Nashville tranny manifesto leaked. No wonder people protecting trannies wanted it buried.


Rowdy Reptile
Jul 5, 2001
Our legal system is a total disgrace. The American Government is clearly our most dangerous enemy!
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So three little kids who didn’t know what a Pell Grant is had to die?
Nothing to make a joke about.
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So three little kids who didn’t know what a Pell Grant is had to die?
Nothing to make a joke about.
That was a statement of fact. They're making out like he took advantage of a government grant for mass shooters to buy weapons.

Its breitbart doing what breitbart does, clickbait.
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Our government has become our most dangerous eneny!
Reword it please.... There is a massive difference between our Constitutional Republic government, and those that are currently running and abusing it.

Those individuals currently operating our Govt. offices, both the elected and the lifetime bureaucrats, are the American Citizens Freedoms most dangerous enemies.

Seems to me that a massive Wash DC douche is badly needed.
Preferably done at the ballot box, BUT.....
"The Tree of Liberty and the blood of Patriots....."
“A republic, if you can keep it.” --
Benjamin Franklin's response to Elizabeth Willing Powel's question: "Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?" Monday, September 17, 1787:

But this is what the lazy/ignorant citizens of recent history have allowed to happen it seems to me....

Autocracy is a system of government in which absolute power is held by the ruler, known as an autocrat. It includes most forms of monarchy and dictatorship, while it is contrasted with democracy and feudalism. Various definitions of autocracy exist. They may restrict autocracy to cases where power is held by a single (FJB) individual, or they may define autocracy in a way that includes a group of rulers (FJB's Puppet Masters)...
Poor little kids died because the product of a defective sperm and an inferior egg walked the earth and wasn’t miscarried in the womb.
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Life is a 'Do It Yourself' project.
Most get it right, or mostly right.
Some get it wrong, or mostly wrong.
And for some few, it would have been better if they had never existed it seems to me.

It seems to me that that child's needs were failed on so many levels by the adults surrounding her. And at 28 years old, why did she want to kill her father specifically, (but not the mother)???
And why did she want to kill presumably innocent children at the school that she had formally attended?

Just moho here, but any and every so-called Transgender/Other is a mentally psychotic person, but most are not violent or murderers. So tolerance where that's possible, or the quick removal from the gene pool were it's called for, just like for the majority of what's called the normal persons....
So three little kids who didn’t know what a Pell Grant is had to die?
Nothing to make a joke about.
Not the problem of Pell Grants
Poor little kids died because the product of a defective sperm and an inferior egg walked the earth and wasn’t miscarried in the womb.
Yeah T is a mental disorder. Maybe there is a genetic component but RINOs will cave to the T movement and allow the left to move us further down the road to public expression of sexual deviancy. She had violent ( mass murder of kids) and perverted ideations ( playing with her Ken doll and having it sodomize a stuffed animal.) She should have been institutionalized. Thank you Vandy psych department.
Don't let society off the hook.
Gay marriage in part killed those kids. A slide into licentiousness in general has created a society that is more and more morally bankrupt with little or no standards about right and wrong. Gay marriage is the dam breaking and flooding society. The flood waters were already there.

LGBTrkdrjg;lksjdrlgkj are sins and in a lot of cases mental disorders.

Gay marriage was the camels nose in the tent.

This mentally defective mass murderer was angry because T has not yet been fully accepted into society like LGB. Her dad represented what was good in society and she wanted to kill him as she was in rebellion. She hated Christianity because it didn't coddle her and cater to her delusions.

LGBT+ is destroying Boy Scouts pedos created lawsuits...instead of learning a lesson and banning gays as SCOTUS said they could they have gone full rainbow. The following badge is required for Eagle. As an Eagle Scout this offends me greatly and is a violation of the Oath.

( )

Rainbow destroyed the Star War franchise.

Lead to the explosion of DEI, ESG and other Marxist nonsense that is a cancer on American businesses.

Is destroying the Disney brand with LGBT+ garbage polluting the once family friendly company.

Allowing gay marriage has been a curse. Hopefully SCOTUS can reverse this just like Roe.

I don't want to see anyone physically hurt or bullied. I believe employers for the most part should not discriminate against rainbow. But I have no problem seeing these activists throttled and their activities publicly shunned as the perverted sinful acts they are.

As for T well they need mental health care.

Modern "woke" is an offshoot of all this nonsense and RINOs are going to rino and "move on" as the licentiousness erodes the fabric of society.

The Founders//Framers never intended for liberty to be an excuse for licentiousness. Sorry libertarians and social liberals but we ain't fixing this countries ills until it fixes its public embrace of licentiousness.

Liberty, Not Licentiousness by Justice Sandra Day O'Connor

LGBT+ should exercise their 4th amendment rights. That is something I can endorse.

"Because We have no Government armed with Power capable of contending with human Passions unbridled by morality and Religion. Avarice, Ambition, Revenge or Gallantry, would break the strongest Cords of our Constitution as a Whale goes through a Net. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." - President John Adams

He is right and it is why our government and society are failing.

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