yet smoking weed enhances the creativity of the mind and helped create some of the greatest pieces of poetry, music and art from it's effects along with pyschadelics... if these drugs are so bad for people, how come they are giving it to people dying gruesome slow deaths from cancer to get relaxation and peace of mind while speeding up the healing process? Because it's"killing" the rest of their brain cells?
Chemotherapy is still one of the most expensive and awful remedies for cancer treatment still to this day, it's the same logic and blowing up an entire city to take out one criminal at large while breaking down everything else in the immune system to rebuild all over again from square one and making you weaker and more susceptible to new illnesses/cancers more than ever...
It's 2017, this misinformation for an herb HAS to stop because people that have never done it are being brainwashed by some of the most evil and greedy souls on the planet to make more money for pharmaceuticals... Yet they started making THC pills over the counter, for such a dangerous and useless drug lol... They still have it listed as the most dangerous drug on the top of the list of hard drugs above, heroin, cocaine, lsd and alcohol, what a crock of shit man it's embarrassing...
After the many years of being brainwashed and steering away from marijuana, the first time i finally ended up trying it i was outraged by the lies I was told about it for my lifetime at how harmless it was.. and instead completely helpful and the most automatic remedy to rid yourself of the cancer of hangovers from that poison that it heals in your stomach and rids headaches immediately from simply one or two puffs of a natural God given herb...
LOL so every drug that helps cancer should be recreational then? Thats ur argument? Poison ivy is a natural herb, smoke that, since that is ur argument. You need to read the medical journal. I believe science over some idiot who thinks he can putrun cj spiller and becuz he smokes pot and wants legal that pot does not have bad effects on u.
Would u give it to ur 8 yr old kid everyday? Just answer the question
I knew my IQ was higher than urs, i jus didnt know the gap was this big.
Ur right, its 2017 and people still need alcohol and drugs to "escape their life" becuz its so bad. That is the most pathetic thing i have ever heard. U need to alter ur state of mind becuz its just to tough and life is so unfair. Absolutely, pathetic.
This coming from the same moron who doesnt think we terrorist blew up the twin towers LOLOLOL u cant make this stuff up.
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