No, you don't understand how people can believe in something greater than themselves, in God. I do think, I do ponder and I do pray for guidance on the things I do not understand.
And you are making fun of people who don't believe as you do. You're being a bigot. I am not and have not judged my sister or anyone else. I recognize an act as a sin. You do similar things. I bet you believe theft is wrong. You don't have to hate the thief to realize that theft is wrong. You could even love the thief if you set your mind to it.
Agree, we aren't going to get anywhere in this discussion because you are refusing to hear anything that you don't want to hear. But before you accuse others of intolerance, check yourself. Hopefully you can hear that...but I doubt it.
You can have the last (bigoted) word and I won't respond.