Hamas attacks Israel

1. The gun companies send a text alert: You need to be ready for when the terrorists come in on parachutes.

2. The gun nuts run out to buy more guns.
You forgot to add:

3. The gun nuts are alive after the attack to tell everyone what happened.

Personally, I am not a gun person, but would defend someone's right who wants to own one.
1. The gun companies send a text alert: You need to be ready for when the terrorists come in on parachutes.

2. The gun nuts run out to buy more guns.
Thicker than a 4x4. Gun nuts do not need to run to the gun store when the chit hits the fan, son. But people who are incapable of protecting their loved ones because they were shorted in the “Man” category would never understand that. We ARE prepared to already do that, son.
Thicker than a 4x4. Gun nuts do not need to run to the gun store when the chit hits the fan, son. But people who are incapable of protecting their loved ones because they were shorted in the “Man” category would never understand that. We ARE prepared to already do that, son.
It's always hilarious when people who feel they need a gun to be safe call other people chicken.
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It's always hilarious when people who feel they need a gun to be safe call other people chicken.
I think his point is that with or without a gun, he will find a way to defend his family.

And regardless of how he does it, you will still be hiding under the covers, sucking your thumb.
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I think his point is that with or without a gun, he will find a way to defend his family.

And regardless of how he does it, you will still be hiding under the covers, sucking your thumb.
I know his 'point'. He's frightened of things that may happen and thinks having a gun will make him a brave man.
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I know his 'point'. He's frightened of things that may happen and thinks having a gun will make him a brave man.
Funny thing is, you just described yourself perfectly. You are terrified of what MIGHT happen with an inanimate object.

So you are attempting to project that 'gun nuts' have the same terror you do, just in the opposite direction.

Hey...whatever helps you deal with your thumb-sucking.
I know his 'point'. He's frightened of things that may happen and thinks having a gun will make him a brave man.

I’m a complete coward and own several home protection firearms.

I don’t plan on ever having to use them.

I know, I’m an extremist. I’m surprised you’ll even participate in this forum, there’s probably a way I could figure out who you are and where you live.

RAT COWARD BASTARDS hiding behind their own people

Hamas is telling civilians not to leave, and no doubt threatening them not to leave. Egypt is blocking the main passageway out of Gaza and refuses to let most Gaza Palestinians leave. Egypt and Hamas obviously want the death toll to increase. The Israelis have urged Gaza Palestinians to leave and have been pressuring Egypt to open the passageway. Furthermore, not a single Arab country has offered to take any Gaza Palestinians.

RAT COWARD BASTARDS hiding behind their own people

Hamas is telling civilians not to leave, and no doubt threatening them not to leave. Egypt is blocking the main passageway out of Gaza and refuses to let most Gaza Palestinians leave. Egypt and Hamas obviously want the death toll to increase. The Israelis have urged Gaza Palestinians to leave and have been pressuring Egypt to open the passageway. Furthermore, not a single Arab country has offered to take any Gaza Palestinians.

Hamas definitely wants civilians in Gaza so they hide among them.

I don’t blame Egypt for not taking them in. That would be like Guatemala pushing Mexicans into the US. Jordan doesn’t want them either.

The reality is no other middle eastern counties want to take in the Palestinians, but they will definitely use them as a propaganda piece. They will support their cause but aren’t willing to support them.

Biden not only re-armed Iran and provided hundreds of millions that wound up in the hands of Palestinian terrorists, but he hired as his top envoy to Iran, who was a special pleader for Iran and is now under investigation for security issues that the Biden administration refuses to reveal to Congress or the public. And the usual Democrat-Party media don't give a damn.

There is no occupied west bank.There is Judea and Samaria.
Yeah, I don't see any Palestine or Palestinians in the KJV Bible, it's Edomites, Jebusites, Moabites, Canaanites, Nazareth, Samaria, Judea, on and on. I do see Israel the person, Israelites the people, and Israel and Judah the Kingdoms in the good book.
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