Tucker Carlson and Fox News part ways

They are going to get SERIOUS blowback from this. Seems like their network is in for some huge changes.
This is not going to go well for Fox. Will be interesting to see who picks him up. Fox News just jumped the shark. If Watters and Guttfeld leave too, another less visible cable news network is going to pick them up and be a serious player in the cable news business.
they had steadily been moving left for the past couple of years

then the $787 miill settlement with Dominion voting machines and I am sure we will see others go soon as well

I would like to see Tucker emerge on Newsmax
That or OAN. Some small fish is about to become a giant.
Tucker is an interesting figure in this. At one point - and one reason why Fox settled, was that he was very clear, both in text and in on air work, that he was deeply skeptical of the "Stop the Steal"

2:52, Tucker: "But she never sent us any evidence....despite a lot of polite requests. When we kept pressing, she got angry..."

The two things tearing at the Right and the MAGA movement: Abortion and J6/Stop the Steal.

This is a loss for Tucker, a loss for Fox and a loss for the right. The left is in celebratory glee right now.

J6/Stop the Steal takes another victim...
Care to name all of the people who spread the Russian collusion BS lies, and Hunters laptop lies that need to go also?
He is such a MAJOR hypocrite among many other things of which I am well aware. He should look no further than the liar in chief that he loves, as far as lies. He has zero self awareness.
Tucker is an interesting figure in this. At one point - and one reason why Fox settled, was that he was very clear, both in text and in on air work, that he was deeply skeptical of the "Stop the Steal"

2:52, Tucker: "But she never sent us any evidence....despite a lot of polite requests. When we kept pressing, she got angry..."

The two things tearing at the Right and the MAGA movement: Abortion and J6/Stop the Steal.

This is a loss for Tucker, a loss for Fox and a loss for the right. The left is in celebratory glee right now.

J6/Stop the Steal takes another victim...
Fox is going to take the hit with this. Big time. Some player in the market will pick him up, probably O'Reilly, Beck, Levin, Watters, and others. Subscribers and advertisers are going to leave the building.
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Fox is going to take the hit with this. Big time. Some player in the market will pick him up, probably O'Reilly, Beck, Levin, Watters, and others. Subscribers and advertisers are going to leave the building.
Watters taking over I would assume and he's solid. More honest than Tucker. Plus he's funnier too.
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Apples to oranges. Only one had to pay 787 million dollars.

Stop gaslighting
OHHHH that is how we are supposed to tell right from wrong? Well tell Trump after three years of fake Russian collusion coverage that NO ONE seeks to think this way about. But you libs are 100% TRASH people. America's #1 enemy. I have said it for quite some time...and people are starting to see why!
OHHHH that is how we are supposed to tell right from wrong? Well tell Trump after three years of fake Russian collusion coverage that NO ONE seeks to think this way about. But you libs are 100% TRASH people. America's #1 enemy. I have said it for quite some time...and people are starting to see why!
Read the stories of the text messages.
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That or OAN. Some small fish is about to become a giant.
Nav cmon man I know your brighter than this, those 2 channels are equivalent to watching the cartoon channel lol buncha clabberheads yeasting viewers up is all it is
From the article:

"In one widely publicized text exchange with fellow prime-time hosts Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham, Carlson said he hated Trump 'passionately' and called the former president’s claims of voter fraud 'insane.'"

I am a firm believer in the election being stolen. But I am not convinced on the dominion machines claims. Plenty of shenanigans with mail in and many were unconstitutionally cast( this means illegal for the count all the votes crowd ) regardless if whether a real voter did it or not.
That or OAN. Some small fish is about to become a giant.

The big issue is that not all cable companies carry the smaller outlets. That could change overnight.
NewsMax got shitcanned by my cable provider back in mid-2021. They had second-tier talent, both behind the desk and especially in the production area behind the camera. I gave them an honest shot after the 2020 election but just couldn't get into them.

OANN was never on my cable lineup.

I'll just say it will be very interesting to see what Tucker's next move will be.
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That's what should happen to known liars. @RayGravesGhost, told yall a major shakeup was coming.
I'm stunned Money Honey has survived as long as she has.

If that happens it's then down to Tucker and Jesse Watters. So they will invent a reason to can Tucker, and move Watters to his slot, as I suggested.
Most of us have your race-baiter buddy on Ignore. No idea why the mods keep him around, to clutter the board with 0 reply threads about white supremacy?
they had steadily been moving left for the past couple of years

then the $787 miill settlement with Dominion voting machines and I am sure we will see others go soon as well

I would like to see Tucker emerge on Newsmax
This is nothing new. Bill O'Reilly had the #1 show on cable for years, but he was too far to the right for the Murdoch boys' tastes, so they canned him. The hilarious part is O'Reilly was pretty much down the middle and did a solid job of covering both sides. But libs don't like fair and balanced.

So they elevated Tucker from the morning show to his own show in O'Reilly's spot. Tucker got even bigger ratings than O'Reilly, and did an even better job of reporting the truth. That's what got him axed.

Jesse Watters will likely get his slot now. Unless they want to totally kill the network, and give Geraldo Tucker's slot.

Losing Bongino and Tucker means there's only a couple of solid conservative voices left on the network.
From the article:

"In one widely publicized text exchange with fellow prime-time hosts Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham, Carlson said he hated Trump 'passionately' and called the former president’s claims of voter fraud 'insane.'"

I am a firm believer in the election being stolen. But I am not convinced on the dominion machines claims. Plenty of shenanigans with mail in and many were unconstitutionally cast( this means illegal for the count all the votes crowd ) regardless if whether a real voter did it or not.
That's actually not what Tucker texted. He texted that he hated having to talk about Trump every single night. Which is NOT the same thing as saying he hated Trump.

This is another example of the media lying and hoping no one investigates their claims.
Fox is going to take the hit with this. Big time. Some player in the market will pick him up, probably O'Reilly, Beck, Levin, Watters, and others. Subscribers and advertisers are going to leave the building.
I think Megan Kelly is doing well with her podcast too so keep an eye out for her.
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This is nothing new. Bill O'Reilly had the #1 show on cable for years, but he was too far to the right for the Murdoch boys' tastes, so they canned him. The hilarious part is O'Reilly was pretty much down the middle and did a solid job of covering both sides. But libs don't like fair and balanced.

So they elevated Tucker from the morning show to his own show in O'Reilly's spot. Tucker got even bigger ratings than O'Reilly, and did an even better job of reporting the truth. That's what got him axed.

Jesse Watters will likely get his slot now. Unless they want to totally kill the network, and give Geraldo Tucker's slot.

Losing Bongino and Tucker means there's only a couple of solid conservative voices left on the network.

“Bill O'Reilly had the #1 show on cable for years, but he was too far to the right for the Murdoch boys' tastes, so they canned him.”

Maybe FOX just got tired of paying off his rape victims.
Hate to say it @nail1988 but I suspect Mark Levin won't last much longer either.
ets see what is really happening here. This is HUGE. This may be a total direction change in how these major news outlets cover the news. Maybe they are getting away from opinion based stuff...which I would welcome IF....they would just unbiasedly...cover the REAL news