Hey Kalimgoodman, if I blame the democrats for the shame of Portland, Oregon, am I just making it political?


Gator Great
Jul 5, 2001
More rioting last night, more vandalism and destruction. This city has become Beirut.
What I'd like to know is who the hell should I blame for the shame and crap for what this city has become. Maybe it's just a coincidence that the democrats run the city and state.
Maybe it was just a coincidence when New York City's crime rate took a nose dive after Rudy Giulanni became mayor. Funny how these coincidences work.

My wife and I have wanted to go to Portland for a few years but not now. We wouldn't feel safe. So all I want to know is who is responsible for the absolute atrocity of what this city has become, without of course becoming political.

I was listening to a podcast where the host was talking about how disgusting DC has become with their tent cities in the parks, drugs, etc. The podcast host then moved on to how really corrupt DC is. He then ran into Guliani and asked him if he was mayor of DC, how long would it take to clean up the city and get rid of the corruption.

Guliani’s response... 48 hrs.

Dems governors do not want to fix issues, the inject emotion into policies to fool the sheep. Meanwhile, they’re playing 3 card Monty by creating a diversion and taking your money when you don’t see it.
I just wonder what the tipping point is for people living there to say enough is enough and to elect people who believe in law and order rather than these woke weak politicians who believe in anarachy.
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More rioting last night, more vandalism and destruction. This city has become Beirut.
What I'd like to know is who the hell should I blame for the shame and crap for what this city has become. Maybe it's just a coincidence that the democrats run the city and state.
Maybe it was just a coincidence when New York City's crime rate took a nose dive after Rudy Giulanni became mayor. Funny how these coincidences work.

My wife and I have wanted to go to Portland for a few years but not now. We wouldn't feel safe. So all I want to know is who is responsible for the absolute atrocity of what this city has become, without of course becoming political.

Bump for @kalimgoodman 🤔
In reading the story, I had to laugh at the total of arrests, 2. Hard to believe all that damage caused by 2 people. That total will certainly put a huge dent in that crime wave although those will be out soon if not already back on the street.
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I just wonder what the tipping point is for people living there to say enough is enough and to elect people who believe in law and order rather than these woke weak politicians who believe in anarachy.
I fear they are so disconnected from the values of the resst of us that they really don't see what the big deal is. They just think the rest of the country is the same way.

We really are living in a different world. Thank God.
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More rioting last night, more vandalism and destruction. This city has become Beirut.
What I'd like to know is who the hell should I blame for the shame and crap for what this city has become. Maybe it's just a coincidence that the democrats run the city and state.
Maybe it was just a coincidence when New York City's crime rate took a nose dive after Rudy Giulanni became mayor. Funny how these coincidences work.

My wife and I have wanted to go to Portland for a few years but not now. We wouldn't feel safe. So all I want to know is who is responsible for the absolute atrocity of what this city has become, without of course becoming political.

Thank you. Would you like to answer the other part since you say you don't duck questions. Who do I blame?
The people in charge. Not sure why it's that difficult to understand. The Mayor and police commissioner are clearly incompetent.

I seriously never hired or fired someone and thought of their political party. Some people are just bad at their jobs.
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The people in charge. Not sure why it's that difficult to understand. The Mayor and police commissioner are clearly incompetent.

I seriously never hired or fired someone and thought of their political party. Some people are just bad at their jobs.
Here's a question for you. Do you vote for a particular party? And I don't care which one, if you do. If you do vote for a particular party, what factors do you look it to decide what party you vote for?

"And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues." - Revelation 18:4
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Here's a question for you. Do you vote for a particular party? And I don't care which one, if you do. If you do vote for a particular party, what factors do you look it to decide what party you vote for?
No I don't vote for a particular party. I vote for what I deem the best candidate at that time. Topics that I weigh are economics, infrastructure, protecting the 1st Amendment, taxes, how partisan you are. They have been my main interest lately. I'm sure it'll change as I get older.
No I don't vote for a particular party. I vote for what I deem the best candidate at that time. Topics that I weigh are economics, infrastructure, protecting the 1st Amendment, taxes, how partisan you are. They have been my main interest lately. I'm sure it'll change as I get older.
Just curious.........based on those principles, you voted for Trump 2020?
No I don't vote for a particular party. I vote for what I deem the best candidate at that time. Topics that I weigh are economics, infrastructure, protecting the 1st Amendment, taxes, how partisan you are. They have been my main interest lately. I'm sure it'll change as I get older.
Ok, but isn't the person a representative of the party. That is the way they are shown on a voting ballot. So what I do not understand is how you separate the person from the party. So when you vote for the person, aren't you voting for the philosophy or policy that their party is touting? Each party has a philosophy on every issue and politicians are not in that party unless they generally or specifically agree with those philosophies. I think what you say about voting for the person and not the party sounds noble but when you vote for a person you ARE voting for a party, UNLESS you vote for independent candidates.
This applies to Republicans as well as Democrats.
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Ok, but isn't the person a representative of the party. That is the way they are shown on a voting ballot. So what I do not understand is how you separate the person from the party. So when you vote for the person, aren't you voting for the philosophy or policy that their party is touting? Each party has a philosophy on every issue and politicians are not in that party unless they generally or specifically agree with those philosophies. I think what you say about voting for the person and not the party sounds noble but when you vote for a person you ARE voting for a party, UNLESS you vote for independent candidates.
This applies to Republicans as well as Democrats.
I get what you're saying but you're not recognizing that there is a difference between AOC and Joe Manchin. Like there is a difference between Susan Collins and Jim Jordan. Having the same party doesn't mean that you have the same philosophies. Lindsay Graham believes in climate change, Donald Trump thinks it's a China hoax. There are some democrats/Republicans who run cities well, just like there are some democrats/Republicans who run them badly.
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So you love high taxes, hate the Constitution (free speech), a booming economy, and proper infrastructure protecting our borders? BSC, is that you? 😂 😂 😂 😂

Finally, Kalim removes the Halloween mask!
I believe in high taxes for rich people, I think businesses should be taxed at a higher rate. I believe in protecting free speech that includes protesting, don't care about the borders and I don't consider that infrastructure but you have the right to.
I get what you're saying but you're not recognizing that there is a difference between AOC and Joe Manchin. Like there is a difference between Susan Collins and Jim Jordan. Having the same party doesn't mean that you have the same philosophies. Lindsay Graham believes in climate change, Donald Trump thinks it's a China hoax. There are some democrats/Republicans who run cities well, just like there are some democrats/Republicans who run them badly.
Yes, AOC is different than Joe Manchin in their personalites. But tell me how their votes differ. That's what counts. Tell me the issues that Manchin and AOC vote different on.
And because you are in a party doesn't mean you have the exact same take on every single issue with each and every other member every single time. I'm not saying that. People are in a party that they generally agree with the philosophy of the party. And some people eventually switch parties because they don't like their party anymore.
There is more lockstep voting today than ever. I would assume you know that. You can have differences with people in your own party but what difference does that make if you vote the same.
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Yes, AOC is different than Joe Manchin in their personalites. But tell me how their votes differ. That's what counts. Tell me the issues that Manchin and AOC vote different on.
And because you are in a party doesn't mean you have the exact same take on every single issue with each and every other member every single time. I'm not saying that. People are in a party that they generally agree with the philosophy of the party. And some people eventually switch parties because they don't like their party anymore.
There is more lockstep voting today than ever. I would assume you know that. You can have differences with people in your own party but what difference does that make if you vote the same.
Manchin voted with Trump 50% of the time, AOC voted with Trump 17% of the time. I would say that they have a big difference in philosophy.

There plenty of people who will vote for someone and say that they don't agree with everything but they like them best, in that race. Like the phrase Reagan democrats or the Obama-Trump voters. Nothing I'm saying is ground breaking.
As we feared would happen, Hiden is showing zero leadership. Pres Trump took the bull by the horns and demanded the local and state leaders take control of the situation, and said he would send in federal troops if they didn't.

They didn't, and Pres Trump did.

That's what a leader does. Hiden is hidin', which is what we all knew he would do.

Pres Trump saved lives, Hiden eats puddling while people die.
Other than the climate change issue, frankly not much difference between Manchin and AOC.

I had a naive hope that Manchin would vote against at least some of Biden’s more radical nominees. Another than that Indian lady nominated for OMB (whom he had a personal grudge against), he’s pretty much fallen right in line.
He could get away with it under Pres Trump, he would talk a good talk then when it came time to vote, claim 'mean tweets' pushed him over to vote with the dems. But he's not happy about it.

Now he has no 'mean tweets' safety net. He'll either have to piss off the dems or piss off the WV voters.
Manchin voted with Trump 50% of the time, AOC voted with Trump 17% of the time. I would say that they have a big difference in philosophy.

There plenty of people who will vote for someone and say that they don't agree with everything but they like them best, in that race. Like the phrase Reagan democrats or the Obama-Trump voters. Nothing I'm saying is ground breaking.
Yes, Manchin has a higher percentage of Trump voting than AOC but Manchin is a very cagey strategic voter. He straddles the fence between his party and the very red state he represents. How many of those Trump votes were meaningful in that it made the difference either in something passing or not passing. Probably none.

Here is a perfect example. On the Brett Kavanaugh vote for SCOTUS, Manchin would not commit his vote for Kavanaughn until AFTER Susan Collins declared she would which meant Manchin's vote was not needed for confirmation. So then he declares for Kavanaugh. What courage. He was the only democrat so then he could go home and tell the homefolk he voted for Kavanaugh. I have no doubt he would have voted the other way if his was the deciding vote on confirmation.

Another example. He repeatedly said he would not vote for that recent 2 trillion covid relief package unless there was bipartisanship. He lied as his vote was needed.

Now this. He has unequivocally stated more than once that he would not vote to kill the filibuster. If his is the deciding vote, I would bet my last dollar that he would not have the courage to buck his party for fear of retribution. Some of his party have also called it racist not to vote to kill the filibuster.

So let's see how he votes when it TRULY will make a difference. His vote on covid relief tells us the answer regardless of the propaganda he spews out before he votes.
In reading the story, I had to laugh at the total of arrests, 2. Hard to believe all that damage caused by 2 people. That total will certainly put a huge dent in that crime wave although those will be out soon if not already back on the street.
I am not sure, is the VP still allowed to help with bail?
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Other than the climate change issue, frankly not much difference between Manchin and AOC.

I had a naive hope that Manchin would vote against at least some of Biden’s more radical nominees. Another than that Indian lady nominated for OMB (whom he had a personal grudge against), he’s pretty much fallen right in line.
Biden had radical nominees? Who particularly are you referring to?
Yes, Manchin has a higher percentage of Trump voting than AOC but Manchin is a very cagey strategic voter. He straddles the fence between his party and the very red state he represents. How many of those Trump votes were meaningful in that it made the difference either in something passing or not passing. Probably none.

Here is a perfect example. On the Brett Kavanaugh vote for SCOTUS, Manchin would not commit his vote for Kavanaughn until AFTER Susan Collins declared she would which meant Manchin's vote was not needed for confirmation. So then he declares for Kavanaugh. What courage. He was the only democrat so then he could go home and tell the homefolk he voted for Kavanaugh. I have no doubt he would have voted the other way if his was the deciding vote on confirmation.

Another example. He repeatedly said he would not vote for that recent 2 trillion covid relief package unless there was bipartisanship. He lied as his vote was needed.

Now this. He has unequivocally stated more than once that he would not vote to kill the filibuster. If his is the deciding vote, I would bet my last dollar that he would not have the courage to buck his party for fear of retribution. Some of his party have also called it racist not to vote to kill the filibuster.

So let's see how he votes when it TRULY will make a difference. His vote on covid relief tells us the answer regardless of the propaganda he spews out before he votes.
We shall see. Manchin is the wildcard but the numbers are the numbers. 50% is a high number, no matter how much you try to downplay it or make excuses for it.

As far as Portland, that's the mayor. He's awful.
The people in charge. Not sure why it's that difficult to understand. The Mayor and police commissioner are clearly incompetent.

I seriously never hired or fired someone and thought of their political party. Some people are just bad at their jobs.
The Mayor has no spine and Kalim is dead on about his incompetence. The Police Chief usually takes marching orders from the Mayor.

My community in Indian Wells, CA (near Palm Springs) is inhabited primarily by residents of OR and WA and NE and Canada, who have 2nd homes here. The people I know from suburban Portland and just over the border in WA have extended their stays here because the violence at home makes them nervous ...
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I get what you're saying but you're not recognizing that there is a difference between AOC and Joe Manchin. Like there is a difference between Susan Collins and Jim Jordan. Having the same party doesn't mean that you have the same philosophies. Lindsay Graham believes in climate change, Donald Trump thinks it's a China hoax. There are some democrats/Republicans who run cities well, just like there are some democrats/Republicans who run them badly.
Kalim, appreciate your thoughtful answers to the questions posed in this thread. You are right, all politicians are different, but the majority are beholden to their party lines. It takes a big set to go against the grain.

Honest question about the bolded statement above, which Dem run cities are run well and what are they doing differently to make it so? Just off the top of my head, we have had decades of poor leadership in places like Chicago, NYC, LA, SF, Portland, Seattle, Baltimore, DC and Detroit and the results to show for it. Thanks ...
We shall see. Manchin is the wildcard but the numbers are the numbers. 50% is a high number, no matter how much you try to downplay it or make excuses for it.

As far as Portland, that's the mayor. He's awful.
What you call excuses, I call facts. Can you give me one Manchin vote for the Republicans where it made a difference. But I understand your wanting to just ignore the examples I gave you. And yea, 50% is a great number that he can brag about to his red state but they undoubtedly are all just like the Kavanaugh vote-meaningless. If he was going to vote for Kavanaugh, which he did, why didn't he do it BEFORE Susan Collins? I don't need your answer because I know that you know the answer.
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Kalim, appreciate your thoughtful answers to the questions posed in this thread. You are right, all politicians are different, but the majority are beholden to their party lines. It takes a big set to go against the grain.

Honest question about the bolded statement above, which Dem run cities are run well and what are they doing differently to make it so? Just off the top of my head, we have had decades of poor leadership in places like Chicago, NYC, LA, SF, Portland, Seattle, Baltimore, DC and Detroit and the results to show for it. Thanks ...
I can tell you what his answer will be. It's not the party. It's the individual people or persons who affect the success or non success. Frankly, this is just a non sensical thought process. He says he wants higher taxes on the rich. OK. Vote democrat because they are the PARTY whose philosophy is higher taxes. In all my years, I have never heard anyone make the argument that the party has nothing to do with it. It's just the persons. That's just silly.
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Kalim, appreciate your thoughtful answers to the questions posed in this thread. You are right, all politicians are different, but the majority are beholden to their party lines. It takes a big set to go against the grain.

Honest question about the bolded statement above, which Dem run cities are run well and what are they doing differently to make it so? Just off the top of my head, we have had decades of poor leadership in places like Chicago, NYC, LA, SF, Portland, Seattle, Baltimore, DC and Detroit and the results to show for it. Thanks ...
There will always be high crime in big cities. Until more investments go into those poor areas in those big cities, nothing will change. It will just fluctuate from year to year. Thats kind of what activist is talking about with systemic changes.

I spoke on the difference in cities and smaller areas in another thread, see below

Post in thread 'So AG Garland announces DOJ to probe the practices of Minneapolis Police Department and my question is:'

The question I ask to you guys. Which policies are republican led states/cities doing differently than democrat led states/cities?

I heard a police officer say that everyday policing in America is pretty standard, no matter where you go. The real difference is how do your leaders handle the crisis or major events.
All of them.... LOL

Seriously, three come to mind, and I’m sure other will think of others:
  1. “Rachel” Levine - the transgendered dude who was the PA health commissioner or whatever that title. Struck me as incompetent and is radically liberal. Almost certainly got the nomination due to his/her transgender credentials.
  2. Vanita Gupta - Liberal culture warrior is deputy AG. I don’t believe her when she professes to be impartial in her position.
  3. Kristen Clarke - radical black suprematist as head of DOJ Civil Rights Division. Terrible choice unless you’re a fan of the identity politics of the left.
So all people that you just don't like. Levine ran the state of PA is was doing a good job. I live in the area and would know that. I'm going out on a limb and say you have don't like her because he's transgender based on your air quotes.

Clarke is a civil rights leader and her career was about going after racist people. A lot of white people are uncomfortable with that, so I get why you would say she is radical. She isn't but I get it.

Now Gupta isn't radical, she just believes in left policies, which you don't. She also falls in line with Clarke in regards to civil rights stuff.

So far it just seems because you don’t like their position on things, they are radical. That dynamic is always interesting. People called Garland radical but then you have right wing senators call him fair, moderate and impartial. It really depends on your preference I guess.
All of them.... LOL

Seriously, three come to mind, and I’m sure other will think of others:
  1. “Rachel” Levine - the transgendered dude who was the PA health commissioner or whatever that title. Struck me as incompetent and is radically liberal. Almost certainly got the nomination due to his/her transgender credentials.
  2. Vanita Gupta - Liberal culture warrior is deputy AG. I don’t believe her when she professes to be impartial in her position.
  3. Kristen Clarke - radical black suprematist as head of DOJ Civil Rights Division. Terrible choice unless you’re a fan of the identity politics of the left.
Kamala Harris - most radical candidate in 2020 and ended up VP

Antony J. Blinken - Secretary of State

Jennifer Psaki - Press Secretary

Lloyd J. Austin- Secretary of Defense
So all people that you just don't like. Levine ran the state of PA is was doing a good job. I live in the area and would know that. I'm going out on a limb and say you have don't like her because he's transgender based on your air quotes.

Clarke is a civil rights leader and her career was about going after racist people. A lot of white people are uncomfortable with that, so I get why you would say she is radical. She isn't but I get it.

Now Gupta isn't radical, she just believes in left policies, which you don't. She also falls in line with Clarke in regards to civil rights stuff.

So far it just seems because you don’t like their position on things, they are radical. That dynamic is always interesting. People called Garland radical but then you have right wing senators call him fair, moderate and impartial. It really depends on your preference I guess.
Didn’t Levine pull its grandma out of a nursing home when it made a decision to send the sick to the elderly population causing more covid deaths?
There will always be high crime in big cities. Until more investments go into those poor areas in those big cities, nothing will change. It will just fluctuate from year to year. Thats kind of what activist is talking about with systemic changes.

I spoke on the difference in cities and smaller areas in another thread, see below

Post in thread 'So AG Garland announces DOJ to probe the practices of Minneapolis Police Department and my question is:'

The question I ask to you guys. Which policies are republican led states/cities doing differently than democrat led states/cities?

I heard a police officer say that everyday policing in America is pretty standard, no matter where you go. The real difference is how do your leaders handle the crisis or major events.
That's easy.
Funding. Major democrat cities have cut police funding or have pending funding cuts. Crime statistics are up.
How are anarchists dealt with. It is hard to believe that a 6 block area would be allowed to be taken over for weeks in Seattle last year. Horrible for the businesses and people living there. I do not believe a republican governor would allow that. DeSantis in Florida just signed legislation to throw rioters in jail. Remember Occupy Wall street a few years ago. Another example of a democrat allowing anarchists to take over property.
That's easy.
Funding. Major democrat cities have cut police funding or have pending funding cuts. Crime statistics are up.
How are anarchists dealt with. It is hard to believe that a 6 block area would be allowed to be taken over for weeks in Seattle last year. Horrible for the businesses and people living there. I do not believe a republican governor would allow that. DeSantis in Florida just signed legislation to throw rioters in jail. Remember Occupy Wall street a few years ago. Another example of a democrat allowing anarchists to take over property.
Marxists. They’re marxists. Everything the Democrats do today appeases marxists. All this racial division is right out of their handbook. Honest people understand this.
Antony J. Blinken has ties to Soros backed groups. He’s anti Israel which fits in with the Biden blurred vision of reality.

My favorite is none other then Press Secretary Jennifer Psaki. Psaki is on the board of advisers to a group called Supreme Court Voter Group who sole purpose is to push court packing. It’s also a 501c4 non profit money laundering scheme. Has the backing of Pocahontas and also worked with an Israeli facial scan company that did work for mossad.

I could go on with all of Biden’s picks

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