not even students, they are paid provocateurs, like the BLM BS and the 'Summer of Love' lying crap.
I'd like to see Internment Camps set up somewhere out in the desert for all who chant 'I am Hamas.'
Or better yet, deport them to Hamas territory for a harsh lesson in reality....


What the college campus protesters are clueless about could fill volumes, but here's just a dab of what they obviously don't know.

Hamas (means ZEAL in Arabic), It's a militant Palestinian nationalist and Islamist movement dedicated to the establishment of an independent Islamic state in what is now called historical Palestine. The group won an electoral majority in the 2006 legislative elections, but the legislature was dissolved the following year with the Hamas terrorists left in control of the Gaza Strip.

Black September, Jordan's Slaughter of Palestinian Civilians:

In 1917, the Balfour Declaration announced the support of the British government to create a national Jewish homeland in their territory of Palestine. The Declaration had no partition involved and was intended to solely have a place for Jews throughout the world to call home. Palestine was the traditional home of Jews and there has always been a remnant living there since they first arrived over 3000 years ago.

Due to lack of action on the part of the British government, the Belfour Declaration did not become a reality. The newly formed United Nations brought up the issue of a Jewish homeland in 1946. The vote to partition the land took place in 1947, which brought about the creation of Jordan from land originally promised to the Jews in 1917. The West Bank was included in the partition for the Jewish state, which was taken by Jordan after Israel’s War of Independence.

Those who lived in Palestine prior to 1947 were divided into Jews and Arabs. References to Palestinians were always about Jews living in Palestine. Muslims were always called Arabs. There was no Palestinian country created at this time, or any other throughout history. The closest is the partition created as an Arab state by the UN, which is Jordan.

The Arab refugees who had entered Jordan shortly after the UN voted to partition Palestine, which made up those who were called Palestinians in 1970, was a direct result of the Arab nations, including Jordan, refusing to allow the existence of a Jewish state. It was the Arabs who declared war on Israel, which Israel defended herself and won her War of Independence.

Refugee camps were set up in Jordan to house the Arabs who had fled after the Arab world declared war on Israel. Rather than have the quick victory and complete annihilation of the Jewish state, the Arab nations lost the war and the Arab refugees remained in Jordan until September of 1970.

It was not until after the creation of the PLO in 1964 that Palestinian was used to describe the people who are called Palestinian today. Yasser Arafat had brought together numerous terrorist organizations under the banner of the PLO and moved from Kuwait to Jordan, since it was easier to carry out terrorist attacks against Israel.

Over the next six years, Palestinians became a term used for a different people than had historically been attributed. It went from being a reference to Jews to a reference to people once called Arabs. The new classification meant 2/3rds of Jordan’s population had been reclassified as Palestinian.

Jordan’s King Hussein was one of the financiers of the PLO and had no problem with terrorist activities being used against Israel. It wasn’t until after Jordan’s devastating loss to Israel in 1967, the result of the Six-Day War, that King Hussein altered his position on supporting terrorist attacks on Israel.

The fedayeen moved their bases to Jordan following the loss of the West Bank, which had originally been a part of Israel according to the 1947 UN partition. They increased their terrorist attacks on Israel and gained support throughout the Jordanian population. By early 1970, the PLO was openly calling for the overthrow of King Hussein’s government due to a lack of clear support.

The PLO became a state within the borders of Jordan as they set up their own laws. There were two attempts on King Hussein’s life, which lead to direct confrontation between the PLO and the Jordanian military in June of 1970. The Palestinians represented 2/3rds of the population of Jordan and did have the numbers on their side and Syrian military assistance, but not the air cover needed to win the war.

In September of 1970, the Jordanian military shelled the refugee camps. Rather than go through to find the terrorists and deal with them militarily, they chose the option of indiscriminate killing of civilians. Men, women, children, the elderly and infirm died as a direct action taken by Jordan.

The Jordanian military pushed every Palestinian out of their country,
which left thousands dead. These were not just the fedayeen who had been actively fighting the Jordanian military, but civilians of all ages. Women, children and the elderly were killed as if they were every bit the same as the fedayeen fighters. (sounds familiar?)

Had the Arab countries never declared war on the fledgling state of Israel and been able to accept a Jewish state as any other, there would have been no Arab refugees. It was the Arab refugees who had created a state within the borders of Jordan and those same Arab refugees who were financially supported by King Hussein. Israel did not create the issues leading to Black September and have treated those forced out of Jordan far better than the Jordanian government.

Everything leading to the slaughter of Palestinians as they were being forced out of Jordan can be traced back to the actions taken by Jordan. It was Jordan who declared war on Israel as one of their first actions after becoming a country
and their financial support of terrorist actions being taken by the PLO as they set up their bases in Jordan. King Hussein chose to tolerate terrorism as a means to kill as many Jews as possible and he should not have been surprised when those same terrorists turned on the Jordanian government.
King Hussein has largely been given a pass as the direct actions he ordered his military to take. The Jordanian military was responsible for more loss of life driving the Palestinians out of Jordan than all actions of the IDF combined. Some of what Israel has been accused of doing, without any facts to support the claims, was exactly what Jordan did.
I'm glad to see DeSantis, and now under the Gov's pressure the UF's Admin, not being baby sitters for the totally ignorant student Hamas/Gaza protesters.

If they break UF"s rules, then immediately suspend and/or expel them.
Then formally in writing, trespass them individually from the UF campus.

Then if any already trespassed students or any outside agitators that infiltrate the student protesters come back, arrest them for criminal trespass and throw their butts in Jail.

Coddling and pandering to them with unenforced fake deadlines like has been done at places like Columbia is total BS imo....
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I'm glad to see DeSantis, and now under the Gov's pressure the UF's Admin, not being baby sitters for the totally ignorant student Hamas/Gaza protesters.

If they break UF"s rules, then immediately suspend and/or expel them.
Then formally in writing, trespass them individually from the UF campus.

Then is any already trespassed students or any outside agitators that infiltrate the student protesters come back, arrest them for criminal trespass and throw their butts in Jail.

Coddling and pandering to them with unenforced fake deadlines like has been done at places like Columbia is total BS imo....
Right, walking on eggshells to protect a narrative is asinine. When you try to please everybody it usually means you please nobody. Just enforce the laws and let the whiners whine.
And it comes from the colleges, like IVY league colleges. I expect more from them.
This something we are in full agreement on. Ivy League schools have become a freaking joke. It's not their location, or state they are in. It's who they hire to be their professors, brainwashing 101. It has literally become a big joke. The elites don't care about you and I whatsoever. It's all about their global mission to make both of us peons. This is my honest opinion. You and I on the economic scale really are not so very different.
It comes from individuals and from some few individual colleges. Putting that kind of crap on innocent others not involved is wrong imo. Be specific with criticism whenever possible. Many of those protesting on campus are not even students, they are paid provocateurs, like the BLM BS and the 'Summer of Love' lying crap.
I'd like to see Internment Camps set up somewhere out in the desert for all who chant 'I am Hamas.'
Or better yet, deport them to Hamas territory for a harsh lesson in reality....


What the college campus protesters are clueless about could fill volumes, but here's just a dab of what they obviously don't know.

Hamas (means ZEAL in Arabic), It's a militant Palestinian nationalist and Islamist movement dedicated to the establishment of an independent Islamic state in what is now called historical Palestine. The group won an electoral majority in the 2006 legislative elections, but the legislature was dissolved the following year with the Hamas terrorists left in control of the Gaza Strip.

Black September, Jordan's Slaughter of Palestinian Civilians:

In 1917, the Balfour Declaration announced the support of the British government to create a national Jewish homeland in their territory of Palestine. The Declaration had no partition involved and was intended to solely have a place for Jews throughout the world to call home. Palestine was the traditional home of Jews and there has always been a remnant living there since they first arrived over 3000 years ago.

Due to lack of action on the part of the British government, the Belfour Declaration did not become a reality. The newly formed United Nations brought up the issue of a Jewish homeland in 1946. The vote to partition the land took place in 1947, which brought about the creation of Jordan from land originally promised to the Jews in 1917. The West Bank was included in the partition for the Jewish state, which was taken by Jordan after Israel’s War of Independence.

Those who lived in Palestine prior to 1947 were divided into Jews and Arabs. References to Palestinians were always about Jews living in Palestine. Muslims were always called Arabs. There was no Palestinian country created at this time, or any other throughout history. The closest is the partition created as an Arab state by the UN, which is Jordan.

The Arab refugees who had entered Jordan shortly after the UN voted to partition Palestine, which made up those who were called Palestinians in 1970, was a direct result of the Arab nations, including Jordan, refusing to allow the existence of a Jewish state. It was the Arabs who declared war on Israel, which Israel defended herself and won her War of Independence.

Refugee camps were set up in Jordan to house the Arabs who had fled after the Arab world declared war on Israel. Rather than have the quick victory and complete annihilation of the Jewish state, the Arab nations lost the war and the Arab refugees remained in Jordan until September of 1970.

It was not until after the creation of the PLO in 1964 that Palestinian was used to describe the people who are called Palestinian today. Yasser Arafat had brought together numerous terrorist organizations under the banner of the PLO and moved from Kuwait to Jordan, since it was easier to carry out terrorist attacks against Israel.

Over the next six years, Palestinians became a term used for a different people than had historically been attributed. It went from being a reference to Jews to a reference to people once called Arabs. The new classification meant 2/3rds of Jordan’s population had been reclassified as Palestinian.

Jordan’s King Hussein was one of the financiers of the PLO and had no problem with terrorist activities being used against Israel. It wasn’t until after Jordan’s devastating loss to Israel in 1967, the result of the Six-Day War, that King Hussein altered his position on supporting terrorist attacks on Israel.

The fedayeen moved their bases to Jordan following the loss of the West Bank, which had originally been a part of Israel according to the 1947 UN partition. They increased their terrorist attacks on Israel and gained support throughout the Jordanian population. By early 1970, the PLO was openly calling for the overthrow of King Hussein’s government due to a lack of clear support.

The PLO became a state within the borders of Jordan as they set up their own laws. There were two attempts on King Hussein’s life, which lead to direct confrontation between the PLO and the Jordanian military in June of 1970. The Palestinians represented 2/3rds of the population of Jordan and did have the numbers on their side and Syrian military assistance, but not the air cover needed to win the war.

In September of 1970, the Jordanian military shelled the refugee camps. Rather than go through to find the terrorists and deal with them militarily, they chose the option of indiscriminate killing of civilians. Men, women, children, the elderly and infirm died as a direct action taken by Jordan.

The Jordanian military pushed every Palestinian out of their country,
which left thousands dead. These were not just the fedayeen who had been actively fighting the Jordanian military, but civilians of all ages. Women, children and the elderly were killed as if they were every bit the same as the fedayeen fighters. (sounds familiar?)

Had the Arab countries never declared war on the fledgling state of Israel and been able to accept a Jewish state as any other, there would have been no Arab refugees. It was the Arab refugees who had created a state within the borders of Jordan and those same Arab refugees who were financially supported by King Hussein. Israel did not create the issues leading to Black September and have treated those forced out of Jordan far better than the Jordanian government.

Everything leading to the slaughter of Palestinians as they were being forced out of Jordan can be traced back to the actions taken by Jordan. It was Jordan who declared war on Israel as one of their first actions after becoming a country
and their financial support of terrorist actions being taken by the PLO as they set up their bases in Jordan. King Hussein chose to tolerate terrorism as a means to kill as many Jews as possible and he should not have been surprised when those same terrorists turned on the Jordanian government.
King Hussein has largely been given a pass as the direct actions he ordered his military to take. The Jordanian military was responsible for more loss of life driving the Palestinians out of Jordan than all actions of the IDF combined. Some of what Israel has been accused of doing, without any facts to support the claims, was exactly what Jordan did.
Way ahead of you boss man, I've posted about black September and King Hussein at least three times since this kicked off on October.
This something we are in full agreement on. Ivy League schools have become a freaking joke. It's not their location, or state they are in. It's who they hire to be their professors, brainwashing 101. It has literally become a big joke. The elites don't care about you and I whatsoever. It's all about their global mission to make both of us peons. This is my honest opinion. You and I on the economic scale really are not so very different.
The new democratic party...and the old dimwads are to thick to know it
This something we are in full agreement on. Ivy League schools have become a freaking joke. It's not their location, or state they are in. It's who they hire to be their professors, brainwashing 101. It has literally become a big joke. The elites don't care about you and I whatsoever. It's all about their global mission to make both of us peons. This is my honest opinion. You and I on the economic scale really are not so very different.
I don't know what they are trying to accomplish. They are just allowing those kids to make awful decisions routinely.
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The new democratic party...and the old dimwads are to thick to know it
And Tulsi Gabbard talks about this new democratic party and why she left it, encouraging others to do the same thing.

For Love of Country: Why it's time to leave the Democratic Party behind

And Tulsi Gabbard talks about this new democratic party and why she left it, encouraging others to do the same thing.

For Love of Country: Why it's time to leave the Democratic Party behind

Tulsi is by no means a conservative. What she isn't though, is a freaking lunatic leftist commie.
Tulsi is by no means a conservative. What she isn't though, is a freaking lunatic leftist commie.
I respect her...and I AM a staunch conservative. She loves America. That is the HUGE difference between yesterdays democrat...and today's. They new dimwads want to change America to a fascist/socialist/communist Country.
I respect her...and I AM a staunch conservative. She loves America. That is the HUGE difference between yesterdays democrat...and today's. They new dimwads want to change America to a fascist/socialist/communist Country.
They are like a bunch of yipping chihuahuas. About 10% perverse portion of this country. Remind me a little of our resident half shilling. 😂
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Holy crap this is insane.

Exactly right IMO, Biden wanted the evidence that Trump has on him and other top Dems. The only reason this is even a Court action is the unprecedented raid on Mar-A-Lago didn't give Biden the results he wanted. The FBI didn't find the evidence that Trump has hidden away. If they would have found it, it would have ended then and there.
It comes from individuals and from some few individual colleges. Putting that kind of crap on innocent others not involved is wrong imo. Be specific with criticism whenever possible. Many of those protesting on campus are not even students, they are paid provocateurs, like the BLM BS and the 'Summer of Love' lying crap.
I'd like to see Internment Camps set up somewhere out in the desert for all who chant 'I am Hamas.'
Or better yet, deport them to Hamas territory for a harsh lesson in reality....


What the college campus protesters are clueless about could fill volumes, but here's just a dab of what they obviously don't know.

Hamas (means ZEAL in Arabic), It's a militant Palestinian nationalist and Islamist movement dedicated to the establishment of an independent Islamic state in what is now called historical Palestine. The group won an electoral majority in the 2006 legislative elections, but the legislature was dissolved the following year with the Hamas terrorists left in control of the Gaza Strip.

Black September, Jordan's Slaughter of Palestinian Civilians:

In 1917, the Balfour Declaration announced the support of the British government to create a national Jewish homeland in their territory of Palestine. The Declaration had no partition involved and was intended to solely have a place for Jews throughout the world to call home. Palestine was the traditional home of Jews and there has always been a remnant living there since they first arrived over 3000 years ago.

Due to lack of action on the part of the British government, the Belfour Declaration did not become a reality. The newly formed United Nations brought up the issue of a Jewish homeland in 1946. The vote to partition the land took place in 1947, which brought about the creation of Jordan from land originally promised to the Jews in 1917. The West Bank was included in the partition for the Jewish state, which was taken by Jordan after Israel’s War of Independence.

Those who lived in Palestine prior to 1947 were divided into Jews and Arabs. References to Palestinians were always about Jews living in Palestine. Muslims were always called Arabs. There was no Palestinian country created at this time, or any other throughout history. The closest is the partition created as an Arab state by the UN, which is Jordan.

The Arab refugees who had entered Jordan shortly after the UN voted to partition Palestine, which made up those who were called Palestinians in 1970, was a direct result of the Arab nations, including Jordan, refusing to allow the existence of a Jewish state. It was the Arabs who declared war on Israel, which Israel defended herself and won her War of Independence.

Refugee camps were set up in Jordan to house the Arabs who had fled after the Arab world declared war on Israel. Rather than have the quick victory and complete annihilation of the Jewish state, the Arab nations lost the war and the Arab refugees remained in Jordan until September of 1970.

It was not until after the creation of the PLO in 1964 that Palestinian was used to describe the people who are called Palestinian today. Yasser Arafat had brought together numerous terrorist organizations under the banner of the PLO and moved from Kuwait to Jordan, since it was easier to carry out terrorist attacks against Israel.

Over the next six years, Palestinians became a term used for a different people than had historically been attributed. It went from being a reference to Jews to a reference to people once called Arabs. The new classification meant 2/3rds of Jordan’s population had been reclassified as Palestinian.

Jordan’s King Hussein was one of the financiers of the PLO and had no problem with terrorist activities being used against Israel. It wasn’t until after Jordan’s devastating loss to Israel in 1967, the result of the Six-Day War, that King Hussein altered his position on supporting terrorist attacks on Israel.

The fedayeen moved their bases to Jordan following the loss of the West Bank, which had originally been a part of Israel according to the 1947 UN partition. They increased their terrorist attacks on Israel and gained support throughout the Jordanian population. By early 1970, the PLO was openly calling for the overthrow of King Hussein’s government due to a lack of clear support.

The PLO became a state within the borders of Jordan as they set up their own laws. There were two attempts on King Hussein’s life, which lead to direct confrontation between the PLO and the Jordanian military in June of 1970. The Palestinians represented 2/3rds of the population of Jordan and did have the numbers on their side and Syrian military assistance, but not the air cover needed to win the war.

In September of 1970, the Jordanian military shelled the refugee camps. Rather than go through to find the terrorists and deal with them militarily, they chose the option of indiscriminate killing of civilians. Men, women, children, the elderly and infirm died as a direct action taken by Jordan.

The Jordanian military pushed every Palestinian out of their country,
which left thousands dead. These were not just the fedayeen who had been actively fighting the Jordanian military, but civilians of all ages. Women, children and the elderly were killed as if they were every bit the same as the fedayeen fighters. (sounds familiar?)

Had the Arab countries never declared war on the fledgling state of Israel and been able to accept a Jewish state as any other, there would have been no Arab refugees. It was the Arab refugees who had created a state within the borders of Jordan and those same Arab refugees who were financially supported by King Hussein. Israel did not create the issues leading to Black September and have treated those forced out of Jordan far better than the Jordanian government.

Everything leading to the slaughter of Palestinians as they were being forced out of Jordan can be traced back to the actions taken by Jordan. It was Jordan who declared war on Israel as one of their first actions after becoming a country
and their financial support of terrorist actions being taken by the PLO as they set up their bases in Jordan. King Hussein chose to tolerate terrorism as a means to kill as many Jews as possible and he should not have been surprised when those same terrorists turned on the Jordanian government.
King Hussein has largely been given a pass as the direct actions he ordered his military to take. The Jordanian military was responsible for more loss of life driving the Palestinians out of Jordan than all actions of the IDF combined. Some of what Israel has been accused of doing, without any facts to support the claims, was exactly what Jordan did.
Most of these kids out there protesting, would not survive more than a few days in Gaza. And they still wouldn't understand why Hamas was torturing, raping and killing them.
The quality and the intelligence of 'student protesters' has fallen dramatically since the 1960's-70's imoho.

At least back then, they knew what they were protesting, and the details of the why....
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The current corruption levels in Wash-DC makes the old Sicilian Mafia, La Cosa Nostra, look like choir boys, and like rank amateurs at stealing money from the people that they claim to protect. 😡
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