Proprietary COVID-19 and Vaccine thread

Novavax, in my view, along with the anti-virals, could be a game changer. Now individuals have multiple options with traditional and MRNA technology.
76 - do you agree with Kim here on Novomax?


This is a great summary. Many think - I'm no expert but I try to do as much research as I can - the use of our own bodies' immune system to make trillions(?) of spike proteins is what is causing the inflammation and clots that are leading to the adverse effects many are reporting (but more are ignoring).

If we have the spike in the vaccine we're talking about a much more tried and true method of delivery and my guess is we'd have much, much fewer side effects and perhaps the same or better efficacy.

I'm watching the Novavax closely but based on what I know now I'd roll my sleeve up today for one....and I'll walk from my job before I take an mRNA or viral vector shot again.

I hadn't heard of the vaccine being developed in Cuba, that's interesting.
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76 - a major issue around "vaccine equity" is the cold-chain and safely injecting the vaccines. In the US, we do not even think about this and I believe have identification. For countries mentioned and, as necessary, migrant populations, Pfizer, Moderna, etc. should be indemnified.
So you're saying because they can't track lots to patients they need indemnification?
So you're saying because they can't track lots to patients they need indemnification?
The fact you know "lot tracking/serialization" is impressive.

Not specifically. I am saying that if they cannot control end-mile distribution (temperature control, use by date, syringe cleanliness, etc.) then why should they be held responsible for that.

Also, the courts of law there may have very different burdens of proof and politicized structures then in the U.S.

Overall, I get the hesitancy and it has little to nothing to do with vaccine effectiveness. My experience, actually, is that if in-house counsel sees an issue, they will be the first to shut it down or whistle blow. They tend to be exceptionally conservative.

This is a great summary. Many think - I'm no expert but I try to do as much research as I can - the use of our own bodies' immune system to make trillions(?) of spike proteins is what is causing the inflammation and clots that are leading to the adverse effects many are reporting (but more are ignoring).

If we have the spike in the vaccine we're talking about a much more tried and true method of delivery and my guess is we'd have much, much fewer side effects and perhaps the same or better efficacy.

I'm watching the Novavax closely but based on what I know now I'd roll my sleeve up today for one....and I'll walk from my job before I take an mRNA or viral vector shot again.

I hadn't heard of the vaccine being developed in Cuba, that's interesting.
Love this. The beauty of a capitalistic/free market is that there will be a cohort who think exactly as you do - which is cool.

Give options, get vaccinated, get this stuff behind us.
The fact you know "lot tracking/serialization" is impressive.

Not specifically. I am saying that if they cannot control end-mile distribution (temperature control, use by date, syringe cleanliness, etc.) then why should they be held responsible for that.

Also, the courts of law there may have very different burdens of proof and politicized structures then in the U.S.

Overall, I get the hesitancy and it has little to nothing to do with vaccine effectiveness. My experience, actually, is that if in-house counsel sees an issue, they will be the first to shut it down or whistle blow. They tend to be exceptionally conservative.
What are the patient health implications of an improperly stored mRNA vaccine?
The simple and effective remains....

Frontline Doc claims 100-200 Members of Congress treated with Ivermectin. Posted on October 12, 2021. by stuartbramhall. Thinkcivics Newswire.

Dr. Pierre Kory of Frontline Doctors recently tweeted this —
“Between 100-200 United States Congress Members (plus many of their staffers and family members) with COVID.. were treated by a colleague over the past 15 months with ivermectin & the I-MASK+ protocol."
I do not know everything but a vax that isnt properly stored will "disintegrate" and the person is walking around unvaxxed thinking that they are.
Bingo. The lipid layer melts and the delivery method of the vaccine is destroyed. It doesn't hurt you it just doesn't vaccinate you.

Now why would a drug company need indemnification from this?

If you get a flu shot then die from the flu, can you sue the drug company?
Bingo. The lipid layer melts and the delivery method of the vaccine is destroyed. It doesn't hurt you it just doesn't vaccinate you.

Now why would a drug company need indemnification from this?

If you get a flu shot then die from the flu, can you sue the drug company?
edit: @grandhavendiddy

I failed to tag you. I'm message boarding like an Eko today.
A vaccine is a biological preparation that provides active acquired immunity to a particular infectious disease.

The Big Pharm jab is not a true vaccine, exactly because it does not provide active acquired immunity.


And not only that, you might drop dead or have lifetime cardiac problems directly because you took that useless poison jab.

This poor excuse for a vaccine has had more negative side effects than all other true vaccines combined, in history.

Covid-19 still has not been proven to exist.
Scientists have not isolated and identified enough unique genetic material to claim its a new virus. The procedures used to identify the genetic material they claim is “covid,” was acquired using extremely questionable methods. To clarify, any other study would have been thrown out if these same methods were used.

While already proven cures (like HCQ & Ivermectin) have been buried under a load of misinformation and outright murderous lies.
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81% of NY has had at least one shot.

Today they set a single day case record.

Tell me the story about how safe and effective these vaccines are. That’s such a nice story.

81% of NY has had at least one shot.

Today they set a single day case record.

Tell me the story about how safe and effective these vaccines are. That’s such a nice story.

The analysis is in the differential of hospitalizations and deaths and cases for Vax vs. Unvax. Getting to "Covid-0" will never happen.

If there was no differential, then, completely agree, vaccinations are a dud. They make a huge difference and any hospital system will tell you that.

My recent issue on vaccination and boosters was that the CDC and FDA was not faster to implement them and instead was worried about "vaccine equity" with South African countries, countries where Dr. Gottlieb said "5 out of 8" did not accept any more shipments.

What happens is that we have a very virulent variant of the virus. It is what it is.

Now, if your argument is, "cloth masks are not effective", completely different discussion - and most (at least quietly) would agree.

Here is another burgeoning consideration: death rates are higher among non-college educated whites in red states. Is that something that you really desire when, for example, a state like Georgia was lost by less than 100,000 and the border is unsecure?

My view continues to be that we very likely had an engineered virus come out of the Wuhan lab that was being experimented on via gain of function research. I am not shocked, at all, given that background, that we have approaching 1M deaths in the U.S.

Trump led and successful released a vaccine against this. I have heard nearly no deaths or side-effects.

Yes, I will take a free vaccine and booster, developed by private US companies, manufactured in U.S. cities like Kalamazoo, MI against an engineered virus that is already mutating.
The analysis is in the differential of hospitalizations and deaths and cases for Vax vs. Unvax. Getting to "Covid-0" will never happen.

If there was no differential, then, completely agree, vaccinations are a dud. They make a huge difference and any hospital system will tell you that.

My recent issue on vaccination and boosters was that the CDC and FDA was not faster to implement them and instead was worried about "vaccine equity" with South African countries, countries where Dr. Gottlieb said "5 out of 8" did not accept any more shipments.

What happens is that we have a very virulent variant of the virus. It is what it is.

Now, if your argument is, "cloth masks are not effective", completely different discussion - and most (at least quietly) would agree.

Here is another burgeoning consideration: death rates are higher among non-college educated whites in red states. Is that something that you really desire when, for example, a state like Georgia was lost by less than 100,000 and the border is unsecure?

My view continues to be that we very likely had an engineered virus come out of the Wuhan lab that was being experimented on via gain of function research. I am not shocked, at all, given that background, that we have approaching 1M deaths in the U.S.

Trump led and successful released a vaccine against this. I have heard nearly no deaths or side-effects.

Yes, I will take a free vaccine and booster, developed by private US companies, manufactured in U.S. cities like Kalamazoo, MI against an engineered virus that is already mutating.

Do you believe the Pandemic is over and has been for months?

Asking for a friend.
Do you believe the Pandemic is over and has been for months?

Asking for a friend.
I believe we were really close in July. The number of cases, as noted above, has skyrocketed. Now we need to see if vaccinations (I believe 72%+ of adults are vaccinated) and natural immunity that these cases turn into ICU and other hospitalization admissions. If no, then yes, it is over.

Right now, where I live, we have the National Guard helping a major US health system where 50% of the patients in the ICU are Covid-19 and 90%+ are unvaccinated and 98/99%+ are vaccinated but un-boosted. That is not normal.

With that said, there are no mask mandates, all businesses are open and selected businesses and healthcare/government entities have vaccine mandates.

Tucker Carlson laid this out as the clear litmus test in 2020. It is not about cases: it is about our hospital systems.

I think by next summer, we should see hospitals dealing with Covid-19 like they did with the flu.
I believe we were really close in July. The number of cases, as noted above, has skyrocketed. Now we need to see if vaccinations (I believe 72%+ of adults are vaccinated) and natural immunity that these cases turn into ICU and other hospitalization admissions. If no, then yes, it is over.

Right now, where I live, we have the National Guard helping a major US health system where 50% of the patients in the ICU are Covid-19 and 90%+ are unvaccinated and 98/99%+ are vaccinated but un-boosted. That is not normal.

With that said, there are no mask mandates, all businesses are open and selected businesses and healthcare/government entities have vaccine mandates.

Tucker Carlson laid this out as the clear litmus test in 2020. It is not about cases: it is about our hospital systems.

I think by next summer, we should see hospitals dealing with Covid-19 like they did with the flu.

I cannot tell if that’s a yes it’s over, or no it’s not
Trump led and successful released a vaccine against this. I have heard nearly no deaths or side-effects.

Then you’re not listening, or you’re not listening to the right sources. There’s tons of evidence these vaccines have a very poor to awful safety profile, especially in certain populations (like young males).

8 countries have stopped mRNA vaccines for males under 30. No manufacturer anywhere in the world will administer these without indemnity.
I hear you, but I listen a great deal, not just to MSM 6:30 PM reporting, but also Fox, Ben Shapiro, and independent news sources such as Rising and Breaking Points. These outlets have been very critical about things like the Lab Leak and lack of incorporation of Natural Immunity. I also watch what Rand Paul and Ted Cruz have to say. This has not emerged as a topic - at all.

I am also a North American senior partner in a global firm that serves a majority of the leading health systems, we have heard little to nothing outside of some very small concerns around the JNJ vaccine for the cohort you mentioned.

Also, if there is a high death rate among that population, then the question is why is WHO pushing it so much, and for supply from Pfizer and Moderna? If it was pushing Sinovax, yes, that brings motives into direct question.

Further, if Fauci, was pushing Sinovax and mandating a foreign countries' vaccine, especially one that cracks down immediately on internal and foreign journalists, then my view would be VERY different.

These things are safe and effective against hospitalization and death, but they are not perfect. They do not, for example, it appears, slow down transmissibility in these variants.

Again, I hope that Novovax is proven safe and comes to market and individuals like yourself become more comfortable with the vaccine.
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I cannot tell if that’s a yes it’s over, or no it’s not

Short answer is: "no" it is not over because we have hospitals that continue to have very high Covid-19 case loads and a death rate that is at a 7-day average of 1,279 or extrapolated of 466,835/year. Flu was 49,783 in CY2019 - so it is 10x the flu.

When cases and hospitalizations drop and the death trend to 273 or so a day (100,000/year), then yes, we will be over it and it will be in an endemic state.

I happen to think that this will move to a normal state after the Holidays and when we get into the Spring of 2022, assuming no new variant of concern emerges.

Short answer is: "no" it is not over because we have hospitals that continue to have very high Covid-19 case loads and a death rate that is at a 7-day average of 1,279 or extrapolated of 466,835/year. Flu was 49,783 in CY2019 - so it is 10x the flu.

When cases and hospitalizations drop and the death trend to 273 or so a day (100,000/year), then yes, we will be over it and it will be in an endemic state.

I happen to think that this will move to a normal state after the Holidays and when we get into the Spring of 2022, assuming no new variant of concern emerges.

How many of those in hospitals with the Fung Flu have been given Ivermectin, or even the less effective HCQ?

How many have dies after being early treated with Ivermectin or HCQ?

I have family members that have tested positive, taken Ivermectin, never went to a hospital, and in a few days 100% of them were over it.

Why risk a very questionable (verging on dangerous) claimed vaccine, when a proven cure is readily available???
A few things:

I do think that Antivirals including the new Merck pill can be a game-changer here. Based on your note, I read what the CDC said about IVMC

What it highlights is that it can reduce inflammation and by inhibiting transport proteins, could be very effective. What has not been done is a full clinical trial on it. Joe Rogan had a similar care path to what you described.

(dismissing IVMC as "horse-dewormer" is not helpful in the public health dialogue, as I am sure you would agree)

The tough part is the data. Let's say that certain counties in Florida (assuming that is where you live) actually had low vaccination rates and low hospitalization/death rates and it was because of IVMC and Monoclonal Antibodies. That would suggest that the path above is right.

We are not seeing that - at all.

For your family, it is possible that they received a low incubation and they had a strong immune response along with IVMC reducing inflammation. Either way, I am glad that they are ok.

Now, an interesting evolution to the discussion is that Vaccines were supposed to fully suppress shedding of viral load and transmissibility. We are also not seeing that.

On the flip side, high vaccination rates reduce the odds of a Variant of Concern. It is not coincidence that this came from (it appears) South Africa with low vaccination rates and an immuno-compromised population in segments due to the multi-decade AIDS epidemic.

So, if everyone has access to an OTC anti-viral, perhaps vaccination is not as important. It may not be the optimal way to attack this, but it's possible.

Final note, I would hesitate in calling this Kung Flu. If it came from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, with PRC/military ties through gain of function research, this is a very serious strain not some point of comedy.
Then you’re not listening, or you’re not listening to the right sources. There’s tons of evidence these vaccines have a very poor to awful safety profile, especially in certain populations (like young males).

8 countries have stopped mRNA vaccines for males under 30. No manufacturer anywhere in the world will administer these without indemnity.
This. Good lord no sane or intelligent person dares claim these shots have 'nearly no deaths or side effects'.

Remember when we all wondered how things like the Jonestown Massacre could ever happen? I no longer wonder.
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A few things:

I do think that Antivirals including the new Merck pill can be a game-changer here. Based on your note, I read what the CDC said about IVMC

What it highlights is that it can reduce inflammation and by inhibiting transport proteins, could be very effective. What has not been done is a full clinical trial on it. Joe Rogan had a similar care path to what you described.

(dismissing IVMC as "horse-dewormer" is not helpful in the public health dialogue, as I am sure you would agree)

The tough part is the data. Let's say that certain counties in Florida (assuming that is where you live) actually had low vaccination rates and low hospitalization/death rates and it was because of IVMC and Monoclonal Antibodies. That would suggest that the path above is right.

We are not seeing that - at all.

For your family, it is possible that they received a low incubation and they had a strong immune response along with IVMC reducing inflammation. Either way, I am glad that they are ok.

Now, an interesting evolution to the discussion is that Vaccines were supposed to fully suppress shedding of viral load and transmissibility. We are also not seeing that.

On the flip side, high vaccination rates reduce the odds of a Variant of Concern. It is not coincidence that this came from (it appears) South Africa with low vaccination rates and an immuno-compromised population in segments due to the multi-decade AIDS epidemic.

So, if everyone has access to an OTC anti-viral, perhaps vaccination is not as important. It may not be the optimal way to attack this, but it's possible.

Final note, I would hesitate in calling this Kung Flu. If it came from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, with PRC/military ties through gain of function research, this is a very serious strain not some point of comedy.
Nice post. Refreshing to read among all the baloney.

Short answer is: "no" it is not over because we have hospitals that continue to have very high Covid-19 case loads and a death rate that is at a 7-day average of 1,279 or extrapolated of 466,835/year. Flu was 49,783 in CY2019 - so it is 10x the flu.

When cases and hospitalizations drop and the death trend to 273 or so a day (100,000/year), then yes, we will be over it and it will be in an endemic state.

I happen to think that this will move to a normal state after the Holidays and when we get into the Spring of 2022, assuming no new variant of concern emerges.

Interesting. Thank you sir


A few things:

I do think that Antivirals including the new Merck pill can be a game-changer here. Based on your note, I read what the CDC said about IVMC

What it highlights is that it can reduce inflammation and by inhibiting transport proteins, could be very effective. What has not been done is a full clinical trial on it. Joe Rogan had a similar care path to what you described.

(dismissing IVMC as "horse-dewormer" is not helpful in the public health dialogue, as I am sure you would agree)

The tough part is the data. Let's say that certain counties in Florida (assuming that is where you live) actually had low vaccination rates and low hospitalization/death rates and it was because of IVMC and Monoclonal Antibodies. That would suggest that the path above is right.

We are not seeing that - at all.

For your family, it is possible that they received a low incubation and they had a strong immune response along with IVMC reducing inflammation. Either way, I am glad that they are ok.

Now, an interesting evolution to the discussion is that Vaccines were supposed to fully suppress shedding of viral load and transmissibility. We are also not seeing that.

On the flip side, high vaccination rates reduce the odds of a Variant of Concern. It is not coincidence that this came from (it appears) South Africa with low vaccination rates and an immuno-compromised population in segments due to the multi-decade AIDS epidemic.

So, if everyone has access to an OTC anti-viral, perhaps vaccination is not as important. It may not be the optimal way to attack this, but it's possible.

Final note, I would hesitate in calling this Kung Flu. If it came from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, with PRC/military ties through gain of function research, this is a very serious strain not some point of comedy.
Why do you think full clinical trials haven’t been completed on IVM and other affordable potential treatments?
I hear you, but I listen a great deal, not just to MSM 6:30 PM reporting, but also Fox, Ben Shapiro, and independent news sources such as Rising and Breaking Points. These outlets have been very critical about things like the Lab Leak and lack of incorporation of Natural Immunity. I also watch what Rand Paul and Ted Cruz have to say. This has not emerged as a topic - at all.

I am also a North American senior partner in a global firm that serves a majority of the leading health systems, we have heard little to nothing outside of some very small concerns around the JNJ vaccine for the cohort you mentioned.

Also, if there is a high death rate among that population, then the question is why is WHO pushing it so much, and for supply from Pfizer and Moderna? If it was pushing Sinovax, yes, that brings motives into direct question.

Further, if Fauci, was pushing Sinovax and mandating a foreign countries' vaccine, especially one that cracks down immediately on internal and foreign journalists, then my view would be VERY different.

These things are safe and effective against hospitalization and death, but they are not perfect. They do not, for example, it appears, slow down transmissibility in these variants.

Again, I hope that Novovax is proven safe and comes to market and individuals like yourself become more comfortable with the vaccine.
Why have 8 countries stopped vaccinating young males?
Why do you think full clinical trials haven’t been completed on IVM and other affordable potential treatments?
It's a very interesting question. Merck makes IVM under the brand name Stromectol and has as strong a profit motive as Pfizer, Moderna or others. I would HAVE to imagine that they would push hard for FDA regulation and make the talk show circuit as has Dr. Gottlieb if it were clinically accretive.

Now, here is an interesting, "America-first" question. Would we rather spend money on a US made and US manufactured, in Michigan (K-zoo) vaccine that we know works or a foreign made IVM that we think, at worst, just limits inflammation.

To your point, I would rather get the clinical data and allow people to have full information and broad weapons at our disposal. This is true for IVM, Natural Immunity, etc.

Why that is not happening leads to broad questioning, as you are doing, from both sides of the aisle, especially as the function continues to offer that they are "driven by the science".
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Why have 8 countries stopped vaccinating young males?
Could be for a number of reasons including general vaccine shortages and prioritization including potentially elevated risk of myocarditis for that population cohort.

In general, I tend to hold a degree of healthy skepticism towards each countries public health infrastructure.

Those prioritization decisions though do not impact what I and we are seeing on US made vaccine effectiveness (from hospitalization and death) and safety.
Nice post. Refreshing to read among all the baloney.
Thank you. I think each person has legitimate concerns and strongly held reasons for their point of view.

I view as a core tenet of our democracy and by extension the ability to have well-intentioned and respectful discussion and dialogue.
Could be for a number of reasons including general vaccine shortages and prioritization including potentially elevated risk of myocarditis for that population cohort.

In general, I tend to hold a degree of healthy skepticism towards each countries public health infrastructure.

Those prioritization decisions though do not impact what I and we are seeing on US made vaccine effectiveness (from hospitalization and death) and safety.
You’re proving my point. You’re not going to find out the truth with your head in the sand. You can believe whatever you want but these vaccines have a terrible safety profile.

You’re proving my point. You’re not going to find out the truth with your head in the sand. You can believe whatever you want but these vaccines have a terrible safety profile.

Seems the operative word is “rare.” The second link even says it’s much less than if you catch the Rona.
