Jail Time For Hunter?


Bull Gator
Dec 8, 2004
Will he roll on the Big Guy, Mr 10%, Pedolph Pete, the Pant's Shitter? Only time will tell!
This could be REAL fun. State charges, not federal. Can't be pardoned.

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Trump judge, so does the same rules apply?
If he acts like a partisan ahole, 1000%. But a juror already got dismissed for stating he didn’t think Trump has been treated fairly by the judicial system.

You saw Cannon got backed up by a Federal judge today? Jackboot was judge shopping and the Federal court found there was no justification to reassign.

Merchan is special kind of partisan judge. You’ll see. You probably won’t admit anything but the evidence will be there just in case.
“Rigged” trial…biased judge…

Hunter is a political prisoner…

Hunter never slept with Stormy…oh wait…
He fudged his brother corpse of a wife. Yikes!! Necrophelia and incest all rolled into one. Sadgator is kinky AF!! Does Ms Sad know this? :oops: (I said Ms, because respect for liberal feminists!) 😂
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Will he roll on the Big Guy, Mr 10%, Pedolph Pete, the Pant's Shitter? Only time will tell!
This could be REAL fun. State charges, not federal. Can't be pardoned.

LOL, more FAFO from the sheep. how did that work out with hillary?? dont mess with the bull son you will get the horns.
Go back to the sports board. I can hear Navi firing up the woodchipper. 😁
you dont think you people play the victim card more than any other??? REALLY??? there is nothing but whining and complaining on this board, its pathetic.
Who specifically was told they couldn’t testify?

What limitations did the judge place on witness testimony?
Not sure of the name, but on the radio they were saying the Judge denied a witness that Hunter's Attorney wanted to call, who would explain that sometimes when someone attended re-hab, they believe they are no longer a "drug" user, to show that Hunter didn't lie because he believed he was no longer a drug user.

I don't think it would matter, as supposedly the Prosecution has emails/texts from Hunter about drug deals days before he bought the gun.
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Zero chance that Cocaine Hunter is ever held accountable. NONE.

We have a Dual Justice System. We live under a Tyrannical Police State. America is dead & our ONLY and LAST chase to restore it is on 11/6/2024 with the return of DJT.

That is not an exaggeration!
I assumed that’s where you got your info.

Did you read the judges’ comments on the psychiatrist?

The defense screwed up discovery.

And what difference does the character of the gun shop employees make? The altered forms have no bearing on what Hunter put on the original form. That’s the crime committed.

You always do this - out of context you try to create equivalency. Every time a judge denies a witness isn’t the exact same thing. And I think the defense was trying to pull a fast one with the psychiatrist but got caught…of course that’s hard to be sure of because we don’t get to see discovery. I’m going off of the judges’ comments.

Lastly, you’re either an addict or you aren’t. The question on the form is not “do you believe you use drugs”, it’s “do you use drug”.

So whatever his drug addled brain believed is irrelevant to the actual crime of lying on a federal form. Perhaps it could soften sentencing due to intent? Not sure. But if he was using drugs and claimed he wasn’t, this one is a pretty simple case (unlike the circular BS Bragg pulled).
I assumed that’s where you got your info.

Did you read the judges’ comments on the psychiatrist?

The defense screwed up discovery.

And what difference does the character of the gun shop employees make? The altered forms have no bearing on what Hunter put on the original form. That’s the crime committed.

You always do this - out of context you try to create equivalency. Every time a judge denies a witness isn’t the exact same thing. And I think the defense was trying to pull a fast one with the psychiatrist but got caught…of course that’s hard to be sure of because we don’t get to see discovery. I’m going off of the judges’ comments.

Lastly, you’re either an addict or you aren’t. The question on the form is not “do you believe you use drugs”, it’s “do you use drug”.

So whatever his drug addled brain believed is irrelevant to the actual crime of lying on a federal form. Perhaps it could soften sentencing due to intent? Not sure. But if he was using drugs and claimed he wasn’t, this one is a pretty simple case (unlike the circular BS Bragg pulled).
SO you don't think Trump was trying to pull a fast one but having someone tell the jury what the law is and therefore they have to acquit?

They are equal. Both judges made decisions against the defense, they both limited testimony (which I said was common and you disagreed). Every single decision made against Trump was considered wrong. I never witnessed you say that any decision Merchan made was correct.

I am aware that you will defend/defend to make Trump seems like the victim or screwed over. That is baked in. There is zero chance that you'll ever call a Trump appointed judge corrupt. I just wanted to highlight how much the Trumper's whine about normal court room stuff to defend the dear leader.

Hunter is 100% guilty and should be found guilty, I am not defending him. This is more about you guys.
Zero chance that Cocaine Hunter is ever held accountable. NONE.

We have a Dual Justice System. We live under a Tyrannical Police State. America is dead & our ONLY and LAST chase to restore it is on 11/6/2024 with the return of DJT.

That is not an exaggeration!
Yes we do have a dual justice system. When did you notice that?
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Will he roll on the Big Guy, Mr 10%, Pedolph Pete, the Pant's Shitter? Only time will tell!
This could be REAL fun. State charges, not federal. Can't be pardoned.

Not with the current justice system that is 100% unfair. Go back to Hillary doing all of her stuff that she should be in jail for DECADES..yet they refused to prosecute. Go to Hunters sweetheart plea deal. One side is side gets the full force of our justice systems to crucify us. Wake me up when ANY lib pays the price. Hope it happens one day before I die. NOT holding my breath. We NEED Trump in office to put a stop to this.

REMEMBER...EVERY democrat has become a FASCIST. EVERY ONE
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Exactly. Ask old black or poor people about the justice system. Which group of people is getting released through varies "innocent projects"?...
So now they just turn criminals (including illegals) loose without bail. Bless your heart! 😂
I've seen you guys call precedent rulings biased. The judge just denied Hunter witnesses and limited what one can say. I was told that's not normal. So 🤷🏽‍♂️
I happen to agree that neither Trump nor Hunter (based on what I know) should be prosecuted here. Take it out in the ballot box.
Anyone that is okay w a dual justice system & a tyrannical police state is an anti-America atheist.
I happen to agree that neither Trump nor Hunter (based on what I know) should be prosecuted here. Take it out in the ballot box.
Only Hunter Biden DID break his own state's laws, and probably dozens of federal ones for money laundering, tax evasion, an unregistered foreign agent (remember that's what they hung Manafort with), child pornography and abuse, illegal drugs.
SO you don't think Trump was trying to pull a fast one but having someone tell the jury what the law is and therefore they have to acquit?

They are equal. Both judges made decisions against the defense, they both limited testimony (which I said was common and you disagreed). Every single decision made against Trump was considered wrong. I never witnessed you say that any decision Merchan made was correct.

I am aware that you will defend/defend to make Trump seems like the victim or screwed over. That is baked in. There is zero chance that you'll ever call a Trump appointed judge corrupt. I just wanted to highlight how much the Trumper's whine about normal court room stuff to defend the dear leader.

Hunter is 100% guilty and should be found guilty, I am not defending him. This is more about you guys.
No. Trump paid his lawyer for working with another attorney to establish an NDA. He classified the payments as legal fees. What was he supposed to classify them as?

And the defense assumed that Merchan was going to use “election interference” so they wanted the FEC commissioner at the time, who reviewed the payments and determined it didn’t qualify as election interference, a chance to explain to the jury why they made that determination.

The defense didn’t know how big of a deal not letting him testify was until the final moment when Merchan FINALLY listed the 3 categories of predicate crimes.

So in the Bragg case the expert was 100% related to the predicate crime. Merchan knew his testimony would have taken one of the 3 categories off the board. He couldn’t allow that.

Here, the psychologist might help soften intent but it’s not a matter of intent, it’s a matter of “was he using drugs when he checked “no” on the form”. But again, the judge felt the defense was inadequate in what was provided the defense in discovery, Neither of us have that info to determine fairness.

And the character of the gun shop owners has no bearing on what Hunter put on the forms. How does it even related to the crime in question?
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No. Trump paid his lawyer for working with another attorney to establish an NDA. He classified them as legal fees. What was he supposed to classify them as?

And the defense assumed that Merchan was going to use “election interference” so they wanted the FEC commissioner at the time, who reviewed the payments and determined it didn’t qualify as election interference, a chance to explain to the jury why they made that determination.

The defense didn’t know how big of a deal not letting him testify was until the final moment when Merchan FINALLY listed the 3 categories of predicate crimes.

So in the Bragg case the expert was 100% related to the predicate crime. Merchan knew his testimony would have taken one of the 3 categories off the board. He couldn’t allow that.

Here, the psychologist might help soften intent but it’s not a matter of intent, it’s a matter of “was he using drugs when he checked “no” on the form”. But again, the judge felt the defense was inadequate in what was provided the defense in discovery, Neither of us have that info.

And the character of the gun shop owners has no bearing on what Hunter put on the forms. How does it even related to the crime in question?
I don't think you understand that I don't care for your EXCUSES or legal advice. I know it's bs and inaccurate.

Just pointed out, what I wanted to point out. I am done with this.
Hunter is guilty of much worse than a gun charge. But he is in Biden territory being tried by jurors where the prosecution had less juror challenges and had a jury pool stacked against them from the start. He will walk. Jury has 6 blacks who will not want to vote guilty for fear they or their relatives will be in danger. That is a fact, sad as it may sound. Delaware is a corrupt state, just like Rhode Island.

In Manhattan, 89% of eligible jurors had already voted against Trump. Grand juries can indict a ham sandwich and Manhattan juries can convict a ham sandwich. Especially if is a Republican named Trump.
I don't think you understand that I don't care for your EXCUSES or legal advice. I know it's bs and inaccurate.

Just pointed out, what I wanted to point out. I am done with this.
No you’re done because I made logical arguments you have no answer for, because you know they make sense.

Same outcome, different topic.

You don’t have to admit anything, it’s obvious to anyone with basic reasoning skills.
Hunter is guilty of much worse than a gun charge. But he is in Biden territory being tried by jurors where the prosecution had less juror challenges and had a jury pool stacked against them from the start. He will walk. Jury has 6 blacks who will not want to vote guilty for fear they or their relatives will be in danger. That is a fact, sad as it may sound. Delaware is a corrupt state, just like Rhode Island.

In Manhattan, 89% of eligible jurors had already voted against Trump. Grand juries can indict a ham sandwich and Manhattan juries can convict a ham sandwich. Especially if is a Republican named Trump.
If you saw Jill and Joe sitting in the courtroom how would you rule as a juror?

But Trump gave someone a raise and he’s tampering with witnesses….
Leftists are Godless and evil. This has always been the case throughout history. A Dual Justice System has always been a hallmark of tyranny and always will be.

We have ONE LAST CHANCE on 11/6/24. If The Deep State is allowed to steal this election, like they did in 2020 - our country is going to blow apart!