What crime was named? By who? When?

And why did the Judge give 3 categories of crime if one was named?

I’ve been asking you for weeks and you’ve yet to answer.
I answered multiple time in multiple threads. I am out on this. It's at the trolling stage with you now.
Kal the statue of limitations had run out on the state crimes ( plus they where only misdemeanors ) he had to make up a way to use federal crime to charge a felony. The sane charge the FEC, southern district of Ny, Cyrus Vance would not charge him with.

There was no crime.
Not true on the SOL but keep believing that lie. There was a hearing on that, I BET you didn't know that.

Serious question, if the FEC and or southern district did charge Trump, would you accept the charges? or attack it?
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Are you skipping your meds again?
It's obvious who is and who isn't. Newsflash, it's not him.


I guess they all just did the paperwork correctly as they used $17MM on your taxpayer money to pay off strippers, hookers and one stars?

Trump didn’t, so life in prison for him.

Not true on the SOL but keep believing that lie. There was a hearing on that, I BET you didn't know that.
Serious question, if the FEC and or southern district did charge Trump, would you accept the charges? or attack it?
SOL is a very polite way of explaining your skewed illogical view. Facts. The FEC not only reviewed but laughed their ass off at the accusation. Not only that, the cuck Merchan refused to allow a key defense witness, the FEC testimony explaining why to the jury. But well done comrade, well done. :rolleyes:

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6th amendment you idiot. What YOU said NY State law was is exactly OPPOSITE the 6th amendment. Geez, you are dum

If the jury had three choices to pick from, how does Trump know what the vote count was on each one. Was it 12-0, or say 6-6 or say 4-4-4. How does he know which one or ones he was convicted on? Do you know?
Any juries need to be unanimous on “the” crime. Can’t be well, as long as each of you pick one of the crimes, then we good.

I guess they all just did the paperwork correctly as they used $17MM on your taxpayer money to pay off strippers, hookers and one stars?

Trump didn’t, so life in prison for him.

Here is what you said, which is different from what you are saying now:

"I think a fair amount of us don’t like Trump’s behavior. But he’s not the only one getting over. It’s the selective application of the process that bothers me. If you told me every politician in DC that has traded on his/her office should be fired and jailed, I’d sign for that right now.

You’re a smart guy, it doesn’t bother you that legislators with $200k salaries build $50-$100m fortunes while in office? You don’t think there’s any criminality there? You think Trump is the only guy falsifying business records in Manhattan(think Wall Street). So why’s he the only high profile guy getting prosecuted for it (8 years after the fact and five months away from an election that he’s leading)?"

You where saying the prosecution was selective by comparing Trump to legislators. I just pointed out that your logic was flawed. You didn't just say it was political, you used other politicians and other wall street guys as a barometer which is a very flawed argument because they aren't running for president. Sorry if you don't like it.....but the facts are right here. My point was, and is, valid.

If you just wanted to say that prosecution of Trump was partly political.......of course it was. But it would have happened to any presidential hopeful who has pulled the shit that Trump has. Trump constantly gives the democrats the hammers to hit him over the head with. But both parties would use those hammers. Just ask Bill Clinton.

BS. There are presidents, including the current one….that have done FAR worse.
SOL is a very polite way of explaining your skewed illogical view. Facts. The FEC not only reviewed but laughed their ass off at the accusation. Not only that, the cuck Merchan refused to allow a key defense witness, the FEC testimony explaining why to the jury. But well done comrade, well done. :rolleyes:

He never stopped someone from testifying. Oh man, I'm over these talking points. That red pill is strong.
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I guess they all just did the paperwork correctly as they used $17MM on your taxpayer money to pay off strippers, hookers and one stars?

Trump didn’t, so life in prison for him.

I'm going to give you guys some space and time to come to grips with your hero/cult leader being an adjudicated rapist and convicted felon. That must be tough to accept. Sorry 😞.
Dems…. It’s coming. Been trying to tell y’all for years that this was a dangerous game y’all were playing. Don’t say you weren’t warned what would happen.

Effed around and about to FO.

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I'm going to give you guys some space and time to come to grips with your hero/cult leader being an adjudicated rapist and convicted felon. That must be tough to accept. Sorry 😞.

And you still support a kiddie diddler, and have just enough intelligence to settle into a nice career counting pills. Not sorry.

Gonna be great when Joe gets crushed by a felon. Epic loss that will go down in history as an all time great moment in American history.


Black America official spokesperson
  • Wow
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Dems…. It’s coming. Been trying to tell y’all for years that this was a dangerous game y’all were playing. Don’t say you weren’t warned what would happen.

Effed around and about to FO.

The RATS 🐀 set a dangerous precedent and now given tens of thousands of state prosecutors and AG the power to go after politcal enemies. The GOP in conservatives states will retaliate
Kal ~

“ he threw the constitution out the window” #fakenews CNN

The Marxist judge violated Trumps 6th and 7th multiple times and even #faknews CNN calls him out. They know this opened Pandora’s box

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He never stopped someone from testifying. Oh man, I'm over these talking points. That red pill is strong.
Merchan put a gag on FEC's testimony.

Trump's defense team wants to call election law expert Brad Smith to testify about federal campaign finance law. But the judge ruled this morning that allowing Smith to testify expansively on that topic would supplant the judge's role to determine what the law is.

In words you can understand..........Merchan decided HE HIMSELF would explain why Trump was guilty, NOT the people who actually administer the FEC laws. :rolleyes:

I answered multiple time in multiple threads. I am out on this. It's at the trolling stage with you now.
No it isn’t. You’re lying, deflecting and dodging, like you always do. So dishonest.

No one knows what the crime is. It was never named in the trial. Trump, not knowing what the charge was, never got to defend himself from it.

That’s the essence of no due process, which is unconstitutional.

34 felonies for an crime that was never even named, not by you, not by the prosecutor and not by the judge.
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  • Angry
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The RATS 🐀 set a dangerous precedent and now given tens of thousands of state prosecutors and AG the power to go after politcal enemies. The GOP in conservatives states will retaliate
At this point, I hope this does not happen. We are so far above this garbage. It is a bit tough now, until you actully realize this SEALED UP the election for Trump. Small price to pay, because America was done if that IDIOT got re elected.
Kal ~

“ he threw the constitution out the window” #fakenews CNN

The Marxist judge violated Trumps 6th and 7th multiple times and even #faknews CNN calls him out. They know this opened Pandora’s box

When you’re trending let of CNN you’ve cemented your political ideology as a complete fascist.

Anyone who believes ANYONE should go to jail for the rest of their life for a paperwork error that has never resulted in a felony conviction because of their political affiliation is a tyrannical totalitarian.
When you’re trending let of CNN you’ve cemented your political ideology as a complete fascist.

Anyone who believes ANYONE should go to jail for the rest of their life for a paperwork error that has never resulted in a felony conviction because of their political affiliation is a tyrannical totalitarian.
"I don't care about Hunter, or the Constitution."

The RATS 🐀 set a dangerous precedent and now given tens of thousands of state prosecutors and AG the power to go after politcal enemies. The GOP in conservatives states will retaliate
We don’t want this.

I know revenge sounds sweet but the cost is too high.

I want to restore the Republic, not tear it down.

Now, the people directly involved with this can be tried for treason for all I care, but let’s not slap in one more innocent person with felonies. That’s moving in the wrong direction.
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