I think you better get in touch with Xi Jinping and tell him to stop building all those coal-fired power plants....
I don't think India will be reducing CO2 emissions anytime soon, unless they are deploying Carbon Capture technology I haven't heard about:
India expects coal-fired power capacity to grow 22% in 3 years]
These links go back to 2019, so if you have something recent to correct the record, please do.
My understanding is that Obama's Clean Power Plan (just one of many of Obama's unconstitutional power grabs) is under a stay by the courts and/or not being enforced by the Trump administration.
What I was referring to is the U.S. shale gas revolution that has disrupted energy markets around the world. Unfortunately from one economic perspective it's putting coal miners out of work. I live in an area with a lot of coal mines, and there have been at least 4-5 mine closures in the past year. On the plus side it's given the U.S. a tremendous structural advantage in terms of low energy cost, to say nothing of the Greenhouse Gas emissions reductions.
The U.S. is doing its part without unilateral economic disarmament called for by the Paris agreement. The point I was trying to make is an economic one, not a political one, but I can go there if need be.