Some of the things that the iG called out or commented on in the 1st minutes/hour after the Assassination attempt are slowly trickling out from the conservative media personal/outlets.
No SS on the stage or in the firing line of the shooter, until after the shots were already fired.
(they expected him to be dead, throwing off what they did next imo)
It was a full minute before they got Trump back up.
Another 30 seconds, with him still in unprotected view, before they started him off the stage.
And 3 minutes+ before they finally got him into the protected vehicle and leaving the scene...
IMO, all of that should have occurred in the 1st minute after the shots were fired.
A complete and TOTAL FAILURE of the Secret Service detail, in every phase, from pre to during to post.
I'd fire everyone involved in that fiasco, either incompetence or in-compliance with the attempt imo.
Everything that I've seen since then has only increased my suspicions that it was and is, another inside job with a clueless mentally disturbed patsy to take the fall, i.e. Booth, Oswald, Hinckley, Crooks.....
Conspiracy Theorist -- Phrase developed and/or promoted by the CIA, to distract and/or attempt to discredit, those that see through their criminal actions or activities.....