The left's strategy for winning the abortion issue? Blatant LIES


Rowdy Reptile
Jul 5, 2001
Trump has advocated for no national ban on abortion, Kamala Harris. Are you afraid of the truth?

Elon Musk rips into Kamala Harris for 'lying' about Trump's abortion position

Trump has advocated for no national ban on abortion, Kamala Harris. Are you afraid of the truth?

Elon Musk rips into Kamala Harris for 'lying' about Trump's abortion position

Wait, a Democrat politician fear mongering and lying?

I. Am. Shocked.
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I know but it is refreshing to see Musk smash that lie right back in her face.
I am pro-choice for a range of reasons that I do not need to get into here, but to both of your points, imagine that, the left blantantly lying about items. Joe K. on Squawk Box today noted that Biden lied 40 times in the debate. Trump also got many things wrong (whether they were lies, material mis-statements or other, is a different question - candidly, I have no idea why it is so hard for either candidate to retain and recite basic information), but he was hardly alone in it.

In Michigan, where I live, it is pro-choice state as voted by the people as the repealing of Roe V Wade countenanced.

Kamala is a not a powerful leader which is why many are hesitant to have Biden step down.