Easy test to see if you suffer from Trump Derrangement Syndrome


Ring of Honor
Oct 1, 2012

If you read that tweet and immediately thought to yourself "That's a lie! 1,000 stacked on top of each would NOT equal a mile! Liar-In-Chief!!!", then you officially have Trump Derangement Syndrome.

The Washington Post took this tweet, and added below it: "FACT CHECK: At two inches each, a thousand burgers would not reach one mile high."

If you agree with this 'FACT CHECK', then you have Trump Derangement Syndrome just as badly as The Washington Post does.

Interestingly, I see certain liberals/Trump haters referencing The Washington Post here regularly. Critical thinkers can see that when a media source is this obviously biased against a person, that there is no logical reason to believe any of their reporting of said person.

Yet liberals here and elsewhere blindly believe any negative article written by The Washington Post about your President Trump.

These people are not critical thinkers, these people are sheep.

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