dude...you or anyone else is not a good enough liar, or salesperson to convince me that 81 million people voted for a guy that hid in his basement because he cannot complete basic sentences. Too much evidence that there were ballot stuffing in area's after we all went to sleep. It is IMPOSSIBLE (look up definition please) to change ANY of our minds on this. You would have a better chance trying to convince me that the sun will never rise again. I 100% KNOW the election was stolen. Even if it was just the FBI, media outlets, CIA and big tech covering up the Hunter Biden laptop(and that is NOT the only thing that happened) I KNOW the election was stolen...and truly question ANYONE that cannot see that. It is a TOTAL waste of time, because I have been SO INVOLVED in politics since I was a small kid...and I know a guy that cannot get 25 people to show up to a rally cannot get 81 ,million votes. There is a TON more things that make me feel the way I do...but I should not even have to explain ANYTHING else than a brain dead guy getting a supposed 81 million votes. Hussein himself..as much as I could/can not stand him was VERY, VERY charismatic, and many numb nuts people felt SO good voting for him beacuse he was black...did not even come CLOSE to that many votes. Truly...you would HAVE to be dumber than a brick to believe otherwise. Sorry....that is just undeniable FACTS. I could talk about Ohio and Florida wins..that no President in modern time won both of those without winning the overall. I could talk about no incumbent getting MORE votes than his first election. I could talk about refusing to let observers in to watch the counting in dim wit areas. I could talk with the election being all but over when we all went to sleep, only to wake up to the largest ballot drop in elections history that were put on hold for some BS reasons. But it all should STOP when you try to convince ANYONE that a brain dead guy...that only beat a REAL communist because the black vote in SC changed support in the last day or so, or your party would have elected a REAL admitted communist got 81 million REAL votes. That is scientifically IMPOSSIBLE.