Florida's starting quarterback against Tennessee will be decided later in the week

McElwain says that he's not angry about it, but I sure the hell am! :mad:

QB Treon Harris and CB Jalen Tabor have been suspended for the Tenn game. Neither are 1st time offenders. As much talent as they have, they have little to no character in them. One more time and I'd boot them both off the team, before their SELFISHNESS can do any more damage to the program.

I'm sick of their 'ENTITLEMENT' attitudes, and I don't want to hear any of the usual 'enabling - kids will be kids' excuses for them. o_O

Their own individual poor choices should have some definite consequences, not just more weak/lame excuses. :mad:
(otherwise, like Meyer, the inmates will be running the aslymn) :confused:
Don't assume that because they tested positive that they were toking up this week or even recently. Marijuana stays in your system for a while. And other players not being suspended doesn't mean they weren't toking up either. As I've mentioned, they don't test the whole team, they just pick a handful of random players and test them. The only way to not get popped is to not smoke at all, which is a different discussion. We could have had half the team getting high this week and if they weren't randomly selected nobody would know and they'd skate with people assuming that they weren't smoking. Random luck of the draw.
Don't assume that because they tested positive that they were toking up this week or even recently. Marijuana stays in your system for a while. And other players not being suspended doesn't mean they weren't toking up either. As I've mentioned, they don't test the whole team, they just pick a handful of random players and test them. The only way to not get popped is to not smoke at all, which is a different discussion. We could have had half the team getting high this week and if they weren't randomly selected nobody would know and they'd skate with people assuming that they weren't smoking. Random luck of the draw.

None of that is germaine to this particular situation.
Break the UF, UAA or team rules and get suspended.
Screw up 3 times (3x LOSER) and you're outta here, or you should be.

What someone else is doing, or might or might not be doing, is just throwing confetti into the air and hoping that none of it falls on you.

Because of their past record while at UF, I've lost all faith in them as individuals.
I don't trust that they won't do some other totally SELFISH act in the future that's critical to the team's success.

IF UF loses to Tenn because they are not in the game, will that change anyone's opinion?
I can tell you that if the Gators do manage to win the game, that it won't change my opinion of them one bit.
I doubt these players were picked randomly, if they were suspended, it's not their first time testing positive. I believe that once a player tests positive, they become subject to more aggressive testing.
Actually Insta, it directly applies to the situation. You keep making the statement that they let their teammates down when you have no idea if those same teammates were smoking recently or not. The only way you would know that is if every member of the team was tested and that's simply not how they administer the test. So just because these two got popped doesn't even mean they're the most blatant offenders on the team. It just means they were unlucky enough to be chosen for this go round of tests. It's luck of the draw unless you think they're the only two members on the team smoking. If all 85 were tested every round, we wouldn't field a team.
I doubt these players were picked randomly, if they were suspended, it's not their first time testing positive. I believe that once a player tests positive, they become subject to more aggressive testing.

They were picked randomly, that's how they administer the test. Now to your point, once you test positive once, you're pretty much tested every time after that. But to my knowledge neither of these two have tested positive in the drug program. And yes I know about their one citation, but that's not the drug program.
IF they whole team is breaking their recruitment contracts, then it's time to fold up the program and just give up. (I think that you're FoS btw, but nothing personal intended) :cool:

Maybe they need to institute full time testing for the entire team, so enablers like yourself will no longer have your dubious excuses to spew out, dissing on the many that do hold to their recruitment contracts. o_O
Your lack of reading comprehension is on full display here again. What excuse am I making? I'm simply telling you that your assumption that the rest of the team 'held to their recruitment contracts' is stupid because they don't test the entire team. You assume they're clean when they could be the biggest offenders on the entire team. The testing just doesn't work the way you seem to think it does.
Your 'enabling' bs is on full display yet again. You are attempting to excuse the offenders because you accuse the rest of also breaking their word/contracts, and only the fact that not everyone is being tested is keeping the majority of the team from being suspended.

Do they have a recruitment contract that they sign or not?
Are they fully aware of the rules and the punishments?
Should they be held responsible for their decisions and actions or not?
Are they ALL held responsible for their actions if they break their word?

I have been under drug testing in most of the jobs that I've held in my lifetime.
I have never tested positive, have you?
If it wasn't against the law and the current team rules, I wouldn't care if they smoked weed or not.

IF any of them want to smoke dope, then they are free to do so, but not under their current contracts. They can chose to join the general population and give up their highly privileged positions as Gator Student/Athletes.

Are you to stupid to understand those basic facts? o_O......LET'S TRY TO KEEP IT CIVIL.

Last post to you.

Do they have a contract? Yes
Are they fully aware of the punishments? Yea, they should be.
Should they be held responsible? Absolutely, who said otherwise?
Should they be held responsible for breaking their word? What word are you referring to and clarify how they 'broke their word.'

And guess what? None of that has anything to do with the entire point of my posts, which is that you have no clue who is and isn't smoking. Them being popped isn't proof just as the others not being popped is proof they aren't smoking. What don't you understand about that? For the umpteenth time, they do not test all the players. That was and has been my only point. If it were up to me, none of them would smoke. I don't smoke or drink so it's not as if I'm like 'yo its totally cool if they roll up!'

And no, I didn't accuse the rest of 'breaking their word.' I'm just not naive enough to think 2 players on an 85 man roster are the only ones smoking when the amount of kids in that demographic, let alone football players, smoke on the regular. How you can't catch the nuance in that statement is beyond me. But if you want to go that route, how is your assumption and demonizing of these two any different from my assumption that they aren't the only two on the team that smoke? Or are you the only one allowed to make assumptions?
When you sign a contract, that is giving your 'official in writing word.'
When you've been in violation and you say that you've learned and won't do it again, that's reaffirming your already given verbal and in writing word.
For the last time, who else is or is not doing drugs is IRRELEVANT.
I don't know who else is, and you don't know who else isn't.

Attempting to use the actions of others is an ENABLING EXCUSE for the one's that got caught.
"demonizing of these two"

Holding someone RESPONSIBLE for their OWN ACTIONS is not 'demonizing' them.
But using that 'demonizing bs' is a further attempt to enable and excuse their actions.
Do you not understand their word and the PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY that goes with it?

Please show me where I've ever claimed that only 2 are guilty of smoking some weed in the past, or in the present. It's IRRELEVANT
to the two that just got themselves suspended.

Test them all and it's fine with me.
Any and all of the 3x losers (failure to learn and mature) to be dismissed from the team, (personal responsibility for their own individual choices).
Now, let that slowly soak in....
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Sometimes it's nice to watch the younguns learn the trivial nature of arguing with Insta
The good news is that as he gets owned by the new guys enough, he puts them on ignore. Pretty soon, he will have no one to argue with
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