We don’t want this.

I know revenge sounds sweet but the cost is too high.

I want to restore the Republic, not tear it down.

Now, the people directly involved with this can be tried for treason for all I care, but let’s not slap in one more innocent person with felonies. That’s moving in the wrong direction.
That's the thing. There weren't any innocents involved in this sham trial to begin with. And the bread crumb trail leads right to the Biden administration.
That's the thing. There weren't any innocents involved in this sham trial to begin with. And the bread crumb trail leads right to the Biden administration.
Again, if you’re guilty of something you should be punished.

I just don’t want to see any more political witch hunts from either side.
  • Wow
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We don’t want this.

I know revenge sounds sweet but the cost is too high.

I want to restore the Republic, not tear it down.

Now, the people directly involved with this can be tried for treason for all I care, but let’s not slap in one more innocent person with felonies. That’s moving in the wrong direction.

Unless SCOTUS steps in like they dd in Bush / Gore and slaps down this abuse of power down

No more Marquess of Queensberry Rules for the GOP​

RAT prosecutors will continue to do this now to effect elections. It’s time the republicans hit them back right in the mouth. The difference the republicans will have legitimate crimes on these rat bastards.

Example: These 2 should be one of the first on the list guilty as hell

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We don’t want this.

I know revenge sounds sweet but the cost is too high.

I want to restore the Republic, not tear it down.

Now, the people directly involved with this can be tried for treason for all I care, but let’s not slap in one more innocent person with felonies. That’s moving in the wrong direction.

Oh I don’t think you will see “innocent” people charged. But you have to go after these criminals. It’s the only way it will stop.
  • Love
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We don’t want this.

I know revenge sounds sweet but the cost is too high.

I want to restore the Republic, not tear it down.

Now, the people directly involved with this can be tried for treason for all I care, but let’s not slap in one more innocent person with felonies. That’s moving in the wrong direction.
The republic is gone, it’s been gone. The only thing these commies will understand is the iron fist. There can be no finesse, we gotta break them. Put ‘em in the striped jump suits
Yeah, I don’t think being a convicted felon is a positive but I am a law and order guy, maybe I am wrong.
Because no one has ever been wrongly convicted. They get it right 100% of the time. Especially in NY that wouldn’t be politically motivated at all. Trumps victory was just sealed
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Welp, I hope they have a jail cell that the resolute desk will fit into and I am sure the guards will appreciate all the extra help they will get from the secret service as the Dems have almost guaranteed a Trump win in November.
A win and once he’s president a pardon. A clean record coming up in November.
Are you a spokesman for Tim Scott? Exactly what black community do you think you are speaking for?
If he was touting the virtues of the Biden admin would you ask the same question? Do you get upset when Whoopi and Sonny speak about their views?
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Flipping between Fox, CNN and MSNBC and it's unreal the difference.

If it wasn't cemented before it is now.......this election is not Biden vs's the country as it exists vs blowing it all up.
That’s a pretty accurate way of putting it to would seem.

I know you guys are not smart but what are the odds here. 34-0 12 jurors. It’s just maff. The odds are negative that trumps not guilty not one juror 34 different charges. I know this doesn’t matter to you guys, it’s nice to live in fantasy land. Invisible man, 1000’s of virgins I mean it all sounds so great!! If only I didn’t have a brain.
Using this “logic” Dred vs Scott, which was unanimous, should never have been revisited since it must be correct. It was unanimous after all.
Ditto. Not a fan of the person. But any objective human being can see this for what it is. A political witch hunt. And no, I’ve never voted for Trump. I will this year.
Even KalimGoodman is thinking of voting for Trump. Oh, I forgot you mentioned objective human beings. He doesn't even understand the concept of why normal judges sometimes change venues.
Ditto. Not a fan of the person. But any objective human being can see this for what it is. A political witch hunt. And no, I’ve never voted for Trump. I will this year.
I agree with some of the questions about bringing this trial at this time. But did Trump do what they accused him of?

The biggest problem Trump has is his own behavior and it's incredible how his supporters constantly make excuses for it. It's a big part of what drives the Democrats to do what they do.

There is a lot of tarnish on both sides of this. It's sad that so many just see it one way or the other. Both are wrong. And the fact that neither side seems capable of admitting that is what is driving us all straight towards a cliff..
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I agree with some of the questions about bringing this trial at this time. But did Trump do what they accused him of?

The biggest problem Trump has is his own behavior and it's incredible how his supporters constantly make excuses for it. It's a big part of what drives the Democrats to do what they do.

There is a lot of tarnish on both sides of this. It's sad that so many just see it one way or the other. Both are wrong. And the fact that neither side seems capable of admitting that is what is driving us all straight towards a cliff..
I definitely agree with you in your assessment that he doesn’t do himself any favors. He is arrogant and abrasive. He always has been. I don’t think even the biggest Trump supporter could argue that. I also agree with you that both sides think they’ve never done anything wrong, which simply isn’t true.

MAGA people are already on edge and think the fix is in from 2020. I’m not going to debate whether that was a legitimate election or not. I honestly couldn’t say. But you take a group of people pissed off from that then charge Trump, who really has become a symbol for them, with a crime no one has ever been charged a felony for, and it cements in their mind the fix.

Many people don’t know that one of the biggest reasons the south seceded was because Lincoln was not on the ballot in the South in the 1860 election. At all. And when it was announced that Lincoln was President, an abolitionist Republican who no one in the South had heard of, that was the tipping point for the Civil War.

We absolutely are teetering on this. I don’t think it would be an actual war because I don’t see the left having the grit to do so. War doesn’t lend itself to an entitlement philosophy. But we will see violence. Something is going to have to give.
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I agree with some of the questions about bringing this trial at this time. But did Trump do what they accused him of?

The biggest problem Trump has is his own behavior and it's incredible how his supporters constantly make excuses for it. It's a big part of what drives the Democrats to do what they do.

There is a lot of tarnish on both sides of this. It's sad that so many just see it one way or the other. Both are wrong. And the fact that neither side seems capable of admitting that is what is driving us all straight towards a cliff..

You are one that see only one side. Stop with the gaslighting.

If you were able to see both sides you would be clamoring for Biden, Hillary, and Obama trials and convictions. They have all done far worse.

Miss me with the see it both ways bs, or else we would see you starting threads on them as well.
  • Angry
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I agree with some of the questions about bringing this trial at this time. But did Trump do what they accused him of?

The biggest problem Trump has is his own behavior and it's incredible how his supporters constantly make excuses for it. It's a big part of what drives the Democrats to do what they do.

There is a lot of tarnish on both sides of this. It's sad that so many just see it one way or the other. Both are wrong. And the fact that neither side seems capable of admitting that is what is driving us all straight towards a cliff..
In retrospect, Trump would have been very justified going after Hillary Clinton and the actual crimes and evidence destruction she was involved in but he didn't. She will never acknowledge any wrongdoing and the gift of leaving her alone.
Here is the kicker. They know they screwed up, and now want to look like they are acting for the good of the country. Don’t believe these liars.

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I definitely agree with you in your assessment that he doesn’t do himself any favors. He is arrogant and abrasive. He always has been. I don’t think even the biggest Trump supporter could argue that. I also agree with you that both sides think they’ve never done anything wrong, which simply isn’t true.

MAGA people are already on edge and think the fix is in from 2020. I’m not going to debate whether that was a legitimate election or not. I honestly couldn’t say. But you take a group of people pissed off from that then charge Trump, who really has become a symbol for them, with a crime no one has ever been charged a felony for, and it cements in their mind the fix.

Many people don’t know that one of the biggest reasons the south seceded was because Lincoln was not on the ballot in the South in the 1860 election. At all. And when it was announced that Lincoln was President, an abolitionist Republican who no one in the South had heard of, that was the tipping point for the Civil War.

We absolutely are teetering on this. I don’t think it would be an actual war because I don’t see the left having the grit to do so. War doesn’t lend itself to an entitlement philosophy. But we will see violence. Something is going to have to give.
Well, are you considering the other side of this? Donald Trump has done dozens of things that would have eliminated any other candidate that has ever run for office. The access Hollywood tape alone knocks anyone else out. Trump himself has bragged that he can do anything he wants and they will still support him.

This is a major change in the rules we have always played by.

So given the fact that the republicans are going to support Trump "no matter what".........what do you leave the democrats with? Of course they are going to do whatever they can to get him out.......its the only response they can have. They feel just as strongly that they are the ones who are trying to save the democracy.

Its no longer just politics, its a cold war where both sides have essentially thrown away any of the political norms we have previously lived by. Trump is not a political candidate.....he in a general leading his army into war and in that roll his army will support whatever actions he sees fit to use. And the democrats are essentially doing the same thing, but with a different approach.

And this trial verdict just pushes us closer to, or perhaps past, the point of no return. It seems its just a matter of what manner the "fall" will take and when it will happen.

But one thing is certain that the extremes on both sides simply don't get.

Nobody will win.....we will all lose.
Well, are you considering the other side of this? Donald Trump has done dozens of things that would have eliminated any other candidate that has ever run for office. The access Hollywood tape alone knocks anyone else out. Trump himself has bragged that he can do anything he wants and they will still support him.

This is a major change in the rules we have always played by.

So given the fact that the republicans are going to support Trump "no matter what".........what do you leave the democrats with? Of course they are going to do whatever they can to get him out.......its the only response they can have. They feel just as strongly that they are the ones who are trying to save the democracy.

Its no longer just politics, its a cold war where both sides have essentially thrown away any of the political norms we have previously lived by. Trump is not a political candidate.....he in a general leading his army into war and in that roll his army will support whatever actions he sees fit to use. And the democrats are essentially doing the same thing, but with a different approach.

And this trial verdict just pushes us closer to, or perhaps past, the point of no return. It seems its just a matter of what manner the "fall" will take and when it will happen.

But one thing is certain that the extremes on both sides simply don't get.

Nobody will win.....we will all lose.
"Donald Trump has done dozens of things that would have eliminated any other candidate that has ever run for office."

You do realize that Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden have done dozens of things that should have disqualified them from running for any public office right?
Well, are you considering the other side of this? Donald Trump has done dozens of things that would have eliminated any other candidate that has ever run for office. The access Hollywood tape alone knocks anyone else out. Trump himself has bragged that he can do anything he wants and they will still support him.

This is a major change in the rules we have always played by.

So given the fact that the republicans are going to support Trump "no matter what".........what do you leave the democrats with? Of course they are going to do whatever they can to get him out.......its the only response they can have. They feel just as strongly that they are the ones who are trying to save the democracy.

Its no longer just politics, its a cold war where both sides have essentially thrown away any of the political norms we have previously lived by. Trump is not a political candidate.....he in a general leading his army into war and in that roll his army will support whatever actions he sees fit to use. And the democrats are essentially doing the same thing, but with a different approach.

And this trial verdict just pushes us closer to, or perhaps past, the point of no return. It seems its just a matter of what manner the "fall" will take and when it will happen.

But one thing is certain that the extremes on both sides simply don't get.

Nobody will win.....we will all lose.
Wait - because Trump was caught on tape spouting locker room talk and his supporters didn’t bail it’s ok to throw him in jail for the rest of his life for some paperwork? And the 34 checks were all split into separate felonies even though it was the same thing?

How about Joe
- Taking money from China, using his crackhead son to set up foreign influence deals in China, Ukraine, etc
- Taking showers with his daughter
- Spending $10T in porkulus driving inflation through the roof
- Threatening to raise taxes
- About 20 racist comments
- Caucusing and eulogizing with KKK leaders
- Sniffing and groping kids and women
- Not committing to serving four full years of he wins

And HIS supporters not leaving him doesn’t prove liberals are the monolithic bloc you accuse conservatives of being?

I know you think the 81MM votes are real, ergo your logic makes zero sense based on the facts.
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Well, are you considering the other side of this? Donald Trump has done dozens of things that would have eliminated any other candidate that has ever run for office. The access Hollywood tape alone knocks anyone else out. Trump himself has bragged that he can do anything he wants and they will still support him.

This is a major change in the rules we have always played by.

So given the fact that the republicans are going to support Trump "no matter what".........what do you leave the democrats with? Of course they are going to do whatever they can to get him out.......its the only response they can have. They feel just as strongly that they are the ones who are trying to save the democracy.

Its no longer just politics, its a cold war where both sides have essentially thrown away any of the political norms we have previously lived by. Trump is not a political candidate.....he in a general leading his army into war and in that roll his army will support whatever actions he sees fit to use. And the democrats are essentially doing the same thing, but with a different approach.

And this trial verdict just pushes us closer to, or perhaps past, the point of no return. It seems its just a matter of what manner the "fall" will take and when it will happen.

But one thing is certain that the extremes on both sides simply don't get.

Nobody will win.....we will all lose.
I absolutely am. I think Bidens record surpasses that of Trumps in the amoral department. Any sexual offense Trump has been accused of, Bidens has been worse. Showering with your 12 year old daughter? Good thing he has a D next to his name. I would argue that should DQ someone as well.

Ukraine? All these hard earned tax payer dollars to Ukraine. The Biden family financial connections. That’s pretty treasonous. The border. Afghanistan. If you call the morals a wash, which I wouldn’t. But if you did and looked at performance, Trump wins in a landslide to me. Trump said embarrassing things. Mean tweets. This admin is beyond comprehension. The man cannot form a coherent sentence. We recognize the words he’s saying, just not in that order. This honesty to me is elder abuse. Jill Biden should be ashamed she even allows this.

Whether we like it or not. These are our 2 choices. Me personally, I wouldn’t hire Biden to be a grocery check out clerk. If you put in an Uber and Biden was your driver, and you didn’t know who he was, would you feel safe? I wouldn’t. Dude walks around in Cosmo Kramer special training shoes so he doesn’t fall.

When Trump was president, people were mad at us. Since Biden has been president, people have been laughing at us. I’d rather have people mad at me than laughing at me.
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Well, are you considering the other side of this? Donald Trump has done dozens of things that would have eliminated any other candidate that has ever run for office. The access Hollywood tape alone knocks anyone else out. Trump himself has bragged that he can do anything he wants and they will still support him.

This is a major change in the rules we have always played by.

So given the fact that the republicans are going to support Trump "no matter what".........what do you leave the democrats with? Of course they are going to do whatever they can to get him out.......its the only response they can have. They feel just as strongly that they are the ones who are trying to save the democracy.

Its no longer just politics, its a cold war where both sides have essentially thrown away any of the political norms we have previously lived by. Trump is not a political candidate.....he in a general leading his army into war and in that roll his army will support whatever actions he sees fit to use. And the democrats are essentially doing the same thing, but with a different approach.

And this trial verdict just pushes us closer to, or perhaps past, the point of no return. It seems its just a matter of what manner the "fall" will take and when it will happen.

But one thing is certain that the extremes on both sides simply don't get.

Nobody will win.....we will all lose.
Wait. I thought I was off my meds to suggest such things
We don’t want this.

I know revenge sounds sweet but the cost is too high.

I want to restore the Republic, not tear it down.

Now, the people directly involved with this can be tried for treason for all I care, but let’s not slap in one more innocent person with felonies. That’s moving in the wrong direction.
Could not agree any more than I do. We are not like them. We are REAL Americans.
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Well, are you considering the other side of this? Donald Trump has done dozens of things that would have eliminated any other candidate that has ever run for office. The access Hollywood tape alone knocks anyone else out. Trump himself has bragged that he can do anything he wants and they will still support him.

This is a major change in the rules we have always played by.

So given the fact that the republicans are going to support Trump "no matter what".........what do you leave the democrats with? Of course they are going to do whatever they can to get him out.......its the only response they can have. They feel just as strongly that they are the ones who are trying to save the democracy.

Its no longer just politics, its a cold war where both sides have essentially thrown away any of the political norms we have previously lived by. Trump is not a political candidate.....he in a general leading his army into war and in that roll his army will support whatever actions he sees fit to use. And the democrats are essentially doing the same thing, but with a different approach.

And this trial verdict just pushes us closer to, or perhaps past, the point of no return. It seems its just a matter of what manner the "fall" will take and when it will happen.

But one thing is certain that the extremes on both sides simply don't get.

Nobody will win.....we will all lose.