Thanksgiving coldest on record in the NEast

There's about 5 or 6 other people on this thread calling you out yet I'm the only person that triggers you to respond. You're only getting dumber being unable to prove global warming. Even the libtards in DC haven't called it global warming in several years.
Wikipedia and Google?:rolleyes:

Glaciers have been growing all around the globe in recent years, that's why we are seeing pictures of glaciers 'since 1938' to try to spin the narrative that the glaciers are actually shrinking.

Glaciers shrink, they grow back. Healthy climate.

On the other hand, the sheep are claiming that the last 5 years are the hottest in the planets history. Apparently going back to 1938 doesn't work here, and I think we all know why.
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There's about 5 or 6 other people on this thread calling you out yet I'm the only person that triggers you to respond. You're only getting dumber being unable to prove global warming. Even the libtards in DC haven't called it global warming in several years.
Wikipedia and Google?:rolleyes:

I don’t have to prove global warming. It’s an accepted scientific fact. I could explain it like you’re a five year old, but I can’t make you understand it. If you are so inclined, you can do the research yourself. There is plenty of research on this matter. Just google it, or look up many of the Scientific America articles on the subject. I’ve posted many in here but you people only seem to want to hear what you want to hear. Those articles even show pictures and you still don’t believe it. Or not, and I’ll continue to mock your lack of intellectual curiosity.

PS. I could care less how many yahoos on here don’t believe it. Rush and your ilk seem to have an agenda.
I don’t have to prove global warming. It’s an accepted scientific fact. I could explain it like you’re a five year old, but I can’t make you understand it. If you are so inclined, you can do the research yourself. There is plenty of research on this matter. Just google it, or look up many of the Scientific America articles on the subject. I’ve posted many in here but you people only seem to want to hear what you want to hear. Those articles even show pictures and you still don’t believe it. Or not, and I’ll continue to mock your lack of intellectual curiosity.

PS. I could care less how many yahoos on here don’t believe it. Rush and your ilk seem to have an agenda.
It's most likely because most of us here and outside this board have long debunked libtard logic such as yours. Rush was not the source. He gave us one of them. Your pictures don't mean squat, but keep giving us your 1980's links as "proof" and "facts." Hell, Don Lemon always tells us what he says on TV are facts.
It's most likely because most of us here and outside this board have long debunked libtard logic such as yours. Rush was not the source. He gave us one of them. Your pictures don't mean squat, but keep giving us your 1980's links as "proof" and "facts." Hell, Don Lemon always tells us what he says on TV are facts.
Climate Depot. You guys crack me up how you automatically run to the most biased site you can find. And I read the dumb article, which shows ABSOLUTELY ZERO evidence that the Montana glaciers aren’t receding. It’s just a lot of noise for you Deniers.

Oh, and here’s who’s website it is. Quite the scientific resume.


Sources in the Conspiracy-Pseudoscience category may publish unverifiable information that is not always supported by evidence. These sources may be untrustworthy for credible/verifiable information, therefore fact checking and further investigation is recommended on a per article basis when obtaining information from these sources. See all Conspiracy-Pseudoscience sources.

Factual Reporting: MIXED

Notes: is the website of Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow employee Marc Morano, a conservative global warming denier who previously served as environmental communications director for a vocal political denier of climate change, Republican Sen. James Inhofe (Sourcewatch). (D. Van Zandt 12/26/2016)
Climate Depot. You guys crack me up how you automatically run to the most biased site you can find. And I read the dumb article, which shows ABSOLUTELY ZERO evidence that the Montana glaciers aren’t receding. It’s just a lot of noise for you Deniers.

Oh, and here’s who’s website it is. Quite the scientific resume.


Sources in the Conspiracy-Pseudoscience category may publish unverifiable information that is not always supported by evidence. These sources may be untrustworthy for credible/verifiable information, therefore fact checking and further investigation is recommended on a per article basis when obtaining information from these sources. See all Conspiracy-Pseudoscience sources.

Factual Reporting: MIXED

Notes: is the website of Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow employee Marc Morano, a conservative global warming denier who previously served as environmental communications director for a vocal political denier of climate change, Republican Sen. James Inhofe (Sourcewatch). (D. Van Zandt 12/26/2016)
Media bias fact check? Now that's a site run by libtards. That's CNN's favorite.
Media bias fact check? Now that's a site run by libtards. That's CNN's favorite.
They rate CNN as left biased.

You you guys have anything other than just calling everything you don’t like as liberal bias. You just stick to your conspiracy theory safe space. No sense is reading objective sources like Scientific America.
They rate CNN as left biased.

You you guys have anything other than just calling everything you don’t like as liberal bias. You just stick to your conspiracy theory safe space. No sense is reading objective sources like Scientific America.

IOW can you critical thinkers prove my theory isn't real?

That's not the way it works, Sparky.
How about this? I respond to your post then BSC911 will go ahead and respond to your post thru mine. Other than that, don't expect a response at all.
I assume you’re talking to Ghost. I give him slightly less credence than the cClimate Depot author.
Global warming is a religion with the Warmists. They believe. Give them some sprouts. Sprouts is old Air Force talk. Give them a break. Cut them some slack. They can't help it.
I totally forgot about the time Al Gore screaming from the top of his lungs about rising sea levels yet bought beachfront property in Santa Barbara for $9 million. I believe his ex wife Tipper got the house as part of a divorce settlement. LOL!
$9 million is now chump change to Gorleone. Estimates say his weather ruse has pocketed him some $150 million.

The late founder of the Weather Channel told me Gorleone seized a debunked computer model and ran with it.
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$9 million is now chump change to Gorleone. Estimates say his weather ruse has pocketed him some $150 million.

The late founder of the Weather Channel told me Gorleone seized a debunked computer model and ran with it.

Funniest thing is when you ask the warmists like @BSC911 for proof of global warming, they point to computer models.

Temperature today is 18% cooler than normal, but computer models says ignore that, planet is hotter.

These are not critical thinkers.
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Just like clockwork. I see you have everyone else on ignore. So, tell me what it's like when you have someone on ignore.
I see you ignored this thread as well.

Nah, just the Ghost nerd. You guys are a dying breed. But by all means, cling to your websites by some “communications politico” while you ignore what’s happening around you. I hope your Gator Son is brighter than you. Even the Pubs are on board now.

Btw, I know you won’t read these. The Climate Depot is all you need to know.
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Nah, just the Ghost nerd. You guys are a dying breed. But by all means, cling to your websites by some “communications politico” while you ignore what’s happening around you. I hope your Gator Son is brighter than you. Even the Pubs are on board now.

Btw, I know you won’t read these. The Climate Depot is all you need to know.
Houston Chronicle? Are you sh***ing me? All have been debunked just like your collusion delusion. Bringing Pubs into the conversation is one thing, but you bringing up my son on this board is another. Stick with the crap you bring on here and leave my family out of this. Getting upset over someone who disagrees with you over something petty. I realize I get under your skin which is why I'm the only one you reply to but come up with better insults without bringing my son in our conversation, SFB. I don't mention any of your family members.
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Ever note in all polling the importance of climate change? Climate change is always well down the list. The current generation, victims of a miserable, costly and failing public education system, has much more important worries. "Free stuff".
Houston Chronicle? Are you sh***ing me? All have been debunked just like your collusion delusion. Bringing Pubs into the conversation is one thing, but you bringing up my son on this board is another. Stick with the crap you bring on here and leave my family out of this. Getting upset over someone who disagrees with you over something petty. I realize I get under your skin which is why I'm the only one you reply to but come up with better insults without bringing my son in our conversation, SFB. I don't mention any of your family members.

Yeah, the Houston Chronicle is no Climate Depot, that’s for sure.

You didn’t even read them, did you. No, none of this has been debunked by your Alt Right Communications Director guy’s website. These are prominent Pubs who haven’t fallen for your fake Denier nonsense.

PS. Quit being so sensitive. You’re the one who put your family in your screen name.
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I enjoyed the 62 degree morning drinking coffee on the patio while reading GlowBall warming 101 by Bill Nye the science guy.

I enjoyed the 62 degree morning drinking coffee on the patio while reading GlowBall warming 101 by Bill Nye the science guy.
I wonder if BSC911 can read this despite having Ghost on his ignore list.
@BSC911? Your hero, Bill Nye the Science Guy, told you the earth was on fire.

How are glaciers all over the planet GROWING if the earth is on fire? And during the hottest 5 years in the planet's history?

Hells bells son, it doesn't even take a critical thinker to spot the idiocy here, just a rational one.
Nah, just the Ghost nerd. You guys are a dying breed. But by all means, cling to your websites by some “communications politico” while you ignore what’s happening around you. I hope your Gator Son is brighter than you. Even the Pubs are on board now.

Btw, I know you won’t read these. The Climate Depot is all you need to know.

Believe all the studies and computer models you want.

Meanwhile, I can walk outside right now and see for myself that temperatures are 10 degrees cooler than usual.

That's why you can't fool me into thinking this is the hottest the planet has ever been. Sunny is right, man-made climate change is a religion for you warmists. You can't prove it is real, you simply believe based on faith.
I wonder if BSC911 can read this despite having Ghost on his ignore list.
Of course. Why?

Let him post one semi intelligent thing and I’d be glad to remove him. Otherwise it’s a waste of my time.

I feel there is still some hope for you;)
This I can see. Sure I’ll grant you that some of the predictions may turn out to be false or greatly exaggerated. Congrats on finding one climate scientist. That’s my point. You guys glom onto anything that makes you feel good, even if they are in the minority, or in fact have ZERO scientific credentials like your Climate Depot guy.

You’re so predictable.
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OK Deniers. Just answer 2 simple questions.

1. Is the earth’s global temperature rising? (Don’t care about your hometown)
2. Are the seas rising?

This will tell me if you’re trolling or just stupid.
OK Deniers. Just answer 2 simple questions.

1. Is the earth’s global temperature rising? (Don’t care about your hometown)
2. Are the seas rising?

This will tell me if you’re trolling or just stupid.

Here's two questions for you:

1 - Does the earth's global temperature sometimes rise during a NORMAL AND HEALTHY climate? The answer is 'yes'.

2 - Does the earth's seas sometimes rise during a NORMAL AND HEALTHY climate? The answer is again 'yes'.

You are not a critical thinker.

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