@DCandtheUTBand and I have been tracking it for some time. The potential benefits are significant compared to the current vaccines.
1) It's a more established type of vax
2) Efficacy so far is very good, even against variants
3) It's cheap to make
4) It's a potential solution for lower-income countries
5) Storage is easier than the mRNA vaxxes
3 is the magic number IMO....this isn't about Covid. Pfizer reps literally told us that in the Veritas video: execs, lobbyists and the health care system are getting a big boost from these vaccines. They bend the ear/grease the palm of gov't and all the sudden progress for competitive products, studies on IVM and HCQ and literally anything else that messes with the cash cow all the sudden face massive headwinds.
One more point - the people that have antibodies from the Novavax trial are completely screwed. The gov't doesn't count them as vaxxed because it doesn't have an EUA yet, and Novavax doesn't have the data to tell them it's ok to get another type of vaccine.
As to why the resident researcher and his chot-cheerleader buddy aren't even talking about it is an interesting point. Maybe they're the same person.