If you have 4 guns and I take 2, are you still armed?
(hint: yes, you are)
Let me make this plain for you friend.
YOU aren't taking shit.
You are a slave that has fallen in love with his master and his chains. You've decided that safety and comfort are worth your liberty and self determination.
That wouldn't matter to me normally, you do you, baby.
However you aren't content to be a bootlicker and a lap dog. No, you've said in no uncertain terms that you'd like to deprive me of my personal property at gunpoint in the name of your comfort and safety. Not you of course, you plan to send force and authority by proxy, with armed government agents, and you don't see the blatant hypocrisy of that.
You said you would let me keep a limited amount of firearms if I paid for the privilege, and that firearms should be a privilege, and you'd like to change the constitution to reflect this.
You still haven't answered the question of how my guns prevent you from from living peacefully.
The answer is it doesn't. That doesn't seem to matter.
Reality check, the tide is not turning your way. There are 25 states that now have Constitutional Carry. McDonald v. Chicago and Heller v. DC have finally dismissed the notion that an amendment that contains the words "the right of the people" is a collective right.
I have no idea why you can't go about unarmed and mind your damn business. No, you have the unmitigated gall to tell me what you'll let me have, and dictate what my needs are?
What gives you the right?
So let me say this openly.
If gun nuts were actually crazy, this is the part where we would be dragging people of your ilk into the street, executing you and leaving your bodies to rot in the sun as a warning to those that would welcome tyranny with open arms. How would you stop us? Harsh language?
Your thoughts on this topic are anathema I hope there aren't a bunch of you. People like you are the ones that are going to cause a second civil war, not people like me.
You have forgotten your birthright as a free man and I am embarrassed for you.
People who can not or will not make use of the tools of violence will always be subject to the whims and will of those who can and do. In the end, might makes right.
You are far more dangerous than I.
Sic Semper Tyrannus. Molon Labe.