Hamas attacks Israel

Not a fan of the implications of what this suggests ...
I think it implies there is a 'deep state' in Israel as well. As there are in all major countries.

The initial attack succeeded because the Israeli defense system failed in the exact way that it was designed to NOT fail.

If we accept that there is a 'world government' running the world, and I think many of us here do, then obviously there would need to be people in the highest forms of government in each of these countries, at least the major ones.

The goal is to start a world war, for many reasons. I don't think it's going to work, but I do think this will help expose the deep staters in Israel.
I think it implies there is a 'deep state' in Israel as well. As there are in all major countries.

The initial attack succeeded because the Israeli defense system failed in the exact way that it was designed to NOT fail.

If we accept that there is a 'world government' running the world, and I think many of us here do, then obviously there would need to be people in the highest forms of government in each of these countries, at least the major ones.

The goal is to start a world war, for many reasons. I don't think it's going to work, but I do think this will help expose the deep staters in Israel.
I don't think that. But it's entirely possible Israel took some collateral damage intentionally for an excuse to have Hamas and company wiped off the map. That's a real possibility.
I don't think that. But it's entirely possible Israel took some collateral damage intentionally for an excuse to have Hamas and company wiped off the map. That's a real possibility.

That or general human failure...which is of course very typical of humans.

Guarding a border, or holding a line for days, weeks, months, years and even possibly a decade, where little or nothing happens, is going to lead to complacency. This is especially true when those guards deal with repetitive false alarms from cats, dogs or even trash blowing in the wind, not to mention intentional false alarms from the terrorists themselves, setting off proximity and motion alarms day after day after day.

BIDEN IS THE WORST PRESIDENT IN OUR HISTORY AND HE'S NOT DONE We should be deeply concerned that Blinken is traveling throughout the Middle East, meeting with Abbas and several enemy states, as if he's negotiating for Israel. He is not. He is cutting deals with these genocidal regimes and tying Israel's hands -- from war tactics, including conditioning the provision of certain weapons to Israel on absurd ground warfare restrictions, and post-Gaza configuration that will now be a "global" decision. In other words, they are tying Israel's hands and after what will be a horrendous fight, which will be fought only by the Israeli IDF, will turn over the decision-making about post-Gaza to the international community. Is Congress being brought into all of this? Meanwhile, restrictions on Iran's ability to make and sell missiles and drones, as well as proceed with its nuclear program, expires now, thanks to the Obama-Biden nuclear deal. What are they going to do about it? They have no plan at all to prevent Iran from finally getting nukes. They re-armed Iran, which Blinken is now blaming on Trump (these people are liars, appeasers, and truly sick). They re-armed the Palestinian terrorists in violation of U.S. law. They don't put pressure on Qatar or Turkey, which provide safe haven for Hamas leaders, and they don't stop Qatar from funding Hamas (that country has major assets in our country, which allows for great leverage). These countries contributed to the murder of at least 30 Americans on Oct. 7 and the kidnapping of God knows how many people. Biden-Blinken have not changed their policies toward Iran, Qatar, Turkey, or Egypt, the latter of which has prevented Gazans from leaving. It's much easier to pressure and threaten Israel, which has suffered unimaginable atrocities, and which is surrounded by enemies. We still have hundreds of Americans in Afghanistan, due to the appalling surrender there, which cost 13 of our military heroes their lives. Russia invaded Ukraine, seeing the Afghanistan disaster and Biden's incompetence and weakness, which it sought to exploit. China is chomping at the bit to invade Taiwan. Biden is not funding our military at a level commensurate with these life-and-death threats. Our borders are wide open, with millions of unvetted aliens coming into our country, including from enemy countries and a big increase of those on our terrorist watch list. Biden has taken no steps to reverse course and secure our borders despite the grave threats posed. And, of course, Biden has unleashed his police state to imprison his top GOP political opponent, with an Obama judge in charge of the first trial, and who just ordered a shocking, unprecedented, unconstitutional gag order on the former president -- who was told he cannot even criticize the prosecutor who is leaking relentlessly to the press and filed a so-called "speaking indictment."

I don't think that. But it's entirely possible Israel took some collateral damage intentionally for an excuse to have Hamas and company wiped off the map. That's a real possibility.
It's the most hotly contested and monitored border in the world, guarded by one of the most well trained military forces in modern history.

And some heathens in gas powered gliders infiltrated en masse?

It's hard to understand how that happens unless it was allowed to happen.

And no, I don't like the implications of that last sentence either.
It's the most hotly contested and monitored border in the world, guarded by one of the most well trained military forces in modern history.

And some heathens in gas powered gliders infiltrated en masse?

It's hard to understand how that happens unless it was allowed to happen.

And no, I don't like the implications of that last sentence either.

Agree with much of this. However we don't send our best and brightest to guard a fence. We send our participation trophy people to stand guard. The Israeli fire eaters are infiltrating their "fences."

I'm not saying that a conspiracy here is impossible. I'm saying that this abject failure is entirely plausible imho.
Agree with much of this. However we don't send our best and brightest to guard a fence. We send our participation trophy people to stand guard. The Israli fire eaters are infiltrating their "fences."

I'm not saying that a conspiracy here is impossible. I'm saying that this abject failure is entirely plausible imho.

I have no clue. It's just fair to ask the question. I would much prefer incompetence.
It's the most hotly contested and monitored border in the world, guarded by one of the most well trained military forces in modern history.

And some heathens in gas powered gliders infiltrated en masse?

It's hard to understand how that happens unless it was allowed to happen.

And no, I don't like the implications of that last sentence either.
TIFWIW but on the radio they were talking about this the other day and supposedly there are places close by where the attack started that people use the hang gliders for recreational fun, so its possible that at first glance, maybe the IDF didn't think much of seeing hang gliders.
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TIFWIW but on the radio they were talking about this the other day and supposedly there are places close by where the attack started that people use the hang gliders for recreational fun, so its possible that at first glance, maybe the IDF didn't think much of seeing hang gliders.

I did see that the concert attendees certainly didn't think it was an attack until bullets started flying.

Moreover, if the innocents allow attacks to be made from their neighborhoods, they're allowing themselves to be in the line of fire.

It's absolutely dangerous for them to resist Hamas and other terrorists. I get that. It's also dangerous if they don't resist. They have two options...resist and fight the terrorists or leave the area. It's a tough choice and I feel for those who oppose Hamas but this is the reality of the situation.
Moreover, if the innocents allow attacks to be made from their neighborhoods, they're allowing themselves to be in the line of fire.

It's absolutely dangerous for them to resist Hamas and other terrorists. I get that. It's also dangerous if they don't resist. They have two options...resist and fight the terrorists or leave the area. It's a tough choice and I feel for those who oppose Hamas but this is the reality of the situation.
Resist and maybe die or dont resist and maybe die. Probability of death is very high, either way, if you are the shield.

Makes me think of the Judge Dredd remake.
Resist and maybe die or dont resist and maybe die.

Yep. Such a circumstance makes "doing the right thing" an easier choice...because either way you're probably screwed.

It also sounds like they trust the Israelis to react more reasonably than their terrorist brothers will which is why they do nothing. Fine...but stop blaming Israel when they do react.
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Moreover, if the innocents allow attacks to be made from their neighborhoods, they're allowing themselves to be in the line of fire.

It's absolutely dangerous for them to resist Hamas and other terrorists. I get that. It's also dangerous if they don't resist. They have two options...resist and fight the terrorists or leave the area. It's a tough choice and I feel for those who oppose Hamas but this is the reality of the situation.
If you let terrorists live amongst you...this is what can happen.

Who was Blinkens daddy and who did he work for? Who was his grand daddy and where was he born? I am not into conspiracies but the same incompetent fools and their offspring keep getting high level jobs and f'n things up.
Checking Truth Social.....they claim Blinken's step-father is Robert Maxwell's attorney, the father of Ghislaine Maxwell. Blinken's dad was the US ambassador to Hungary under Slick Willy, and he apparently has strong ties to soros.

Good catch. What else? Feels like there should be more.

BTW here's one for you and @Dr. Curmudgeon that I just learned today: The Hebrew word for violence is.....hamas.
BTW here's one for you and @Dr. Curmudgeon that I just learned today: The Hebrew word for violence is.....hamas.
Yep knew that...Allah means curse or oath. Anyone that says we all worship the same God is flat out wrong. Funny/odd that hamas is an acronym. Hashem means The Name. its the blasphemous name of the kings of Jordan and Iraq.

And my favorite hair raising fact...666 written in Greek letters ( new testament written in greek) looks like arabic script for Bismallah = "In the name of Allah." Study twelver Shia Islam and their Mahdi

Blinkens grandfather was born in Kiev. Soros open society now named the blinken open society was supposed expose the Nazis and war crimes. Somehow the unrepentant "Judas Iscariot" George Soros escapes scrutiny for his betrayal of his own people through his collaboration with the Nazis. Bernie Madoff died in prison yet Soros the Nazi walks free!
I was talking to a good friend of mine yesterday, and he made an incredible point. Why do we glorify these cowards as "terrorists". Most of their victims do not have the ability to fight back. They are more like cowardly animals...however I love that is a disservice to our animal friends. Terrorists is NOT the proper name for people who chop babies heads off, rape defenseless women, and kill innocent civilians. We need Donald Trump to stick a name to them that will stick like super glue.
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Yep knew that...Allah means curse or oath. Anyone that says we all worship the same God is flat out wrong. Funny/odd that hamas is an acronym. Hashem means The Name. its the blasphemous name of the kings of Jordan and Iraq.

And my favorite hair raising fact...666 written in Greek letters ( new testament written in greek) looks like arabic script for Bismallah = "In the name of Allah." Study twelver Shia Islam and their Mahdi

Blinkens grandfather was born in Kiev. Soros open society now named the blinken open society was supposed expose the Nazis and war crimes. Somehow the unrepentant "Judas Iscariot" George Soros escapes scrutiny for his betrayal of his own people through his collaboration with the Nazis. Bernie Madoff died in prison yet Soros the Nazi walks free!
Did you see where I posted in the other thread about the Open Society having to reduce its staff by 40% across the globe? Money problems???
I was talking to a good friend of mine yesterday, and he made an incredible point. Why do we glorify these cowards as "terrorists". Most of their victims do not have the ability to fight back. They are more like cowardly animals...however I love that is a disservice to our animal friends. Terrorists is NOT the proper name for people who chop babies heads off, rape defenseless women, and kill innocent civilians. We need Donald Trump to stick a name to them that will stick like super glue.
subhuman savages
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Checking Truth Social.....they claim Blinken's step-father is Robert Maxwell's attorney, the father of Ghislaine Maxwell. Blinken's dad was the US ambassador to Hungary under Slick Willy, and he apparently has strong ties to soros.

Good catch. What else? Feels like there should be more.

BTW here's one for you and @Dr. Curmudgeon that I just learned today: The Hebrew word for violence is.....hamas.
Prophetic and ironic.

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