Have you figered out everything that got better under Brandon yet? Did I miss your post?
Lets try something else here...you must have indulged too much on 4/20...I will show you how this is done..you know EDUCATE you.
What Trump accomplihed despite constant attack from America's #1 enemies..democrat
1. Jobless claims hit a 50 year low under his leadership
2. Unemployment rates for African Americans, Hispanics, Asian americans, Native Americans, Veterans hit all time lows in each category
3. Bottom 50% of American households saw a 40% rise in net worth
4. Put in place policies to bring supply chains BACK to the USA...Brandon RUINED this
5. Cut taxes for businesses
6. Doubled the standard tax deduction for all
7. Eliminated 8 old regulations for every one adopted.
8. Immediately withdrew from TPP
9. Ended NAFTA and replaced it with FAR better for America agreement
10. Negotiated with Japan to slash tariffs and opened up agriculture trade of 7 billion with them
Now...I can post TEN TIMES more than this...did not even get in to mid east peace deals, no invasions by Russia ANYWHERE( he is the only President in about half a century that can say this)
So now YOUR turn. I will let your little snowflake friends even help. My bet to you all.....I can name 10 to your one. Should be a cake walk. But you know what....you CANNOT play! Your side SUCKS balz! LOLOL And it is IMPOSSIBLE for you to respond!