Don't make fun of a tractor with your mouth full while wearing cotton clothing.Loathe as I am to admit agreeing with Instaloon, in this case I have to.
That is hilarious. As bad as AllBarn awarding themselves the NC back in 2004 and gave the players a parade through downtown cowtown. They couldn't find anything to put them on so they stuck them on little hay wagons ( and probably some manure spreaders) pulled by tractors.
I can't find that video. Some Alabama fan had it up on their old Rival's free board. It was a classic Especially when a tractor driver had stopped to let the players wave, then he dropped the clutch and the tractor lurched. Some sideboards had been hastily attached to the wagons so the players would have something to hold onto. After the lurch, some were hanging over the sides with others holding their feet and their shirts to keep them from hitting asphalt. Those more Urban raised were looking very leery of riding on those wagons in the first place. Bet they couldn't wait to get off.
Bammerites had a blast rubbing that in Barner's face for a good while.
And the funniest part of this story...the Bammer necks had the audacity to laugh at anything"country".