Your evading the issue again. If Biden and the democrats are stupid, how do they control all those things that effect your life? How did they outsmart Trump to win the last election? Both things can't be true.
I have told you numerous times I am not a democrat, I know you don't like that fact and I guess its the only comeback you have. So be it. Say it all you want, I don't care.
They didn't outsmart anyone.
The Dems are a unified front vs a fragmented conservative "enemy". The very nature of the two movements is why we're here. Conservatives are more libertarian, "leave me alone and I'll leave you alone" types who focus on personal responsibility, faith and family.
Liberals are big-government totalitarians. Their faith is in their gov't and its leaders. They believe people like Fauci and Obama are smarter than everyone else, good to their core and should be believed implicitly. Because they all follow the mantra of "gov't is the answer" they are much more organized and in lockstep w/each other.
A long time ago the dems decided to focus on the ground game and local elections. School boards, municipal gov't, teachers and college professors (who have always leaned left) etc are often dominated by the Left.
They own the schools who raise the next generation. Socialism doesn't work if you don't have the kids. So that's academia.
Pop culture and the media happened by catering to the elite. Media moguls know that when socialism kicks in, you better be on the side of the gov't or you're screwed. Who is rich in communist countries like Venezuela, Cuba and China? So that's big media.
Big tech is no different, and it's easier because it ground swelled out of highly liberal states and academic institutions...and the Zuckerburgs of the world know the same thing media moguls better pick the right side long term. So there's big tech.
Courts are appointment problems...the liberal activist judges are raised in leftist academia and feel they must remain loyal to judicial activism and "make a difference". So that's the court system, at least part of it.
And no one outsmarted anyone in the last election. If a burglar comes in and takes all of your stuff at gunpoint, was he smart? We know exactly how the election was stolen.