Fox to pay $787M?

What garbage.

Bush v Gore.
I got from my off topic fishing forum. I had some "not so nice" things to say after I did some digging into their financials. 😂

Trolls. I'll be the first to admit that I often laugh at what they produce. It can be pretty hilarious. But sometimes they just make it damn near impossible to find information...or trust it if you believe that you have found it.
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The fact these two idiots didn't know Dominion was owned by private equity and actually spent their time researching a meme is hilarious

Imagine how much smarter they would be if they spent as much effort researching worthwhile topics 🤣
LOL Thanks for bumping this, forgot how big of a backfire theo's attempted troll was. This was almost as bad as the time ray ray thought he was trolling pubs here by saying McCarthy sucks LOL
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Trumpers like to laugh about people having TDS. But then they can’t grasp that the same TDS they laugh about also motivated people to go to the polls to vote Trump out of office.
Too complicated. The vote against trump was yuuuuuge just as any normal person would have expected.