This is not a joke- democrats are desperate

Well, I don't worship Trump and I don't worship guns so, obviously, I'm a leftwing extremist. :D
Your misuse of the word worship and your utter lack of respect for the bill of rights makes you a commie.

Once again, I don't like Trump, I think he's an ass. Luckily he's running for POTUS, not to be my bestie or my brother in law, so that's fine.

And as I drive a sub compact car and carry a sub compact firearm, your witty suggestions about compensation fall flat.

Only slavers and sheep want government in charge of anything important.
Your misuse of the word worship and your utter lack of respect for the bill of rights makes you a commie.

Once again, I don't like Trump, I think he's an ass. Luckily he's running for POTUS, not to be my bestie or my brother in law, so that's fine.

And as I drive a sub compact car and carry a sub compact firearm, your witty suggestions about compensation fall flat.

Only slavers and sheep want government in charge of anything important.
So, if you think a law is wrong, you're a commie? It's anti-American to disagree with a law?

But good call.....Trump is an ass. That's all I'm saying. He could be a better candidate and give himself a better chance to win.....which we need badly.

And another thing, Trump distracts from his policies with his childish antics. I personally know people who would support much of his agenda but they can't get past his personality.
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Your misuse of the word worship and your utter lack of respect for the bill of rights makes you a commie.

Once again, I don't like Trump, I think he's an ass. Luckily he's running for POTUS, not to be my bestie or my brother in law, so that's fine.

And as I drive a sub compact car and carry a sub compact firearm, your witty suggestions about compensation fall flat.

Only slavers and sheep want government in charge of anything important.
And here’s proof - of the car anyways …..

I don't disagree, although I would use different terms. The extreme's on both sides have way too much say over the direction the party's are going.

We need a more moderate/reasonable element to gain power. Otherwise it appears its just a matter of time until the country comes apart at the seems. Maybe its inevitable.
You mean, like someone who might do something such as appointing two Democrats to help head up the transition team?

Trump is such a bi-partisan fascist.

Unless things start changing fast I think Harris is down to only having a chance to win GA, PA, MI and WI and is only looking around 50/50 in MI which I think is her best swing state. I would be really surprised at this point if she could win NC, AZ or NV looking at the data so far.
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So, if you think a law is wrong, you're a commie? It's anti-American to disagree with a law?
What's anti American your lack of respect for other people's rights. You aren't content to disagree with the second amendment, you insist on denigrating it's proponents and attaching weird stereotypes and inaccurate jusgements to their desire to be armed. I don't care if you want to wander around unarmed you're grown and that's your business. You can however, stay out of my business instead of actively wanting to undermine me and others like me who you seem to feel it OK to infringe on our rights when we haven't done anything wrong.

But good call.....Trump is an ass. That's all I'm saying. He could be a better candidate and give himself a better chance to win.....which we need badly.
He could be but he's a New York Yankee and former Democrat. It is what it is.

And another thing, Trump distracts from his policies with his childish antics. I personally know people who would support much of his agenda but they can't get past his personality.
I've talked about this b4, when he was president gd did this on purpose, it was political sleight of hand and of wax extremely effective. Currently looks childish but people are realizing he's not paranoid there are actually people out to get him and maybe he has a right to be angry.
What's anti American your lack of respect for other people's rights. You aren't content to disagree with the second amendment, you insist on denigrating it's proponents and attaching weird stereotypes and inaccurate jusgements to their desire to be armed. I don't care if you want to wander around unarmed you're grown and that's your business. You can however, stay out of my business instead of actively wanting to undermine me and others like me who you seem to feel it OK to infringe on our rights when we haven't done anything wrong.

Who gets to decide what the rights are? If you get the right to unlimited weapons, can I have the right to drive as fast as I want thru school zones?

And I point out gun nuts being nuts because they are nuts. It's fascinating to me because I know at least a few of you are rational people otherwise.
So, if you think a law is wrong, you're a commie? It's anti-American to disagree with a law?

But good call.....Trump is an ass. That's all I'm saying. He could be a better candidate and give himself a better chance to win.....which we need badly.

And another thing, Trump distracts from his policies with his childish antics. I personally know people who would support much of his agenda but they can't get past his personality.
and those people are known as morons ...
Who gets to decide what the rights are?
That would be the founding fathers.

If you get the right to unlimited weapons, can I have the right to drive as fast as I want thru school zones?
No. Because your right to speed thru school zones is not projected by the bill of rights, driving is a privilege and the government can regulate it however they like.

And I point out gun nuts being nuts because they are nuts.
Your degree in psychology or psychiatry came from what accredited institution?

It's fascinating to me because I know at least a few of you are rational people otherwise.
No one had ever accused me of such a thing.
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That would be the founding fathers.

No. Because your right to speed thru school zones is not projected by the bill of rights, driving is a privilege and the government can regulate it however they like.
All laws are written by people. All people are fallible.
I don't disagree, although I would use different terms. The extreme's on both sides have way too much say over the direction the party's are going.

We need a more moderate/reasonable element to gain power. Otherwise it appears its just a matter of time until the country comes apart at the seems. Maybe its inevitable.
In get ONE vote to make your stance, son....
So, if you think a law is wrong, you're a commie? It's anti-American to disagree with a law?

But good call.....Trump is an ass. That's all I'm saying. He could be a better candidate and give himself a better chance to win.....which we need badly.

And another thing, Trump distracts from his policies with his childish antics. I personally know people who would support much of his agenda but they can't get past his personality.

Screw them..and you. We do not need..or want little sissies on our team. You belong to the dimwads.
Unless things start changing fast I think Harris is down to only having a chance to win GA, PA, MI and WI and is only looking around 50/50 in MI which I think is her best swing state. I would be really surprised at this point if she could win NC, AZ or NV looking at the data so far.
I see no way she wins meetchicken after the teamsters, and muslims hate her. Same with the auto workers. I do not believe the polls there. Auto workers despise their administration for what they did with EV's. Not to speak of 25% inflation over 3 1/2 years. I will be watching this one closely.
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I see no way she wins meetchicken after the teamsters, and muslims hate her. Same with the auto workers. I do not believe the polls there. Auto workers despise their administration for what they did with EV's. Not to speak of 25% inflation over 3 1/2 years. I will be watching this one closely.

I give her a chance in MI at this point because somehow that state easily re-elected that leftist tyrant governor in 2022.
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There are plenty of people who are going to vote for Trump who are nowhere near fanatical.

I mean, he's in a dogfight with a terrible candidate. That doesn't really reflect him being super-popular.
No, it reflects how ignorant and petty many if not most democrat voters truly are. I have never heard a democrat give a good reason why they are voting democrat....EVER.
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Of more concern to me is when will the Marxists relinquish control of the Democratic Party?
This will never happen. They have had their claws in deep for quite some time. dimtard voters worship their candidates which is clearly shown with their "reasons" of why they are voting for them. They never have one.
This will never happen. They have had their claws in deep for quite some time. dimtard voters worship their candidates which is clearly shown with their "reasons" of why they are voting for them. They never have one.
They CHOSE this path. Berine is a F'n COMMUNIST...not even a socialist..and they ALMOST out him up in 2016 and 2020
Full disclosure and Background: I’m a registered Republican but my wife was and is a registered democrat, dating back to win we lived in Jax and government officers were generally run by democrats and she wanted a say in the primaries. She has some ideological Liberal views which I don’t think are well represented today by the left (that side has gone to crap imo) but we do talk politics quite a bunch because that’s what partners in life do, simply to understand each other’s positions better. It doesn’t always end well but a disagreement on something is just that, we’re both navigating life together regardless as one team.

So I return from a sales trip and we’re sitting at the breakfast table together yesterday and my wife tells me we received a package on the door. It was addressed to her and buried in the text was an intimidation statement saying “we have ways of finding out who you are voting for”. She’s also shown me a democratic email which intimated them being “pissed iff” she hadn’t responded to some request they sent her and also asking how she was voting, and making offers to put her on some democratic council as a ploy to regain support (my thoughts not hers imo) but it’s totally turned her off. She was voting for Trump regardless in 2024 because of the weak ticket and the last 4 years. (she did vote for Biden in 2020 because she fell for the bad orange man propaganda but she know the current regime stalled us in long term wealth which is undeniable)

I’m writing this for 2 reasons. 1) curious if anyone else has heard about or seeing things like this in the mail or email from the left and 2) sharing how desperate and ruthless they are getting to resort to these tactics by attempting shame or intimidation within their own party to get them back lost votes. In my own wife’s words, “I’m horrified this is what elections are coming to” but regardless of who they nominate going forward, they have a tough sell with her for years to come. Sorry for the long post but felt relevant background was needed.
I have seen exactly this. It’s unacceptable.

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