Moderates are becoming more irrelevant


Gator Great
May 16, 2023
You know, the Rino class that thinks Trump should capitulate and be more like Mitt.

First, if that were the case we would have had Mccain and Romney Presidency’s. Second, it’s not what got Trump elected the first time, and isn’t what made him the nominee. Third, capitulation/compromise for decades is what got us here in the first place.

The problem is the moderate wing isn’t much different than the left, and regurgitates whatever nonsense the leftwing media tells them that Republicans should do. So then what’s the point? If Republicans are doing what dems want, then that’s not winning.

Lastly, the biggest reason that “moderates” say this needs to be done is because of the “suburban women” vote. It’s a false narrative for many reasons. The gains Trump is making with minorities being one of them, but even bigger…is because of chit like this.

Women aren’t focused on one issue alone. Give them a little more credit.
You know, the Rino class that thinks Trump should capitulate and be more like Mitt.

First, if that were the case we would have had Mccain and Romney Presidency’s. Second, it’s not what got Trump elected the first time, and isn’t what made him the nominee. Third, capitulation/compromise for decades is what got us here in the first place.

The problem is the moderate wing isn’t much different than the left, and regurgitates whatever nonsense the leftwing media tells them that Republicans should do. So then what’s the point? If Republicans are doing what dems want, then that’s not winning.

Lastly, the biggest reason that “moderates” say this needs to be done is because of the “suburban women” vote. It’s a false narrative for many reasons. The gains Trump is making with minorities being one of them, but even bigger…is because of chit like this.

Women aren’t focused on one issue alone. Give them a little more credit.
Name the last moderate liberal President.

Name the last non moderate Republican before Trump.
Name the last moderate liberal President.

Name the last non moderate Republican before Trump.

Yep. And the last moderate Republican was awful. An utter disaster for the Republican party, that no one wants to associate their name with. The dude who has a brother in Florida that got his ass kicked by Trump.

There’s a reason Trump is so popular, and it isn’t “ compromise, moderation, or the word they decided to equate to those two….discipline”.

Sorry, but that’s falling for a left wing BS narrative.
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Yep. And the last moderate Republican was awful. An utter disaster for the Republican party, that no one wants to associate their name with. The dude who has a brother in Florida that got his ass kicked by Trump.

There’s a reason Trump is so popular, and it isn’t “ compromise, moderation, or the word they decided to equate to those two….discipline”.

Sorry, but that’s falling for a left wing BS narrative.
The moderate GOPers are nothing but shit takers, and they want Trump to be more like themselves? 😂 There's a reason Trump got elected, and it made the left lose their freaking minds when it happened. The really funny thing about this? The left is going to shitpost and whine no matter who is elected, if it's not THEIR comrade. Both Bushes were pussycats, yet, see how much credit the left gave either of them? The same morons that whine about Trump threatened to leave the US if Bush got reelected, yet here they still are. 😂😂😂
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I think election demographics are changing more now than anytime in my lifetime. Minorities are flocking to the conservatives....whites are turning lefty. But this election will be very different because the guy in there now that stole the election has failed in most peoples eyes. Only the blindest idiots can look at his time in office and say anything was successful. They barely got away with stealing the last election...and there have been seismic shifts TOWARD Trump since...and really not much if any shift towards the failed FJB. This is why I think it will be a blowout.
"Moderates" . . . what are they? What firm principles do they have?

They believe in defending the country . . . some?

They're for freedom of speech . . . kinda?

Reagan wasn't a "moderate." What he WOULD do, which is contrary to the current ethos, is "get as much as he could today" - and then go to work tomorrow to get the rest.
"Moderates" . . . what are they? What firm principles do they have?

They believe in defending the country . . . some?

They're for freedom of speech . . . kinda?

Reagan wasn't a "moderate." What he WOULD do, which is contrary to the current ethos, is "get as much as he could today" - and then go to work tomorrow to get the rest.
But Reagan was not considered a moderate at the time. G HW Bush was. Reagan was supposed to start WWII. And Reagan only spent money to get bills passed in a democrat controlled congress. He BEGGED for a line item veto, but could not pull it off. The spending was necessary for two big reasons 1. Our military was in SHAMBLES, and needed serious money infusion. 2. He would never have passed a bill to do so without bribing the communist left. They wanted their free stuff for votes.
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OMG did he disarm you guys?

Actually, he is my favorite president (but gunnuttery isn't my litmus test of a politician).
He disarmed everybody because the Black Panthers started taking advantage of the second amendment, can't have that. /sarc
He disarmed everybody because the Black Panthers started taking advantage of the second amendment, can't have that. /sarc
Honestly, I don't remember much about Reagan's stance on guns. Is that when automatic weapons and suppressors started requiring an expensive assed permit? I was young, but I remember very damned little about gun confiscation back then. In those days in the south, damned near everyone had their rifles on mounts on the back window of their trucks. 😂
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Honestly, I don't remember much about Reagan's stance on guns. Is that when automatic weapons and suppressors started requiring an expensive assed permit? I was young, but I remember very damned little about gun confiscation back then. In those days in the south, damned near everyone had their rifles on mounts on the back window of their trucks. 😂
The Hughes amendment. No machine guns made after 1986, and the rise of Aye Tee Eff.
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Honestly, I don't remember much about Reagan's stance on guns. Is that when automatic weapons and suppressors started requiring an expensive assed permit? I was young, but I remember very damned little about gun confiscation back then. In those days in the south, damned near everyone had their rifles on mounts on the back window of their trucks. 😂
FULLY supported the 2nd. James Brady got shot when the attempt was made on Reagan and went gun crazy...but Reagan stood firm. Ronnie was a cowboy. He would NEVER go against guns