Thanksgiving coldest on record in the NEast

Yet another coverup by your administration. When are you guys going to realize you’ve been duped?

White House officials barred a State Department intelligence agency from submitting written testimony this week to the House Intelligence Committee warning that human-caused climate change could be “possibly catastrophic.” The move came after State officials refused to excise the document’s references to federal scientific findings on climate change.

The effort to edit, and ultimately suppress, the prepared testimony by the State Department’s Bureau of Intelligence and Research comes as the Trump administration is debating how best to challenge the fact that burning fossil fuels is warming the planet and could pose serious risks unless the world makes deep cuts in greenhouse gas emissions over the next decade. Senior military and intelligence officials have continued to warn climate change could undermine America’s national security — a position President Trump rejects.

So Trump shut down some activists who were ignoring science?

Good for him. Bet you believe in little green men from Mars too, right? LOL
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“Officials at Glacier National Park (GNP) have begun quietly removing and altering signs and government literature which told visitors that the Park’s glaciers were all expected to disappear by either 2020 or 2030” because of climate change.
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Meanwhile, highs in the 70s the rest of the week here in Alabama.

In June. Farmer's almanac tells me to expect cooler than normal temps for the rest of the year. Guess 2019 breaks that streak of 5 straight hottest years in the planet's history :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
A cold front hit central Texas last night. This is June 10th. Juneteenth in Ebonics. No AC so far today. This is unheard of.

When I went out to get the Washington Post wannabe, an outside project would have required a jacket.
A cold front hit central Texas last night. This is June 10th. Juneteenth in Ebonics. No AC so far today. This is unheard of.

When I went out to get the Washington Post wannabe, an outside project would have required a jacket.

LA Times in panic
A cold front hit central Texas last night. This is June 10th. Juneteenth in Ebonics. No AC so far today. This is unheard of.

When I went out to get the Washington Post wannabe, an outside project would have required a jacket.
I felt a nice cool breeze in Jacksonville FL just this pas Saturday night.
Didn't the libtards believe the hurricanes from a few years ago were a result of climate change?
Oh, and AOC telling us a "tornado" was proof of climate change. Even several meteorologists' laughed at her. It was more than likely a water spout she saw at the time.
Wow! Dumbasses!
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74F? That's hot! The sun's coming up in Central Texas and it's 70F on my patio. Next few days is predicted under normal temps. I haven't heard from Al lately.
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nail, spouse and I are to head to Lake Ponchatrain's north shore Friday AM. I've burned up I-12 and I-10 on the north and south sides. For the first time, I'm to ride on the north to south Causeway, the longest continues over water bridge in the world. 24 miles long. Ponchartrain is only 12-14 feet deep and covers 630 sq. miles.

Oklahoma City covers 750 sq. miles and is second to Jacksonville, Florida in land area.

I ain't eatin' no craw fish.
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nail, spouse and I are to head to Lake Ponchatrain's north shore Friday AM. I've burned up I-12 and I-10 on the north and south sides. For the first time, I'm to ride on the north to south Causeway, the longest continues over water bridge in the world. 24 miles long. Ponchartrain is only 12-14 feet deep and covers 630 sq. miles.

Oklahoma City covers 750 sq. miles and is second to Jacksonville, Florida in land area.

I ain't eatin' no craw fish.

Are you going to see grandson, women called Wesley and child called pony? I’ve been across that causeway visiting my friends in Mandeville and Covington. I believe it has its own Police force. I don’t like long bridges
Didn't the libtards believe the hurricanes from a few years ago were a result of climate change?
Oh, and AOC telling us a "tornado" was proof of climate change. Even several meteorologists' laughed at her. It was more than likely a water spout she saw at the time.
Wow! Dumbasses!
No different than dumbasses that think a cool breeze blowing through North Florida or Texas in early June proves anything. There is plenty of dumb to go around.

No offense.
No different than dumbasses that think a cool breeze blowing through North Florida or Texas in early June proves anything. There is plenty of dumb to go around.

No offense.
No different than when you thought the hurricanes and tornadoes were/are a result of global warming. The meteorologists' say hi.
I’ve been there. The glaciers are melting. What year is of little significance.

But trust in Rush. That pill popper wouldn’t steer you wrong.
If the glaciers are melting, why have the warning signs been removed?
I’ve been there. The glaciers are melting. What year is of little significance.

But trust in Rush. That pill popper wouldn’t steer you wrong.

@BSC911 hoodwinked
  • Glacier National Park quietly removed a visitor center sign saying its iconic glaciers will disappear by 2020 due to climate change.
  • Several winters of heavy snowfall threw off climate model projections the glaciers would all disappear by 2020, according to federal officials.
  • A blogger first noticed the signage change and noted other signs warning of “impending glacier disappearance have been replaced.”
The National Park Service (NPS) quietly removed a visitor center sign saying the glaciers at Glacier National Park would disappear by 2020 due to climate change.

As it turns out, higher-than-average snowfall in recent years upended computer model projections from the early 2000s that NPS based its claim glaciers “will all be gone by the year 2020,” federal officials said.
If the glaciers are melting, why have the warning signs been removed?

Could be a number reasons.
1. They are redoing the signs.
2. The predictions are off.
3. Someone stole them.

But for whatever reason, it doesn’t change the facts that the glaciers ARE melting, and the earth is warming. Now if Rush can prove otherwise, I’d love to hear it. But he can’t, so instead he posts insignificant little factoids that the Rushtards eat up.
@BSC911 hoodwinked
  • Glacier National Park quietly removed a visitor center sign saying its iconic glaciers will disappear by 2020 due to climate change.
  • Several winters of heavy snowfall threw off climate model projections the glaciers would all disappear by 2020, according to federal officials.
  • A blogger first noticed the signage change and noted other signs warning of “impending glacier disappearance have been replaced.”
The National Park Service (NPS) quietly removed a visitor center sign saying the glaciers at Glacier National Park would disappear by 2020 due to climate change.

As it turns out, higher-than-average snowfall in recent years upended computer model projections from the early 2000s that NPS based its claim glaciers “will all be gone by the year 2020,” federal officials said.

Yeah, I’ve really been hoodwinked.

During the middle of the 20th century, examination of the maps and photographs from the previous century provided clear evidence that the 150 glaciers known to have existed in the park a hundred years earlier had greatly retreated, and in many cases disappeared altogether.[51]Repeat photography of the glaciers, such as the pictures taken of Grinnell Glacier between 1938 and 2009 as shown, help to provide visual confirmation of the extent of glacier retreat.

1938 1981 1998 2009
Grinnell Glacier, 2012
In the 1980s, the U.S. Geological Survey began a more systematic study of the remaining glaciers, which has continued to the present day. By 2010, 37 glaciers remained, but only 25 of these were considered to be "active glaciers" of at least 25 acres (0.10 km2) in area.[4][51]The National Park Service warns that if the current warming trend continues, the park's remaining glaciers will be gone by 2030.[5]This glacier retreatfollows a worldwide pattern that has accelerated even more since 1980. Without a major climatic change in which cooler and moister weather returns and persists, the mass balance, which is the accumulation rate versus the ablation (melting) rate of glaciers, will continue to be negative and the glaciers have been projected to eventually disappear, leaving behind only barren rock.[52]
@BSC911 hoodwinked
  • Glacier National Park quietly removed a visitor center sign saying its iconic glaciers will disappear by 2020 due to climate change.
  • Several winters of heavy snowfall threw off climate model projections the glaciers would all disappear by 2020, according to federal officials.
  • A blogger first noticed the signage change and noted other signs warning of “impending glacier disappearance have been replaced.”
The National Park Service (NPS) quietly removed a visitor center sign saying the glaciers at Glacier National Park would disappear by 2020 due to climate change.

As it turns out, higher-than-average snowfall in recent years upended computer model projections from the early 2000s that NPS based its claim glaciers “will all be gone by the year 2020,” federal officials said.
I see this post is being conveniently ignored.:rolleyes:
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nail, we're going to visit grand kids in Madisonville.

As you know, Glacier National Park is packing on weight. Cold. Warning signs are coming down.

When the Vikings return to raising cattle in Greenland, the Warmists will likely get my attention.
@BSC911 hoodwinked
  • Glacier National Park quietly removed a visitor center sign saying its iconic glaciers will disappear by 2020 due to climate change.
  • Several winters of heavy snowfall threw off climate model projections the glaciers would all disappear by 2020, according to federal officials.
  • A blogger first noticed the signage change and noted other signs warning of “impending glacier disappearance have been replaced.”
The National Park Service (NPS) quietly removed a visitor center sign saying the glaciers at Glacier National Park would disappear by 2020 due to climate change.

As it turns out, higher-than-average snowfall in recent years upended computer model projections from the early 2000s that NPS based its claim glaciers “will all be gone by the year 2020,” federal officials said.

So like most glaciers around the world, they are expanding?

Sheep hoodwinked once again.
Yeah, I’ve really been hoodwinked.

During the middle of the 20th century, examination of the maps and photographs from the previous century provided clear evidence that the 150 glaciers known to have existed in the park a hundred years earlier had greatly retreated, and in many cases disappeared altogether.[51]Repeat photography of the glaciers, such as the pictures taken of Grinnell Glacier between 1938 and 2009 as shown, help to provide visual confirmation of the extent of glacier retreat.

1938 1981 1998 2009
Grinnell Glacier, 2012
In the 1980s, the U.S. Geological Survey began a more systematic study of the remaining glaciers, which has continued to the present day. By 2010, 37 glaciers remained, but only 25 of these were considered to be "active glaciers" of at least 25 acres (0.10 km2) in area.[4][51]The National Park Service warns that if the current warming trend continues, the park's remaining glaciers will be gone by 2030.[5]This glacier retreatfollows a worldwide pattern that has accelerated even more since 1980. Without a major climatic change in which cooler and moister weather returns and persists, the mass balance, which is the accumulation rate versus the ablation (melting) rate of glaciers, will continue to be negative and the glaciers have been projected to eventually disappear, leaving behind only barren rock.[52]

So you picked one source, from the 1980s.

And it was dead wrong. This is not what critical thinking looks like.
But for whatever reason, it doesn’t change the facts that the glaciers ARE melting, and the earth is warming.

Prove it. And for extra credit, tell us how much of the increase is due to man's actions.

If it's real, then this will be as easy as what's 2+2 for you.

You're FOS, so here comes your equally FOS studies....
Global warming hitting Alabama hard. Woke up to chilly temps in the high 50s this morning. Looking forward to warming up to the low 80s this afternoon.

Tomorrow, cold front moves in, highs in the upper 70s, low overnight will be low 50s.

Middle of June. It should be highs in the low 90s and lows in the low 70s. I will dedicate to driving more SUVs and pumping more CO2 into the atmosphere if these mild summer temps are the rewards we reap from global warming.
67F on my patio. Well below normal.

A number of U. S. and Russian scientists believe we're cooling.

Just read where Gorleone picked up $320,000 from the Australian government for listening to his ruse. I don't blame Gorleone for cashing in.

It seems the Australian classroom is duplicating the U. S. classroom in failure.
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67F on my patio. Well below normal.

A number of U. S. and Russian scientists believe we're cooling.

Just read where Gorleone picked up $320,000 from the Australian government for listening to his ruse. I don't blame Gorleone for cashing in.

It seems the Australian classroom is duplicating the U. S. classroom in failure.

Gorleone net worth

Pre-Hoax 7 million
Post- Hoax 150 million
Also the reason why he can't back up all his other claims on this thread.
Huh? The article was from 2010 and actually SHOWS pictures the decline of the glaciers in comparison with pictures from 1938. I realize that to you Dittoheads, that isn’t as much proof as a sign being removed but so be it. I swear I feel dumber every time I enter this thread.
Huh? The article was from 2010 and actually SHOWS pictures the decline of the glaciers in comparison with pictures from 1938. I realize that to you Dittoheads, that isn’t as much proof as a sign being removed but so be it. I swear I feel dumber every time I enter this thread.,-113.718333&q=Glacier National Park (U.S.)&_ext=EiQpfu6ZXyxZSEAxg/5bLPltXMA5fu6ZXyxZSEBBg/5bLPltXMA=

You could make us all look dumb by proving that global warming is real. But you can't.

If someone asked you to prove gravity was real, you could do it. You'd hold out your keys, let go, and when they hit the ground say "That's gravity".

Now do the same thing with global warming. You can't, because it isn't a real thing. Even sheep should get this by now.
Huh? The article was from 2010 and actually SHOWS pictures the decline of the glaciers in comparison with pictures from 1938. I realize that to you Dittoheads, that isn’t as much proof as a sign being removed but so be it. I swear I feel dumber every time I enter this thread.,-113.718333&q=Glacier National Park (U.S.)&_ext=EiQpfu6ZXyxZSEAxg/5bLPltXMA5fu6ZXyxZSEBBg/5bLPltXMA=
There's about 5 or 6 other people on this thread calling you out yet I'm the only person that triggers you to respond. You're only getting dumber being unable to prove global warming. Even the libtards in DC haven't called it global warming in several years.
Wikipedia and Google?:rolleyes: