The left's strategy for winning the abortion issue? Blatant LIES


Rowdy Reptile
Jul 5, 2001
Trump has advocated for no national ban on abortion, Kamala Harris. Are you afraid of the truth?

Elon Musk rips into Kamala Harris for 'lying' about Trump's abortion position

Trump has advocated for no national ban on abortion, Kamala Harris. Are you afraid of the truth?

Elon Musk rips into Kamala Harris for 'lying' about Trump's abortion position

Wait, a Democrat politician fear mongering and lying?

I. Am. Shocked.
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I know but it is refreshing to see Musk smash that lie right back in her face.
I am pro-choice for a range of reasons that I do not need to get into here, but to both of your points, imagine that, the left blantantly lying about items. Joe K. on Squawk Box today noted that Biden lied 40 times in the debate. Trump also got many things wrong (whether they were lies, material mis-statements or other, is a different question - candidly, I have no idea why it is so hard for either candidate to retain and recite basic information), but he was hardly alone in it.

In Michigan, where I live, it is pro-choice state as voted by the people as the repealing of Roe V Wade countenanced.

Kamala is a not a powerful leader which is why many are hesitant to have Biden step down.
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Leftists are liars. It is part of their neofascist agenda.
I am pro-choice for a range of reasons that I do not need to get into here, but to both of your points, imagine that, the left blantantly lying about items. Joe K. on Squawk Box today noted that Biden lied 40 times in the debate. Trump also got many things wrong (whether they were lies, material mis-statements or other, is a different question - candidly, I have no idea why it is so hard for either candidate to retain and recite basic information), but he was hardly alone in it.

In Michigan, where I live, it is pro-choice state as voted by the people as the repealing of Roe V Wade countenanced.

Kamala is a not a powerful leader which is why many are hesitant to have Biden step down.
Dems and the MSM will rip that "phone call" apart much like a fetu......LOL I'm not posting that punch line.

Reps will never learn. Stay away from abortion. It's none of your business. And if you think it is your business and you are Dudley Do-right riding in to save the day for babies from being aborted then YOU pay to raise the child for 18 years, YOU have the extra $$$$$$ taken out of YOUR paycheck that would have been taken from mine to raise it, YOU take responsibility for that child being raised in a horrible environment where they were never even wanted to begin with and the consequences that follow 18 years later when that child is an adult and leave me the fck out of it. Reversal of RvW cost us the big "red wave" in 2022. Remember that? The big red wave that never rolled in? So make your minds up, are you willing to die on the hill of abortion to lose this election and all the other issues that go along with it because I'm sick of you whiny little bitches going on and on and on about one issue that you will never win when looking at the big picture of even that one issue. But you just...don't...get it.
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Dems and the MSM will rip that "phone call" apart much like a fetu......LOL I'm not posting that punch line.

Reps will never learn. Stay away from abortion. It's none of your business. And if you think it is your business and you are Dudley Do-right riding in to save the day for babies from being aborted then YOU pay to raise the child for 18 years, YOU have the extra $$$$$$ taken out of YOUR paycheck that would have been taken from mine to raise it, YOU take responsibility for that child being raised in a horrible environment where they were never even wanted to begin with and the consequences that follow 18 years later when that child is an adult and leave me the fck out of it. Reversal of RvW cost us the big "red wave" in 2022. Remember that? The big red wave that never rolled in? So make your minds up, are you willing to die on the hill of abortion to lose this election and all the other issues that go along with it because I'm sick of you whiny little bitches going on and on and on about one issue that you will never win when looking at the big picture of even that one issue. But you just...don't...get it.
Why did you think my post was anti abortion?
Dems and the MSM will rip that "phone call" apart much like a fetu......LOL I'm not posting that punch line.

Reps will never learn. Stay away from abortion. It's none of your business. And if you think it is your business and you are Dudley Do-right riding in to save the day for babies from being aborted then YOU pay to raise the child for 18 years, YOU have the extra $$$$$$ taken out of YOUR paycheck that would have been taken from mine to raise it, YOU take responsibility for that child being raised in a horrible environment where they were never even wanted to begin with and the consequences that follow 18 years later when that child is an adult and leave me the fck out of it. Reversal of RvW cost us the big "red wave" in 2022. Remember that? The big red wave that never rolled in? So make your minds up, are you willing to die on the hill of abortion to lose this election and all the other issues that go along with it because I'm sick of you whiny little bitches going on and on and on about one issue that you will never win when looking at the big picture of even that one issue. But you just...don't...get it.
This is as wrong of a statement as I have ever read on these boards. First, let me explain PERSONALLY...this issue is WAY down the line as a matter of importance to be at this time. HOWEVER what makes it so wrong is...there is a TON of federal money spent on it IS our business. Secondly...many people consider abortion murder. I do. But where I differ than most is I do not think it is my business to heap my morals on others. I think we are in the best place right now with states making the decisions...and our form of government)(Constitutional Republic) supports this view.
This is as wrong of a statement as I have ever read on these boards. First, let me explain PERSONALLY...this issue is WAY down the line as a matter of importance to be at this time. HOWEVER what makes it so wrong is...there is a TON of federal money spent on it IS our business. Secondly...many people consider abortion murder. I do. But where I differ than most is I do not think it is my business to heap my morals on others. I think we are in the best place right now with states making the decisions...and our form of government)(Constitutional Republic) supports this view.

The Federal $$$ spent on abortions is nothing compared to the TONS of $$$$$ taxpayers (where the magical Federal $$$ comes from) pay to raise these kids who were never wanted to begin with in horrible environments for 18 years. And RvW wasn't reversed because of hand wringing immense concern for our form of government/Constitutional Republic. It was reversed by the religious far right spending God know how many $$$ millions over 50 years to finally get the issue in front of a friendly SCOTUS because they wanted abortion illegal to save babies. And if one of these whores wants to have an abortion but live in a pro-life state now they just go to the state next door and get the abortion there. Still a dead baby. So what exactly did the religious right accomplish? Nothing. Except losing a 2022 midterm for Reps and hurting chances in future elections because if they'd take their heads out of their asses they'd realize that the majority of the American public's opinion on abortion has "evolved" alot since 1973. And not in the way that they would have liked.
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The Federal $$$ spent on abortions is nothing compared to the TONS of $$$$$ taxpayers (where the magical Federal $$$ comes from) pay to raise these kids who were never wanted to begin with in horrible environments for 18 years. And RvW wasn't reversed because of hand wringing immense concern for our form of government/Constitutional Republic. It was reversed by the religious far right spending God know how many $$$ millions over 50 years to finally get the issue in front of a friendly SCOTUS because they wanted abortion illegal to save babies. And if one of these whores wants to have an abortion but live in a pro-life state now they just go to the state next door and get the abortion there. Still a dead baby. So what exactly did the religious right accomplish? Nothing. Except losing a 2022 midterm for Reps and hurting chances in future elections because if they'd take their heads out of their asses they'd realize that the majority of the American public's opinion on abortion has "evolved" alot since 1973. And not in the way that they would have liked.
While I agree with the premise of the far right pushing too hard for the overall party, spending money other places does not justify spending tax dollars for killing babies. Quit spending both places.
I am pro-life and do not want the State of Florida encouraging the taking of innocent human life. We can use our doctors, hospitals and clinics for better things than killing infants in the womb. Not a penny of taxpayer money should go to the abortion mill called Planned Parenthood.

The current 6 week or heartbeat bill is a good policy Six weeks is more than enough time for a woman or girl to decide to kill the child in their womb. When a nation approaches 60 million aborted babies we are talking big money. Abortionist get very wealthy on the death of innocents and anything we can do to scale that back is welcome. America is barbaric in the way we handle the unborn.
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I am pro-life and do not want the State of Florida encouraging the taking of innocent human life. We can use our doctors, hospitals and clinics for better things than killing infants in the womb. Not a penny of taxpayer money should go to the abortion mill called Planned Parenthood.

The current 6 week or heartbeat bill is a good policy Six weeks is more than enough time for a woman or girl to decide to kill the child in their womb. When a nation approaches 60 million aborted babies we are talking big money. Abortionist get very wealthy on the death of innocents and anything we can do to scale that back is welcome. America is barbaric in the way we handle the unborn.
6 weeks. are you serious.
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6 weeks. are you serious.
6 weeks is plenty time for a female to decide to kill a baby in her womb. She either wants it or she doesn't. Once it has a beating heart it is a little late to kill something, especially a human being.

Now there are exceptions to the six weeks but they should be rare. If we take the profit out of abortion you may see a drastic decline.
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6 weeks is plenty time for a female to decide to kill a baby in her womb. She either wants it or she doesn't. Once it has a beating heart it is a little late to kill something, especially a human being.

Now there are exceptions to the six weeks but they should be rare. If we take the profit out of abortion you may see a drastic decline.
Most women don't even realize they're pregnant at 6 weeks you lunatics.
6 weeks is plenty time for a female to decide to kill a baby in her womb. She either wants it or she doesn't. Once it has a beating heart it is a little late to kill something, especially a human being.

Now there are exceptions to the six weeks but they should be rare. If we take the profit out of abortion you may see a drastic decline.
You're assuming she knows she's pregnant at the moment of conception.

Some women are extremely regular and some are not. Some women miss whole periods, especially if they're using hormone therapy for birth control.

The latter half is hosed with a 6 week rule.
During the debate Harris flat out lied about post birth abortions not happening. I threw a shoe at my TV. (bedroom slipper) 😂 Lying skanky ho. And the moderators just went full complicit by insinuating that doesn't happen. The whole charade pissed me off. I do think Trump should schedule another debate with FOX and choosing of at least one of the moderators. It's time to expose her lies front and center. Otherwise, the media is going to continue to shield Harris.

I have been watching the polling by states. I think if Trump can pull off PA, it's game, set, match. I think that state is going to be pivotal in who wins 2024. Can he win that state given the amount of cheating that took place in 2020? That I do not know. He's neck and neck and maybe up a point there. Georgia and AZ are other key states that are well known for election shens, given what happened there last time. I think Trump will win NC and WS.

Check out 538 Political polling and the picture becomes clearer.

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You're assuming she knows she's pregnant at the moment of conception.

Some women are extremely regular and some are not. Some women miss whole periods, especially if they're using hormone therapy for birth control.

The latter half is hosed with a 6 week rule.
Six weeks is cutting it pretty close. I think 9 is the magic number. Miss two periods in a row, you are either knocked up or need to see a doctor in any case.
Winning abortion by lying? WINNING by lying is more like it. THEY HAVE TO facts can be presented to give Kum Allah a promotion after screwing EVERYTHING up she was in charge of.

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