Thanksgiving coldest on record in the NEast

BSC11, Conservatives at Rivals Oklahoma State 24/7 Politics board axed me to cordially invite you to join the crowd. They need additional liberals. Like all Rivals political boards, liberals are in short supply.

I described you as a Grade A Warmist pixie duster. The current liberals don't share your allegiance to Goreleone's ruse.

nail, some of the old Sooner buddies are there. The Cowboys welcome Sooners and Gators.

Thanks but I have my hands full with this board and the Main Board. You guys are flaming liberals compared to those guys.
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oh my...... cooling?

Amidst Global Warming Hysteria, NASA Scientists Expect Global Cooling:eek::eek::eek:

Despite no global warming in 10 years and recording setting cold in 2007-2008, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climatic Change (IPCC) and computer modelers who believe that CO2 is the cause of global warming still predict the Earth is in store for catastrophic warming in this century. IPCC computer models have predicted global warming of 1° F per decade and 5-6° C (10-11° F) by 2100 (Fig. 1), which would cause global catastrophe with ramifications for human life, natural habitat, energy and water resources, and food production. All of this is predicated on the assumption that global warming is caused by increasing atmospheric CO2 and that CO2 will continue to rise rapidly.

@BSC911 @bradleygator
I’ll check it out but that doesn’t seem to comport with 4 of the last 5 years being the warmest in recorded history.
oh my...... cooling?

Amidst Global Warming Hysteria, NASA Scientists Expect Global Cooling:eek::eek::eek:

Despite no global warming in 10 years and recording setting cold in 2007-2008, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climatic Change (IPCC) and computer modelers who believe that CO2 is the cause of global warming still predict the Earth is in store for catastrophic warming in this century. IPCC computer models have predicted global warming of 1° F per decade and 5-6° C (10-11° F) by 2100 (Fig. 1), which would cause global catastrophe with ramifications for human life, natural habitat, energy and water resources, and food production. All of this is predicated on the assumption that global warming is caused by increasing atmospheric CO2 and that CO2 will continue to rise rapidly.

@BSC911 @bradleygator

LOL. Call me skeptical. Do better.


Sources in the Conspiracy-Pseudoscience category may publish unverifiable information that is not always supported by evidence. These sources may be untrustworthy for credible/verifiable information, therefore fact checking and further investigation is recommended on a per article basis when obtaining information from these sources. See all Conspiracy-Pseudoscience sources.

  • Overall, we rate GlobalResearch a Tin Foil Hat Conspiracy and Strong Pseudoscience website based on the promotion of unproven information such as the dangers of Vaccines and 9-11 as a false flag operation.
oh my...... cooling?

Amidst Global Warming Hysteria, NASA Scientists Expect Global Cooling:eek::eek::eek:

Despite no global warming in 10 years and recording setting cold in 2007-2008, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climatic Change (IPCC) and computer modelers who believe that CO2 is the cause of global warming still predict the Earth is in store for catastrophic warming in this century. IPCC computer models have predicted global warming of 1° F per decade and 5-6° C (10-11° F) by 2100 (Fig. 1), which would cause global catastrophe with ramifications for human life, natural habitat, energy and water resources, and food production. All of this is predicated on the assumption that global warming is caused by increasing atmospheric CO2 and that CO2 will continue to rise rapidly.

@BSC911 @bradleygator

Facepalm. This article is over 10 years old and his predictions have turned out to be grossly incorrect, as I pointed out. Do you guys even read the stuff you post, or do you just buy off on everything that fits your political.agenda. This guy is a quack.


The following article initially published in 2008 represents an alternative view and analysis of global climate change, which challenges the dominant Global Warming Consensus.

Global Research does not necessarily endorse the proposition of “Global Cooling” presented by Prof. Easterbrook, nor does it accept at face value the Consensus on Global Warming put forth by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climatic Change (IPCC)
Facepalm. This article is over 10 years old and his predictions have turned out to be grossly incorrect, as I pointed out. Do you guys even read the stuff you post, or do you just buy off on everything that fits your political.agenda. This guy is a quack.


The following article initially published in 2008 represents an alternative view and analysis of global climate change, which challenges the dominant Global Warming Consensus.

Global Research does not necessarily endorse the proposition of “Global Cooling” presented by Prof. Easterbrook, nor does it accept at face value the Consensus on Global Warming put forth by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climatic Change (IPCC)
I don't believe Nail reads too much. I think he once mentioned
reading made his head hurt too bad so he stops at the headline
of the article.
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Prediction rate coming true from the Warmists stands at 0.02-0.05 percent depending on source.

Al Gore has a rolling prediction that the world will end in 10 years due to man-made climate change. When 10 years comes and nothing happens, he says we've done JUST enough to save ourselves, but only for another 10 years.

Sheep nod as if they are listening to Socrates in the town square.
Prediction rate coming true from the Warmists stands at 0.02-0.05 percent depending on source.

This is a fair criticism. They don’t disprove the overall premise, but outlandish predictions, like those spouted by AOC and Gore are hurtful to the cause IMO. Let’s focus on the science, but make clear that these are only hypothesis about the ultimate effects. That should be made clear. However, that doesn’t mean the science should be ignored, despite some outlandish predictions by SOME people.

But they DID get the earth’s warming correct.P, unlike the article quoted.
This is a fair criticism. They don’t disprove the overall premise, but outlandish predictions, like those spouted by AOC and Gore are hurtful to the cause IMO. Let’s focus on the science, but make clear that these are only hypothesis about the ultimate effects. That should be made clear. However, that doesn’t mean the science should be ignored, despite some outlandish predictions by SOME people.

But they DID get the earth’s warming correct.P, unlike the article quoted.

It was actually warmer 15-20k years ago. Much warmer.

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I’ll check it out but that doesn’t seem to comport with 4 of the last 5 years being the warmest in recorded history.

If that's true, how do you explain this?

Critical thinker will give you a hint: If NOAA puts a temperature monitor in a location that's artificially hot (such as, near an AC unit during the summer), then the results from that monitor will be artificially inflated.

Which leads to faulty data and potentially inaccurate conclusions.
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When the Vikings return to raising cattle in Greenland, the Warmists will likely get my attention.

Who checked out the revisionists telling us the Vikings lost their taste for NY strips and developed a taste for seal steaks?
If that's true, how do you explain this?

Critical thinker will give you a hint: If NOAA puts a temperature monitor in a location that's artificially hot (such as, near an AC unit during the summer), then the results from that monitor will be artificially inflated.

Which leads to faulty data and potentially inaccurate conclusions.

Sheep can't address cause it destroys the hoax.

So I decided to check out his claims that we are in the middle of the 5 hottest years in the planet's history: Woke up this morning to 53 degrees and had to turn on the heat.

Day after Mother's Day. Unprecedented. Sheep gives updates on Houston weather, so I checked my phone: Sunny and 60. Middle of May in coastal Texas.

This is not what global warming looks like.
BSC11, Conservatives at Rivals Oklahoma State 24/7 Politics board axed me to cordially invite you to join the crowd. They need additional liberals. Like all Rivals political boards, liberals are in short supply.

I described you as a Grade A Warmist pixie duster. The current liberals don't share your allegiance to Goreleone's ruse.

nail, some of the old Sooner buddies are there. The Cowboys welcome Sooners and Gators.

Does that nut case Ghost post over there as well? I swear that guy is a Russian bot.
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Does that nut case Ghost posit over there as well? I swear that guy is a Russian bot.

Did you watch the above video? I know you did. I know you got mad as hell when you did and screamed it's all lies.

Critical thinkers don't get mad when they hear new information, they research and confirm or reject.

You need to learn how to think critically and stop being a sheep.

PS: Woke up to weather in the 50s. In the middle of May in Alabama. Never happened before, yet sheep tells us these are the 5 hottest years in the planet's history. Maybe he is just kidding like AOC was?
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Record cold in Denver. Drudge.

nail, 16 year old grandson in Fort Collins got his 23andme DNA results. He can't get any whiter. The cat is a honkey. We adopted his mother when she was three. His mother tracked down her biological father and it was rumored there might be some Indian in the mix. No dice. Son-in-law can trace his family well back to Western Europe.

We plan to visit Lake Ponchartrain's North Shore July 14 to see Woman Called Wesley, Child Called Pony and grandson.
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Record cold in Denver. Drudge.

nail, 16 year old grandson in Fort Collins got his 23andme DNA results. He can't get any whiter. The cat is a honkey. We adopted his mother when she was three. His mother tracked down her biological father and it was rumored there might be some Indian in the mix. No dice. Son-in-law can trace his family well back to Western Europe.

We plan to visit Lake Ponchartrain's North Shore July 14 to see Woman Called Wesley, Child Called Pony and grandson.

But “the oceans are rising fast and will rise faster than we thought a few years ago,” said study co-author Robert Kopp, director of the Institute of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey. “And there is significant risk of much faster sea level rise if we don’t cut our emissions.”

The projections of the study, published May 20 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, differ sharply from those made by the U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which in 2013 predicted that, at worst, the seas could rise by 0.98 meter, or a little over three feet, by 2100
75+ cities expected to set record highs this weekend. Ignore what the scientists are saying. Strictly a coincidence.

The Great Right ignorance continues. Must. Ignore. Facts.

So cities set record lows in the Winter (documented here repeatedly), then record highs in May?

Sounds like normal climate change.
The Warmists have been using selective data and emotion for some time now. Lamumba used outdated ground concrete surrounded weather station data when he declared "hottest years on record". Satellite data told the world a far different story.
The Warmists have been using selective data and emotion for some time now. Lamumba used outdated ground concrete surrounded weather station data when he declared "hottest years on record". Satellite data told the world a far different story.

Bingo. Temperature data at these stations is often artificially inflated by putting it near an external heat source, such as near an AC unit running in the Summer. Goal is to create data points rather than measure existing ones.

Critical thinkers catch this.
The Warmists have been using selective data and emotion for some time now. Lamumba used outdated ground concrete surrounded weather station data when he declared "hottest years on record". Satellite data told the world a far different story.
LOL. Says the guy who makes random “it’s snowing in Denver” posts.
LOL. Says the guy who makes random “it’s snowing in Denver” posts.

As opposed to your random "It's raining in Houston" posts?

Funny thing is, Sunny knows what you're both doing: Proving that the climate is normal and healthy.

You think you're proving that global warming is real. Sunny is simply smarter than you are.
Bingo. Temperature data at these stations is often artificially inflated by putting it near an external heat source, such as near an AC unit running in the Summer. Goal is to create data points rather than measure existing ones.

Critical thinkers catch this.


I don’t normally respond to crazy people but I just happened to catch this little gem. This has to be one of the funniest takes I’ve ever read on this issue. I can only imagine where you get your information from.

Back to the ignore pile for you. Say hi to Q on your way out.

I don’t normally respond to crazy people but I just happened to catch this little gem. This has to be one of the funniest takes I’ve ever read on this issue. I can only imagine where you get your information from.

Two words: Independent research. It separates the critical thinkers from the sheep.
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Two words: Independent research. It separates the critical thinkers from the sheep.

You never did answer the question, but instead respond with the same old sheep retort. Therefore, I have to assume you are, in fact, a Russian bot (either that or the lamest poster in Rivals history). In order to confirm, please check the box below.

I Am Not a Bot

You never did answer the question

You didn't ask a question. I told you how I find answers, I do independent research, I don't let biased political sources spoonfeed me corrupted data leveraged to make equally corrupted 'findings'.

If you want to learn, do you own independent research. Or you can keep on listening to those scientific giants you swear by like Al Gore, AOC and the brilliant Bill Nye The Science Guy.

Much like Trump taking down the Deep State, climate change will happen whether you believe in it or not.
You didn't ask a question. I told you how I find answers, I do independent research, I don't let biased political sources spoonfeed me corrupted data leveraged to make equally corrupted 'findings'.

If you want to learn, do you own independent research. Or you can keep on listening to those scientific giants you swear by like Al Gore, AOC and the brilliant Bill Nye The Science Guy.

Much like Trump taking down the Deep State, climate change will happen whether you believe in it or not.
No check mark. Must be a bot.
No check mark. Must be a bot.

And I must be back off Ignore. Too funny, you know I'm telling you the truth and you don't want to hear it, but you can't not read it either.

Stay with me, brother. We are about to get our country back and you are about to wake up.