@kalimgoodman again
Prove you are not here to troll by answering these questions I posed above that you clearly ignored on purpose. These are simple yes or no questions.
- Should we allow smugglers of drugs, arms, people readily into our country?
2. Do you think these people have good intentions once they get here?
3. Do you think the smugglers will only commit these acts one time as you said "for a better life or to make money"?
4, Can you explain why they have encountered people from over 92 different countries at our Southern border in the last 3 years? There are only 33 Latin American countries.
If the answer is yes, please explain:
5. The 9/11 terrorists obtained passports and student visas to enter our country. Now terrorists do not have to go through that trouble due to the open border and they know that. Are you okay with that fact?