Also, it's extremely common for judges to limit testimony. There isn't a trial in which testimony isn't limited. Bragg witnesses were limited as well. For a guy that became a lawyer from "duckduckgo" you really suck at this. Everything you have ever said about the law is just wrong. Perfect example of someone that thinks because he can read, he's an expert at everything.
Conway been using Ozempic. Undisciplined fat pig
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Did you know Al Capone was convicted of 3 felonies and 2 misdemeanors in his income tax evasion trial that sent him to prison? Compare that to DJT's 34 felony convictions. Anyone who would vote for this con man to control our national security and nuclear weapons is an idiot. Cry me a river you losers.
And you people are quoting Tucker Carlson? No doubt because he and Trump love Putin. I suggest all of you MAGA lovers should move to Russia. Follow Steven Segal comrads.
Serious you have a mental illness?
Once again the right is lying to you or providing limited information. There were 3 crimes listed that would bump it to a felony, the prosecutor wanted 4 but the judge rejected that one. So his due process was adequately respected.

The appeals court is all black woman. That's really cool.

Seems like there should be some diversity requirements on that court. Surely you agree. Speaking on behalf of the black community, I sure do.

What else is cool? Being the only former President in History to lose to a felon.

It’s too bad people aren’t as appalled at Trump’s actual behavior as they are at the “rigged” justice system.
I think a fair amount of us don’t like Trump’s behavior. But he’s not the only one getting over. It’s the selective application of the process that bothers me. If you told me every politician in DC that has traded on his/her office should be fired and jailed, I’d sign for that right now.

You’re a smart guy, it doesn’t bother you that legislators with $200k salaries build $50-$100m fortunes while in office? You don’t think there’s any criminality there? You think Trump is the only guy falsifying business records in Manhattan(think Wall Street). So why’s he the only high profile guy getting prosecuted for it (8 years after the fact and five months away from an election that he’s leading)?
May 3, 2021
KalimGoodman quote: "I don't duck questions"
Big fat lie, does it all the time including the simple question I asked him in this thread. Gonna own up to your lie because you duck all the time?
PS Don't tell the board it's right wing talking points.
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May 3, 2021
KalimGoodman quote: "I don't duck questions"
Big fat lie, does it all the time including the simple question I asked him in this thread. Gonna own up to your lie because you duck all the time?
PS Don't tell the board it's right wing talking points.
What am I ducking?
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Thanks for not answering a simple respectable question. You never change. Or maybe you don't know that the ? at the end of a sentence indicates a question being asked.
Dude I did answer. Read again, I said that his due process was respected. That is answering you directly. I also explained it. Please read again and SLOWLY.
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Dude I did answer. Read again, I said that his due process was respected. That is answering you directly. I also explained it. Please read again and SLOWLY.
You answered a question I didn't ask. But I understand your not understanding english, DUDE. It didn't take a short time poster like Lordoffallsocks to realize the way you "debate" when he called you "intellectually dishonest" and dude, it's not your politics.
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I think a fair amount of us don’t like Trump’s behavior. But he’s not the only one getting over. It’s the selective application of the process that bothers me. If you told me every politician in DC that has traded on his/her office should be fired and jailed, I’d sign for that right now.

You’re a smart guy, it doesn’t bother you that legislators with $200k salaries build $50-$100m fortunes while in office? You don’t think there’s any criminality there? You think Trump is the only guy falsifying business records in Manhattan(think Wall Street). So why’s he the only high profile guy getting prosecuted for it (8 years after the fact and five months away from an election that he’s leading)?
Why him? He is a threat to their power
I think a fair amount of us don’t like Trump’s behavior. But he’s not the only one getting over. It’s the selective application of the process that bothers me. If you told me every politician in DC that has traded on his/her office should be fired and jailed, I’d sign for that right now.
It’s not about anybody else. It’s about him.

sadgator likes how the conservative right likes to make this guy out to be some martyr or political prisoner. It’s so silly and so far from that.

Like, if you don’t want to be in this position, maybe don’t sleep with multiple porn stars during your marriage and then illegally pay them off…

But of course nobody has any “outrage” or “concern” about that.

“It’s just a ‘rigged system,’ so…who gives a sh!t what he did. He’s being prosecuted because of his politics”…lol.

At what point does this dude accept any level of responsibility for anything he does?

Any conservatives bothered by that? Apparently not in the New World Order….
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Why him? He is a threat to their power
Yeah I get it. That was actually my point.
It’s not about anybody else. It’s about him.

sadgator likes how the conservative right likes to make this guy out to be some martyr or political prisoner. It’s so silly.

Like, if you don’t want to be in this position, maybe don’t sleep with multiple porn stars during you marriage and then illegally pay them off…

Any conservatives bothered by that? Apparently not in the New World Order….
Are you bothered by Bill Clinton getting bjs from a White House intern? Of course not. Why do you think you’re complaining about it in Trump’s case exclusively. Expand your mind, sad. Repub vs Dem is something fed to you to keep you from thinking.
It’s not about anybody else. It’s about him.

sadgator likes how the conservative right likes to make this guy out to be some martyr or political prisoner. It’s so silly and so far from that.

Like, if you don’t want to be in this position, maybe don’t sleep with multiple porn stars during you marriage and then illegally pay them off…

At what point does this dude accept any level of responsibility for anything he does?

Any conservatives bothered by that? Apparently not in the New World Order….

So sleeping with a pornstar is worse than diddling your minor daughter, or paying foreign assets for a fake dossier in an attempt to influence an election?

GTFO with that broke ass moral compass.
Did you know Al Capone was convicted of 3 felonies and 2 misdemeanors in his income tax evasion trial that sent him to prison? Compare that to DJT's 34 felony convictions. Anyone who would vote for this con man to control our national security and nuclear weapons is an idiot. Cry me a river you losers.
And you people are quoting Tucker Carlson? No doubt because he and Trump love Putin. I suggest all of you MAGA lovers should move to Russia. Follow Steven Segal comrads.
Nelson Mandela was convicted of multiple felonies……. Hillary paid to get a false Russian narrative about Trump so if the standard is to allow political justice, Hillary should get the chair. If I move it will be to Mount Dora so I can cancel your votes in local elections. MMDGA ;Make Mount Dora great again.
Yeah I get it. That was actually my point.

Are you bothered by Bill Clinton getting bjs from a White House intern? Of course not. Why do you think you’re complaining about it in Trump’s case exclusively. Expand your mind, sad. Repub vs Dem is something fed to you to keep you from thinking.
sadgator isn’t flying Clinton flag…let’s just leave it at that…
I’m sure it’s enticing to think that our country is in sustainable shape and all you have to do is get rid of Trump and things will go back to “normal.” But what these people miss is that Trump’s political viability is a symptom, not a cause. He’s viable BECAUSE the system is failing and he presents himself as the only alternative.

If a train is on tracks, headed over a cliff, and someone campaigns on the promise to derail the train…
Even the Atlantic said, "right verdict, wrong case". This was a massive stretch of taking a misdemeanor charge and making it a Felony. It is very clear on the "why" - and it's political.

Which Juror, in what even AOC said, "is the bluest of blue states" would defend Trump?

What Jurist, who wants a future in NYC politics would give rulings or jury instructions supporting Trump.

Of all of the four trials, this is perhaps the worst. On the records piece, he should have turned those over. That was of Trump's clear creation. Is it a felony or other? Different question.

Him paying off Hush money in front of an election is not a crime. This is about how he (meaning others) kept records of the payment. And it should have been a misdemeanor; it is now a felony and could get jail time.

If Kalim, you said, "ok, precious of you Southerners to all of sudden worry about 'stacked juries' after decades of what happened." That would be a compelling argument and analog.

My hope is that the Judge hands out a sentence, a misdemeanor, that properly notes that Trump is a former sitting president and that we do not go prosecute our political opponents. Biden could hand out a pardon but he will stop military shipments to Israel way before he endures that political damage.

Not a great day for this country.
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Watch the video.

In NY law you don't have to specify the crime. Why can't you understand that? Why are you ignoring that state law?
That’s not what the law says Kalim.

It’s not specific and corrupt-ass Merchan used that to create an unconstitutional assumption.

99% sure the lawmakers assumed any judge would understand they are bound by Constitutional due process and couldn’t use this law to create a loophole where that was ignored.

It uses the word “crime” and that carries with it the “beyond a reasonable doubt” standard, as well as due process.

You’re a communist if you can’t see the problem here.
Right verdict, wrong case? Whomever wrote that is an idiot.
Right verdict, wrong case? Whomever wrote that is an idiot.

This is David Frum. Yale Undegrad; Harvard JD. Hardly an "idiot". Jewish Republican. I am 25% jewish, but would imagine that we see many parts of the world similarly.

Not an MSNBC writer, to be fair.
Ron, I was backing DeSantis and then Haley rather than Trump. You and I sparred re reasons why. But with those two out, there is no other choice than Trump. I am now predicting 320 electoral votes for Trump with 218 for Biden. I think Trump now wins NH and New Mexico along with the other battlegrounds. I would look for his battleground state margin to increase .5% per month between now and November. Meaning his lead should increase 2.5% total over todays RCP average over the next 5 months.
I have always respected you. You are right, if either of those two would have won, I damn sure would NEVER support that POS that stole the election. Our job now is to save our Country. Welcome aboard, Sir!
I think this is a guarantee that this WAS a great day for America. This just won the election for America
It will only further galvanize, to be sure.

They need to be sure on November 7th, or earlier via mail-in, that this is remembered and taken to the polls.
Dude I did answer. Read again, I said that his due process was respected. That is answering you directly. I also explained it. Please read again and SLOWLY.
How can his due process be “respected” if the crime wasn’t ever named?

You clearly have no idea what the term means.
I think a fair amount of us don’t like Trump’s behavior. But he’s not the only one getting over. It’s the selective application of the process that bothers me. If you told me every politician in DC that has traded on his/her office should be fired and jailed, I’d sign for that right now.

You’re a smart guy, it doesn’t bother you that legislators with $200k salaries build $50-$100m fortunes while in office? You don’t think there’s any criminality there? You think Trump is the only guy falsifying business records in Manhattan(think Wall Street). So why’s he the only high profile guy getting prosecuted for it (8 years after the fact and five months away from an election that he’s leading)?
Your making a mistake lumping "every politician in DC" into this. We hold presidents to a much higher standard and a lot more scrutiny because we are handing them a lot more power. I suggest you go back and amend your argument to include only presidents or candidates if you want it to hold any water. Hillary Clinton erased a bunch of emails......and it ended up costing her the presidency. Bill Clinton lied about sex and was impeached. Nixon had to resign because of his actions. Gary Hart, John Edwards, etc. lost their bids because of their actions.

We typically DON'T sit by and let our presidents commit these types of acts.........until Trump came along. For some reason with Trump it doesn't matter.
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Your making a mistake lumping "every politician in DC" into this. We hold presidents to a much higher standard and a lot more scrutiny because we are handing them a lot more power. I suggest you go back and amend your argument to include only presidents or candidates if you want it to hold any water. Hillary Clinton erased a bunch of emails......and it ended up costing her the presidency. Bill Clinton lied about sex and was impeached. Nixon had to resign because of his actions. Gary Hart, John Edwards, etc. lost their bids because of their actions.

We typically DON'T sit by and let our presidents commit these types of acts.........until Trump came along. For some reason with Trump it doesn't matter.
I don’t GAS what you think holds water. If you’re good with elected officials blatantly trading on their office, all I can tell you is we disagree on that one.

I bet we would disagree on a lot.
You answered a question I didn't ask. But I understand your not understanding english, DUDE. It didn't take a short time poster like Lordoffallsocks to realize the way you "debate" when he called you "intellectually dishonest" and dude, it's not your politics.
Oh God. I literally said that the process was respected. Meaning all of constitutional rights were respected. How is that not answering your question? Or did you just want a yes or no without context?
I don’t GAS what you think holds water. If you’re good with elected officials blatantly trading on their office, all I can tell you is we disagree on that one.

I bet we would disagree on a lot.
You obviously missed the point. We can agree on that.