Well I have had a few drinks and am about to got off. Fauci is a liar. The Atlantic is a left wing rag masquerading as moderate with good writers that try and hide their bias. CDC full of sh*t. VAERS a worthless source for any real data. Its a reporting tool that is used by the scientist to help them discover trends that they then research. The f'n Bridgestone Arena is going to require vaxxes and I have people that have had covid that do not want the vaccine and according to Emory and some other reputable sources they do NOT need vaxxes because their natural immunity is superior to my vax that I took. The d@mn dementia patient stole the election. I am left hoping that when God punishes this country that he takes our LA, DC, Miami, Chicago et al. with asteroids and leaves this country to the conservative areas to fix.
Lord I am in a pickle. You have wingnuts on the right out of their mind with every conspiracy known to man and evil liars on the left. I am a Reaganite, I am socially conservative first and above all. I am no prude and love sex. I want a strong military that kills the enemy en mass and leaves . I want a balanced budget with cuts to social programs if not outright elimination. I want traditional marriage and NO trans sh*t. I want a moral country that is overwhelming Christian without overstepping the 4th amendment barriers.
Where the hell is the country I grew up in in the 80s?