I see the problem.
The government doesn't bestow the right.
We have the right. The government can't infringe on that right.
Since the government didn't give us the cookies, they have no say in what type of "cookie" or quantity thereof.
As to the amendment in its entirety:
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
This is an explanation of why the government has no control over the "cookies."
The first thing the British government did when the colonists didn't protested the new taxes was send extra troops who promptly massacred said protesters. The second thing they did was try to seize control of munitions. The militias stopped them. As the newly formed government wanted to avoid the glaring issue of standing armies, they wanted to ensure that they would always be able to form militias and that free men would have unfettered access to the "weapons of war. "
There's been an alarming number of trends to include a standing army, blatant violations of posse commitatus, and even laws passed by federal and state governments to limit and ban private militias.
None of these things are constitutional and most likely should be addressed individually as soon as possible.
As to your other concerns:
There are more guns than people in this country. Yes, 100 percent of gun violence is caused by people with guns. Yes, I am motivated partially by fear of armed criminals attempting to harm myself, my wife, or my grandchildren to purchase and carry firearms. Yes, the people who make the guns are the best sources of information about them when selecting one for purchase. And sadly yes, there is a price to be paid in human life for living in a free country with a 2nd amendment. When legislation occurs it must always err on the side of rights over safety.
It is my personal opinion that I can trust in God for my safety but He expects me to help myself by owning a firearm and defending my wife and family and I see no hypocrisy between these concepts.
I don't imagine any of this will influence your thought process but I thought I would attempt to address your concerns without rancor.
Oh, and I drive a truck because a car won't pull my boat.