The revised 1st quarter unemployment figures and it ain't good

Just wondering, what benefit is there to the administration to inflate the job growth only to have it revised shortly before the election? I would think they might want the exact opposite.

"Cook the books" only to "uncook" them at a more important time in the cycle, LOL?????

Also seems this is not really bad news, the fed is trying to slow down the economy and appears its working. Increases the chance for a rate cut.
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Just wondering, what benefit is there to the administration to inflate the job growth only to have it revised shortly before the election? I would think they might want the exact opposite.

"Cook the books" only to "uncook" them at a more important time in the cycle, LOL?????

Also seems this is not really bad news, the fed is trying to slow down the economy and appears its working. Increases the chance for a rate cut.
You can only carry the water for so long.

And if you had to deliver bad news, why would you pick this week to do it? What's going on this week that typically results in polling bumps and might distract a side of the aisle from paying full attention?

I just can't put my finger on it...
Just wondering, what benefit is there to the administration to inflate the job growth only to have it revised shortly before the election? I would think they might want the exact opposite.

"Cook the books" only to "uncook" them at a more important time in the cycle, LOL?????

Also seems this is not really bad news, the fed is trying to slow down the economy and appears its working. Increases the chance for a rate cut.
Well lets bring some FACTS instead. The benefit is making the VERY poor economic "bidenomics/Kamalaomics look much better than it actually is...VERY surprised you did not know this ...this is almost TWICE as much as any revision in history. Do you want to try to keep selling your BS here still?
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Stock market is really tanking from this "bad news".
Hard to invest in the market without a job.. besides these poor employment numbers guarantee a rate drop... a rate drop that should have come earlier had real numbers been reported. So by this administration's economic facade it held the market down, cost borrowers unnecessarily, stifled housing markets, and more.
Some reality:

“160 million people have a job,” Slok said. ”Telling me that over the last 12 months it wasn’t 160 million, it was only 159.2 million is not making too much of a difference to how the Fed and financial markets are thinking about the economy.”
Hard to invest in the market without a job.. besides these poor employment numbers guarantee a rate drop... a rate drop that should have come earlier had real numbers been reported. So by this administration's economic facade it held the market down, cost borrowers unnecessarily, stifled housing markets, and more.
Second point, they aren't poor numbers. These are not job losses. This is a revision of fewer jobs gained. Even after these revisions the job numbers are pretty good. And, again, there is a good argument that this is good news indicating the economy is not as hot as they thought. But the fed knew a downward revision was coming. This isn't the only data they look at.
Second point, they aren't poor numbers. These are not job losses. This is a revision of fewer jobs gained. Even after these revisions the job numbers are pretty good. And, again, there is a good argument that this is good news indicating the economy is not as hot as they thought. But the fed knew a downward revision was coming. This isn't the only data they look at.
Addition by subtraction?😂 In other words, they lied. And Wall Street ain't Main Street. When the 401k contributions stop, Wall Street is going to feel it.
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Second point, they aren't poor numbers. These are not job losses. This is a revision of fewer jobs gained. Even after these revisions the job numbers are pretty good. And, again, there is a good argument that this is good news indicating the economy is not as hot as they thought. But the fed knew a downward revision was coming. This isn't the only data they look at.
I just laugh at you lying leftie garbage. America's #1 enemy in action right here in this thread!
Just wondering, what benefit is there to the administration to inflate the job growth only to have it revised shortly before the election? I would think they might want the exact opposite.

"Cook the books" only to "uncook" them at a more important time in the cycle, LOL?????

Also seems this is not really bad news, the fed is trying to slow down the economy and appears its working. Increases the chance for a rate cut.

Ummm. Because you can only hide it for so long. It takes some real mental gymnastics to think that overestimating jobs at 114k when the real number is around 45k jobs…is good news.

Losing more jobs (by 300k) than jobs created is now a good thing according to this genius thinking.

Yes, @FresnoGator. These independent thinkers are, well, really independent. 😉
The preliminary annual benchmark announcement is made at pretty much the same time every year. Last year it was Wednesday 8/23, in 2022 it was Wednesday 8/24, in 2021 it was Wednesday 8/18 and in 2020 it was Wednesday 8/19.

So anybody insinuating that the timing of this report was manipulated is just full of shit.

Last year the revision was 306,000 downward. The year before 462,000 upward. So its usually a pretty big number because they don't have a lot of the payroll information yet when they issue their first numbers. And they will revise it again in February as this is still just an estimate.


"The revision was in line with economists’ predictions but it still suggests that hiring has not been as robust as the official figures first showed. The figures indicate that employers have been adding about 174,000 jobs per month, a solid pace but 28% lower than the previously reported rate of about 242,000 jobs."

Must really suck for you guys always having to make something look and sound different than the actual truth of a situation. You should try the truth sometimes, you would sleep better. Wouldn't help Trump though, so I get it.
Second point, they aren't poor numbers. These are not job losses. This is a revision of fewer jobs gained. Even after these revisions the job numbers are pretty good. And, again, there is a good argument that this is good news indicating the economy is not as hot as they thought. But the fed knew a downward revision was coming. This isn't the only data they look at.
You Can Do It Spinning GIF
The preliminary annual benchmark announcement is made at pretty much the same time every year. Last year it was Wednesday 8/23, in 2022 it was Wednesday 8/24, in 2021 it was Wednesday 8/18 and in 2020 it was Wednesday 8/19.

So anybody insinuating that the timing of this report was manipulated is just full of shit.

Last year the revision was 306,000 downward. The year before 462,000 upward. So its usually a pretty big number because they don't have a lot of the payroll information yet when they issue their first numbers. And they will revise it again in February as this is still just an estimate.


"The revision was in line with economists’ predictions but it still suggests that hiring has not been as robust as the official figures first showed. The figures indicate that employers have been adding about 174,000 jobs per month, a solid pace but 28% lower than the previously reported rate of about 242,000 jobs."

Must really suck for you guys always having to make something look and sound different than the actual truth of a situation. You should try the truth sometimes, you would sleep better. Wouldn't help Trump though, so I get it.

This is a record number downward revision. So the job market is hot garbage. Keep trying different things to make that 💩 sammich taste better. In the end it’s still a 💩 sammich. Free thinker.

So for July that means 64k jobs created and over 352k lost. Yikes.

Get it yet?
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Biden is a corrupt fool. He hasn’t made any decisions - The UniParty is at the root of ALL of this corruption!
Soft landing incoming…

Heard on the radio that the jobs numbers reduction is actually worse then it looks. For the year, they dropped in another 800,000+, but if you remember, each month they also went back and reduced the monthly figure, for about another 500,000, so it's actually 1,300,000+ less jobs then initially reported

He is a scumbag but he isn’t lying economy doesn’t do well under pubs historically. Since Reagan it’s been pathetic.