Proprietary COVID-19 and Vaccine thread

Red states mocking low IQ China Joe

Red States Boost Unemployment For Unvaxed Workers Fired Over Vaccine Status​

More “science”

I am glad the fraud that science has become has been exposed. Time to put your faith in something bigger than man folks. The Truth.

#fakenews on COVID testing?

After CDC’s Rochelle Walensky Admits COVID-19 PCR Tests Have A Major Flaw, Conservatives Demand Answers​


Delta Karen has been a piece of work lately. Besides the airplane attack she was starting fights in FL with the cops over a DUI arrest and this was after being placed on 3 years probation for a DUI in California last year.
#fakenews on COVID testing?

After CDC’s Rochelle Walensky Admits COVID-19 PCR Tests Have A Major Flaw, Conservatives Demand Answers​

Love those masks. Makes them all look like birdbrains.
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Delta Karen has been a piece of work lately. Besides the airplane attack she was starting fights in FL with the cops over a DUI arrest and this was after being placed on 3 years probation for a DUI in California last year.

Drugs are bad, umkay.
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Are there any fools left that still believe in or trust any part of the U.S. Government, whether elected, hired 3-letter bureaucrats, or their contractors???

They are as trustworthy as the bought and paid for Fake News, Lame Stream Media Propagandists.
India works with Baylor to develop traditional vax. Its going to India! Why not here? The spike protein is grown by yeast. This is the same process used to produce hepatitis vaxxes. Its $3-5
a shot.

Pfizer must have Epstein's hard drive with all the pics.


Well apparently the theory of jumping from a mouse to human has some validity


Click the tweet and read the thread. He seems to be suggesting that omnicron was also created in a lab, but to counteract covid.

Haven't heard this theory, but I don't keep up with wild tales like Hiden ended the hoax flu, sorry @sadgator.

I've wondered about this tbh. Mostly because covid has actually taught me to believe no one, ever. Many things attempted to teach me this in life. Covid succeeded.

Viruses tend to do this as part of their natural biological progression. To ensure its own survival, it must spread and stop killing its hosts. However, this was sudden and has the "experts" who predict and track such things a bit puzzled it would appear.
Love it!

Buffalo Bills Player Not Backing Down From Vax Stance, Mocks NFL COVID Rules​

So the vaccination makes you more susceptible to infection after 90 days. Are you all ready for monthly boosters? Pfizer sure is.

So the vaccination makes you more susceptible to infection after 90 days. Are you all ready for monthly boosters? Pfizer sure is.

Glad I did JnJ. Not taking anymore shots though
So the vaccination makes you more susceptible to infection after 90 days. Are you all ready for monthly boosters? Pfizer sure is.

I have always thought many years down the road we will be getting a 60 minutes like episode telling us how crazy we were to be pushing these trash shots.
Glad I did JnJ. Not taking anymore shots though
My sister got JNJ too and she's very doubtful about getting a booster.
I did Pfizer but I'm way overdue for a third.

Getting the Regeneron was good for me, but it means I'm not eligible for any booster for 90 days anyway. In the meantime I think I've developed a very mild run in with Omicron. Pass the Kleenex.
My sister got JNJ too and she's very doubtful about getting a booster.
I did Pfizer but I'm way overdue for a third.

Getting the Regeneron was good for me, but it means I'm not eligible for any booster for 90 days anyway. In the meantime I think I've developed a very mild run in with Omicron. Pass the Kleenex.
Please read the study I posted above - you can skip Kirsch’s commentary and there’s a link to the study.

It shows negative efficacy after about 60 days. Meaning you’re more likely to get Covid than someone who didn’t get the booster. The implication is monthly boosters once you get on that train.
Early tx with the above was smooth and easy. Anyone who refutes it hates science or has an agenda or both ...
Pretty sure IVM (and other drugs) got Utter Pradesh out of Covid, but we were not allowed to actually know. The current protocols have more to do with revenue and less to do with actually saving lives.

Of course @gator1776 claims Malone is fraud who’s claims to having been a key part of the invention of mRNA tech are wrong…so I attached more than one source saying the same thing to help frame the argument that some places on earth have whipped Covid while we set case records almost 2 years in. But Pfizer has made $36BB so all is well.

The three letter agencies can’t let anything good ever be linked to any non-big pharma solution because there’s no money in it. It’s gross.
I have always thought many years down the road we will be getting a 60 minutes like episode telling us how crazy we were to be pushing these trash shots.
If you can't read the first paragraph of that article and automatically know it's complete bullshit you simply don't have both oars in the water.

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Pretty sure IVM (and other drugs) got Utter Pradesh out of Covid, but we were not allowed to actually know. The current protocols have more to do with revenue and less to do with actually saving lives.

Of course @gator1776 claims Malone is fraud who’s claims to having been a key part of the invention of mRNA tech are wrong…so I attached more than one source saying the same thing to help frame the argument that some places on earth have whipped Covid while we set case records almost 2 years in. But Pfizer has made $36BB so all is well.

The three letter agencies can’t let anything good ever be linked to any non-big pharma solution because there’s no money in it. It’s gross.

On reason they resorted to made up nonsense about all these people going to the ER after overdosing on Ivermectin. No verification done at all but still run with the stories because of big pharma and them controlling you.
Terrifying. Three letter agency to BOd at Pfizer and this is what he’s spewing on cable news.

If you can't read the first paragraph of that article and automatically know it's complete bullshit you simply don't have both oars in the water.

Specific questions. None of these are opinion based at all.

In the study the substack article is referencing what does the table on time vs VE show for Pfizer and Moderna in the 91-150 day range?

What does that mean, why is the number negative?

What was the hypothesis put forward by the researchers for this?
Every Wednesday evening at 7 pm ET, the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) presents a live, virtual weekly update on COVID-19. During each event, host Betsy Ashton, FLCCC Creative Director, along with FLCCC physicians, will provide the latest information about the FLCCC’s MATH+ and I-MASK+ protocols, status updates about the pandemic, emerging COVID-19 therapeutics, and participants’ questions.

In this week’s episode, Dr. Pierre Kory introduces the I-RECOVER Protocol for Long Haul COVID-19 Syndrome along with the brilliant doctors and COVID-19 experts who collaborated on the development of the protocol. Guests include Drs. Paul Marik, Tina Peers, Ram Yogendra, and Dr. Mobeen Syed.
If you can't read the first paragraph of that article and automatically know it's complete bullshit you simply don't have both oars in the water.

This is the first paragraph:

"Worried about Omicron? Guess what? After 90 days, the vaccine they gave you is going to make you MORE likely to get infected from Omicron, not less. The longer you stay on the vaccine treadmill, the harder to get off in the future and the easier you’ll make it for the virus."

Tell us more about consequences. Karma is something else, isn't it?