Hmmm. Not one reference to the great health care system he destroyed. I never claimed he was a great person, but I’m sure it’s just a coincidence that they are both black. Not to mention to the continued reference to Obama being a “Kenyan.”. Plenty of Marxist/socialists, yet you pick an African one. Hmmm. What’s even funnier than your attempt to justify it, is that you don’t even see how silly you sound.Listen genius, Mugabe was an actual Prime Minister of Zimbabwe who is widely credited for destroying his countries Healthcare system by instituting policies very much like the ones that your party favors.
This is historical fact. It is not debatable. History cannot make me a hypocrite, lol. Calling a Native American Tonto is racist...always, every time anyone does it. Durp.
Ideologically an African nationalist, during the 1970s and 1980s he identified as a Marxist–Leninist, and as a socialist after the 1990s.
Robert Mugabe | Biography, Death, & Facts | Britannica
Robert Mugabe, Black nationalist and the first ruler of independent Zimbabwe (formerly Rhodesia), serving first as prime minister (1980–87), then as executive president from 1987, a post he held until he was forced to resign in 2017. Learn more about the life of Mugabe
Robert Mugabe: From liberator to tyrant
He promised democracy and reconciliation. but hopes for the future dissolved into violence, corruption and economic
Well, it seems pretty obvious. But keep making excuses. That’s what you do.Clearly you didn't.
Which makes sense, actually.
Yep, it’s only Dems. Funny how you only point to one side. I’m sure you are buds with all of those confederates protesting the removal of their statues. You try so hard to fit in.Baseless racist charges is M. O. for the left.
If you visit a 7-11, you better have an Indian accent.
Many of them don't know how to get on the internet.
If you don't know to vote for me or Trump, you ain't black.
He's a clean and articulate black man.
Listen genius, Mugabe was an actual Prime Minister of Zimbabwe who is widely credited for destroying his countries Healthcare system by instituting policies very much like the ones that your party favors.
This is historical fact. It is not debatable. History cannot make me a hypocrite, lol. Calling a Native American Tonto is racist...always, every time anyone does it. Durp.
Ideologically an African nationalist, during the 1970s and 1980s he identified as a Marxist–Leninist, and as a socialist after the 1990s.
Robert Mugabe | Biography, Death, & Facts | Britannica
Robert Mugabe, Black nationalist and the first ruler of independent Zimbabwe (formerly Rhodesia), serving first as prime minister (1980–87), then as executive president from 1987, a post he held until he was forced to resign in 2017. Learn more about the life of Mugabe
Robert Mugabe: From liberator to tyrant
He promised democracy and reconciliation. but hopes for the future dissolved into violence, corruption and economic
FIFU, *numbnutts*....Yep, it’s only Dems. Funny how you only point to one side. I’m sure you are buds with all of those American Citizens protesting the removal of their statues. You try so hard to fit in.
Only because you got whupped in the War of Insurrectionists.FIFU, *numbnutts*....
Which one, the revolutionary war, the war of 1812, or the civil war?Only because you got whupped in the War of Insurrectionists.
Well, it seems pretty obvious. But keep making excuses. That’s what you do.
It’s not always about you. I was talking about the OP.What seems obvious? That you thought of DWB as a reason to pull over drivers while I did no such thing? Obvious? Maybe. Evil? Absolutely. I don't subscribe but you do you.
And I never made an excuse for your evil notions. You're clearly attempting to project your own racism onto others...but you're failing miserably.
Well, the one where they lost. Otherwise we’d be living in the Confederate States of Slavery, with John Birch, George Wallace and David Duke as past presidents.Which one, the revolutionary war, the war of 1812, or the civil war?
Still waiting on you to condemn your crews racist posts.
Well, the one where they lost. Otherwise we’d be living in the Confederate States of Slavery, with John Birch, George Wallace and David Duke as past presidents.
It’s not always about you. I was talking about the OP.
Only Dolphin, Wahoo, Tuna, Grouper, a ton of Yellow Tail, Cobia, even Barracuda. Not really a fishing boat per se, but it will do. Not that you could afford it.
And I think I’ll pass on hiring some toothless redneck, but thanks anyway.
For some people, that war has never ended.I had no idea that insta fought in the war between states.
Sure, as long as you also give them credit for making us the greatest country on earth. But you negative Nellies always look at the dark side.The North won their war of invasion, and look what they have brought us to today.
The Socialist/Communist Rats with Brandon, Harris, Schumer and Pelosi, and their corrupt 3 letter bureaucrats etc....
Man, it's sure is a good thing that they turned Southern plantation slavery (that was already on the way out) into Northern Ghettos with minorities being murdered in the womb and on the streets, while living on no hope welfare....
Does this mean that we can all now blame everything that's so wrong with America today on the North?
As you clearly do? LOL. EvilWays is an independent and Insta is a nutter, so they don’t count.When I get one I'll be sure to do that.
At what point should we expect you to begin disagreeing with people who have similar political views to yours, as I clearly do?
I love it that Trumpers are now so infatuated with polls and approval ratings, after dismissing them for four years.![]()
NBC Poll: Biden Hits New Low in Approval
President Joe Biden's job approval rating has hit an all-time low, according to the latest NBC News
You do realize that even your own kind are admitting to this.....oh wait, you're in that 38% population that loves Biden and all🤣🤣🤣🤣I love it that Trumpers are now so infatuated with polls and approval ratings, after dismissing them for four years.
Not really. I completely understand the low approval ratings. The right wing media has it out for him and the gullible Trumpers believe all the lies.You do realize that even your own kind are admitting to this.....oh wait, you're in that 38% population that loves Biden and all🤣🤣🤣🤣
Well that was hurtful...As you clearly do? LOL. EvilWays is an independent and Insta is a nutter, so they don’t count.
Im still waiting on that list where you and Ghost disagree.
It was a complement. Being part of Ghost’s crew isnt something to aspire to.Well that was hurtful...
Ghost has me on ignore strictly because I'm a Satanist, which speaks volumes for the tiny bubble he exists in. If he actually knew how many of us are in law enforcement and the military, I believe he'd shit himself.It was a complement. Being part of Ghost’s crew isnt something to aspire to.
You count to me. 🥰
Only weak minded people use the ignore function. If you can't handle someone's opinion, scroll on.I don't get the ignore function. Never put anyone on ignore before. BScuck provides us endless entertainment, it's almost if it's intentionally stupid. The ignorance defies the laws of science...... there are no absolutes in the universe, but yet here we are! 😂
What are your feelings about people that go out of their way to delete posts out of the GOAT thread?I don't get the ignore function. Never put anyone on ignore before. BScuck provides us endless entertainment, it's almost if it's intentionally stupid. The ignorance defies the laws of science...... there are no absolutes in the universe, but yet here we are! 😂
Just an OUTRIGHT lie...but it is what lefties do.I just like pointing out your hypocrisy. Outraged at my comments while making excuses for your crew.
You see, when I called Sunburnt, Tonto, I was referring to his loyalty to Ghost. It was a term of endearment. You buy that, don’t you? . .
What we KNOW is that it is worse than what the polls here say. Polls are mostly controlled by you communist POS'sI love it that Trumpers are now so infatuated with polls and approval ratings, after dismissing them for four years.
Ouch. That was hurtful. And so original. Any other thoughts you wish to share?What we KNOW is that it is worse than what the polls here say. Polls are mostly controlled by you communist POS's
Yawn. You really need some new material.Which sock is next?