I hear that but still not my fight. I find it sad that you use that to fight BLM. Caring about black lives comes in many forms. I'm sure you guys know that because you guys care about black babies so much.
I don’t condone anyone starting anything based on race as it’s divisive and counter productive as it stokes racial tensions.There was a congresswoman who wanted to start an all white caucus that only wanted white people, so let's not pretend like it's all crazy thinking on the left.
Twitter is social media, not the government. Social media think I'm a coon and uncle Tom 😂. So I get it.
I wasn't a Malcolm X fan, I'm more of a Dr. King guy. I was just pointing out how the right ignore Malcolm X full thoughts and only point out the white liberal part. When he was way more critical of the white conservative.
What I will support is a party or caucus that supports America First agenda and has room for any race or sex. You know, that very popular thing that Trump started? Because he’s a racist 🙄🙄🙄
I think we both can agree that this country has come a long way in racial tensions. Are we perfect, no. Can we improve, always. However, what this current administration is doing isn’t fighting white supremacy, they’re invoking a new kind of segregation and propping up one race over another. Exactly what King Jr. fought against.
The current enemy of the people - Antifa, BLM, MSM, Marxism, China
Who supports these agendas? I’ll let you answer that one