Check this out for reference:
At least three or four of the items on this debunked hoax list were brought to us by the FBI / DOJ. As a supposed moderate, which of these hoaxes do you still believe?
Personally I believe the FBI has lost most if not all of its credibility regarding it’s supposed impartiality and commitment to equal Justice under the law. I believe the distrust in the FBI in this matter is well placed and well earned.
Probably the top 3-4 layers of FBI management at a minimum need to be fired en masse to make way for a major organizational / cultural overhaul.
Not sure what you are asking for, since none of these have anything to do with illegally taking state documents, but just for fun.
1. Trumps people met with the Russians over 100 times. Maybe he was involved, maybe he wasn’t. Nothing was either proven or disproven, since many did not cooperate with the investigation. I’ll bet Trump would have taken the 5th.
2. Dead hookers tell no tales. Speaking of hookers, that Stormey one proved to be true.
3. News to me. Not sure what that has to do with Trump
4. Well, they were on the one of the sides that he called that
5. He sure did. Heard it with my own ears. What an idiot.
6. Never heard that one. Who cares either way
7. Trump didn’t but his people sure did. And the bible was upset down. I’m sure he’s never read it.
8. I never bought that story. He guy is scum.
9. That’s pretty well accepted except by people in the cult. Same with every election
10. For some it sure was, especially if they had reached Pence. How else were they going to “stop the steal.” Trump would have been thrilled, since he’s such a sore loser.
Shitty list if you think that exonerates Trump. The man thinks he can get away with anything as long as his followers don’t care about the constitution.