Actually by perception only. Abortion was not overturned. I guess in some states it is worse...some states it is actually better. However I feel there will be a melting of the minds on this within a few years. These late term abortions will HAVE to stop. Only China and North Korea allow the killing of babies as late as we do. So the left will have to give in here. The right is going to have to give in to Rape, incest and security of the Mother's health more than they do now. Federally paid for abortions will have to cease. Bottom line...our Constitution HAS to be followed...until the part of it is changed that needs to be.
Capt - respectfully, Abortion is a hill that Republicans die on - for what reason? If, as Kanye said, black babies are being aborted, that is on the black community.
If republicans said something along the lines of: "Up until week 20 to 24, when the fetus can finally, safely and successfully live without help from the mother, we believe in the rights of the mother, doctor, family and, as applicable, religious guidance, to make the right decision. She will make the right decision and we need to support her, fully in that. When the child can live outside the womb, then the state needs to consider the rights of the child here and we will leave to the states to determine what should happen after that time. In short, we believe strongly in the rights of women across all communities. This is, again, a place where the government does not have a place in the lives of citizens and they, of all genders, should be free to choose life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness".
Do that along with strong on crime, illegal immigration, sensible climate policy (yes to green energy but hard no to shutting off oil and combustion engines - for example, we drive a hybrid jeep and love it - good for short trips, but for longer ones, gas is a better option - and if I cannot find parts down the road for my battery, my gas engine is just fine. win-win.)