Official MIDTERMS thread. All polling/key races info goes here please

I hope nothing crazy can happen there in Vegas to screw Laxalt.

As far as Masters in AZ it's still possible but it's going to be tough. I think after the big Maricopa drops this evening we will know if it's likely or not.
I don't have much hope for Masters at this point. He's got too far to catch up. Maricopa seems to be the anus of the beast. :(
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She came from absolutely nothing, very well spoken, owns her own very successful business and won a seat and in Congress in now a blue state. She’s plenty intelligent IMO.
AND.........she doesn't mind firing off a mean tweet or 50. 😍
I'm starting to believe @BamaFan1137 is a Florida resident and one of the 17,000 plus who voted for Tua.

I’d be SHOCKED at this point.
It's 2020 all over again. They will keep this up till Hobbs wins*, then it will go to court, Kari will have overwhelming evidence of fraud, the judges will refuse to review, media will say courts said no fraud, so no fraud.

Porch sitters will shrug say 'What do you want me to do??? She took it to the judge, he said no, that's the end of it. Law and Order'.
Reading the tea leaves, Kari and Abe seem to be tweeting back and forth about how they are about to be working together. In fact, I think Abe is in the best position of the group of 4.

Not seeing as much energy for Finchem. Of the two positions, would it be better to lock down AG or SoS if the governor wants to take on corruption in the state?

I suspect it would be more important to get the AG. Thoughts?

BREAKING: Maricopa County announces another big delay in vote counting​

Maricopa County continues to disappoint Arizona voters and the whole country.

Officials there are now saying that they won’t be done counting the votes until early next week:

They have to figure out how many dem leaning ballots to produce.
I'm actually starting to feel a bit better about the AZ races. It seems like they are intentionally holding back the ballots that will break for Kari. In 2020, they did the opposite, counted all the in person votes, Trump got a massive lead, then they just kept filling in mail in ballots and absentee till they had produced enough to have Hiden win*.

This time with AZ (remember Hobbs is running the election), it seems like she is putting all Kari's best ballots on last, so she stays in the lead for as long as possible. Then at the last minute she releases the best ballots for Kari, Kari takes a huge lead and wins.

THEN they spin that....wait for it....wait for it.....REPUBLICANS JUST STOLE THE ELECTION!

It will fool the @RayGravesGhost type goobs we have here, but the rest of us can see what is happening. The girl running against Kari is deciding which ballots get released when.

I don't think it's over yet but they are counting a little different than 2020 and counting favorable Kelly stuff before the ballots that Masters will crush it unlike with Trump in 2020 where they saved some of that for the end. Probably hoping to quiet people down. As far as Masters real chances he was in about the same exact position of Trump after election night and Trump came up less than 1% short by 11,000 votes so we will see.
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Wonder when they will call the Alaska Gubner for the pub...theoretically the dem can win but he needs about 70% of the rest of the votes. The indy is getting almost as much as the dem so its unlikely that he will run the table 70-30.
Reading the tea leaves, Kari and Abe seem to be tweeting back and forth about how they are about to be working together. In fact, I think Abe is in the best position of the group of 4.

Not seeing as much energy for Finchem. Of the two positions, would it be better to lock down AG or SoS if the governor wants to take on corruption in the state?

I suspect it would be more important to get the AG. Thoughts?
Agree it would be better to control the AG position compared to SoS.
I'm actually starting to feel a bit better about the AZ races. It seems like they are intentionally holding back the ballots that will break for Kari. In 2020, they did the opposite, counted all the in person votes, Trump got a massive lead, then they just kept filling in mail in ballots and absentee till they had produced enough to have Hiden win*.

This time with AZ (remember Hobbs is running the election), it seems like she is putting all Kari's best ballots on last, so she stays in the lead for as long as possible. Then at the last minute she releases the best ballots for Kari, Kari takes a huge lead and wins.

THEN they spin that....wait for it....wait for it.....REPUBLICANS JUST STOLE THE ELECTION!

It will fool the @RayGravesGhost type goobs we have here, but the rest of us can see what is happening. The girl running against Kari is deciding which ballots get released when.
I really, really want to be wrong here. I just don't have much confidence. It seems like every time results are dragged out the Dem wins by a nose.

And I'll have my crow dry with no gravy if I am...and enjoy every bite.
I really, really want to be wrong here. I just don't have much confidence. It seems like every time results are dragged out the Dem wins by a nose.

And I'll have my crow dry with no gravy if I am...and enjoy every bite.
The thing that's giving me hope is its flipped from 2020. They have the lead, and it's dragging out.

The majority of the ballots left seem to be likely to favor Kari, maybe heavily.

And finally, Katie Hobbs controls what ballots get released when.

I think they got stopped from cheating this time, and this is their contingency plan. Hold Kari's ballots till the end, drop all at once, Kari goes from 15k down to winning by 100k, media claims she cheated and off we go.

Then she gets into office and immediately investigates her opponent for cheating????? Media will lose their minds.

I think that's their plan.
@GhostOfMatchesMalone - the lady in AZ I have a crush on is citing the same basic strategy that I think will work, in fact I think it's the only way in PA, MI, WI, GA, etc.

Yes. We have to get America First candidates in key positions in blue/purple states, before we can secure election integrity.

AZ is giving us the blueprint for how to do it, this election.

Let's get AZ locked down, then pick the next corrupt state to move on starting in 2024.
Yes. We have to get America First candidates in key positions in blue/purple states, before we can secure election integrity.

AZ is giving us the blueprint for how to do it, this election.

Let's get AZ locked down, then pick the next corrupt state to move on starting in 2024.
Sounds good to me. But after this election, PA is forever lost. The lunatics are running the asylum there, there's no going back for them. Fair elections will just give them more retarded pukes down the pike. The only answer is for a PA secession from Philadelphia.
Sounds good to me. But after this election, PA is forever lost. The lunatics are running the asylum there, there's no going back for them. Fair elections will just give them more retarded pukes down the pike. The only answer is for a PA secession from Philadelphia.
Maybe it's not a bad thing the Phillies got their asses kicked the cheating Ass-tros.
Maybe it's not a bad thing the Phillies got their asses kicked the cheating Ass-tros.
No skin in the game for me, other than I hate every Phillie's team and have for eons. Same goes for New York. Hell, I'll even root for New England before any of these scum. I've hated the Mets since I was old enough to understand baseball. 😂
I'm actually starting to feel a bit better about the AZ races. It seems like they are intentionally holding back the ballots that will break for Kari. In 2020, they did the opposite, counted all the in person votes, Trump got a massive lead, then they just kept filling in mail in ballots and absentee till they had produced enough to have Hiden win*.

This time with AZ (remember Hobbs is running the election), it seems like she is putting all Kari's best ballots on last, so she stays in the lead for as long as possible. Then at the last minute she releases the best ballots for Kari, Kari takes a huge lead and wins.

THEN they spin that....wait for it....wait for it.....REPUBLICANS JUST STOLE THE ELECTION!

It will fool the @RayGravesGhost type goobs we have here, but the rest of us can see what is happening. The girl running against Kari is deciding which ballots get released when.

I really, really want to be wrong here. I just don't have much confidence. It seems like every time results are dragged out the Dem wins by a nose.

And I'll have my crow dry with no gravy if I am...and enjoy every bite.

Not sure about the Nevada nonsense but they won't be able to screw Lake over in AZ.
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