First I will not accept leftist premises as the starting point for discussion.Your conflating two separate issues. One is the right of athletes to speak out. That has nothing to do with looting, arson or looting.
Secondly, social justice issues are just as important as the issues you mentioned. What you are proposing is that only right wing issues are important.
Nah, they have a right to speak but the fans have a right to ask them to shut up if they want to continue to receive patronage. No athlete has a right to the fans money.
But their voice lends itself to the broader subversive socialist movements of BLM , Antifa etc.
In other words they are no better than Jane Fonda sitting on an AA gun inside enemy territory and bad mouthing her country during the war in Vietnam. Her actions were nonviolent and "fee speech." But by constitutional definition she committed treason. (Of course SJW are not committing treason. before you get distracted and get off track and head down that rabbit hole.)
20 years earlier she would have been imprisoned for life or shot.
"Social issues" are either based in false narratives or are incompatible with American democratic republicanism and are therefore to be resisted, ridiculed and defeated. They are important ONLY because the are false and dangerous.
I reject the premise that there is anything worthy of merit, valid or noble about "social justice." There is justice and equality under the law or there is injustice. There is no "social" justice. I don't do Orwell speak or let the left frame the narrative in their terms.