Durham bombshell: President Trump was right, he was spied on!

Oh my

@kalimgoodman @BSC911

Get Ready for More: The Durham Probe Has ‘Accelerated'​

One thing I find odd....notice we have Ratcliffe and others throwing a lot of big names out there right now. obama, hillary of coourse, brennan. Even Hiden.

Anyone notice who is missing? James Comey.

I find that curious. Not sure what it means, but him and James Clapper not being mentioned at all right now strikes me as odd.
Need to see all the facts first. Don't go jumping to conclusions like the demo-rats do with Russia Russia Russia
I think we are. No one is jumping to conclusions.

But all the smoke is going in one direction, and it’s based of a pretty solid prosecutor’s actions…not some fake booklet about someone hiring hookers to pee on a bed.
Need to see all the facts first. Don't go jumping to conclusions like the demo-rats do with Russia Russia Russia

You should be able to trust Durham's wording in the charging documents etc. unlike the crooked Mueller crew he is putting things in them he is convinced he can prove at trial and not just made up twisted nonsense for media soundbites that have nothing to do with the crime being charged. It was crazy how many times Mueller's merry band of clowns pulled that.
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I think we are. No one is jumping to conclusions.

But all the smoke is going in one direction, and it’s based of a pretty solid prosecutor’s actions…not some fake booklet about someone hiring hookers to pee on a bed.
This is breaking news to people that haven't followed this case.

Anyone that followed this investigation closely knew about all this 3-4 years ago. I was posting here about all this in 2018. It's why I told @sadgator and @LizardGrad89 that I wasn't going to waste my time debating the investigation with them. It's going forward whether they believe in it or not.

If you follow the filings then you can clearly see what the trajectory of this investigation is and who Durham is zeroing in on.

I do not have enough popcorn for this.
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Oh we're getting somewhere....

"Among the documents Ratcliffe released were handwritten notes by then-CIA Director John Brennan, who briefed President Barack Obama of “alleged approval by Hillary Clinton on July 26, 2016 of a proposal from one of her foreign policy advisors to vilify Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal claiming interference by Russian security services.”

“He [Brennan] briefed President Obama and Vice President Biden and other members of the national security team about this specific intelligence, that John Durham now has, about a Hillary Clinton plan to falsely accuse and vilify Donald Trump with a scandal, and the discussion around that and whether or not it was good intelligence,” Ratcliffe said. “So everything that happened after that … is one of the reasons that John Durham is investigating.

Earlier in the interview, Ratcliffe added that he believed Durham had found evidence of “a conspiracy, meaning two or more people in furtherance of a crime; and anyone that was aware that this campaign plan was going to be falsely pitched to the FBI or the CIA or law enforcement or intelligence authorities would be subject to criminal prosecution for any number of criminal crimes — mail fraud, wire fraud, lying under oath, congressional testimony, false testimony to prosecutors, all of those things."

I'm sorry, did Ratcliffe just say that obama, brennan and the CURRENT SITTING PRESIDENT* are all subject to criminal prosecution????

@sadgator are you still watching?
Keep in mind Brandon unmasked Flynn and then Flynn was leaked to the press. Something to think about 🤔
This is breaking news to people that haven't followed this case.

Anyone that followed this investigation closely knew about all this 3-4 years ago. I was posting here about all this in 2018. It's why I told @sadgator and @LizardGrad89 that I wasn't going to waste my time debating the investigation with them. It's going forward whether they believe in it or not.

If you follow the filings then you can clearly see what the trajectory of this investigation is and who Durham is zeroing in on.

I do not have enough popcorn for this.
I got a little extra, would you like some ?

This is breaking news to people that haven't followed this case.

Anyone that followed this investigation closely knew about all this 3-4 years ago. I was posting here about all this in 2018. It's why I told @sadgator and @LizardGrad89 that I wasn't going to waste my time debating the investigation with them. It's going forward whether they believe in it or not.

If you follow the filings then you can clearly see what the trajectory of this investigation is and who Durham is zeroing in on.

I do not have enough popcorn for this.
I am not jumping to conclusions...but like you, I have followed this for 4 years. I will go on record right here and now and say Comey, Brennan, Clapper and MANY inside the FBI were involved in this. You can also add Schiff and swallowswell. They KNEW there was ZERO Russia evidence, but went on EVERY news outlet swearing hat they had seen evidence.
One thing I am truly amazed at, is WHY are people not raising more hell about this. This WILL go down as the crime of the century...maybe the worst in our Nations history. I have no doubt that many in the Hussein administration are complicint also. You had FBI agents lying to the FISA court to spy on innocent people. You had the former directors of the NSA, and CIA lying EVERY day on National TV. You had Comey lying, and not charging a criminal that if ANY of us did 1/100th of what she did, would find ourselves locked up in jail for a very long time. This makes watergate look like childs play.

My concern here is Americans REALLY not care about this? If we do not care...we have lost our Country. If we allow "news" outlets to wrongfully sway so many unknowledgeable people, and control their beliefs so much, we are in huge trouble. We are also NO DIFFERENT than China or Russia...of for that matter, any chithole third world country.
If you are sitting around "waiting to see more evidence" just do not pay attention to what is going on. Mueller spent THIRTY million dollars on this investigation...and found NOTHING. It was ALL made up BS from Hillary and her clan. Is this really the America you want your children to grow up in?
I really followed all the details close when this stuff was all over the news and the FBI was so crooked it wasn't even funny. Just don't see the Dems (AG) allowing Durham to take all those guys down as this would dwarf Watergate then and the media couldn't keep ignoring it. I believe Durham won't be allowed to go past the Clinton flunkies and maybe some lower level FBI person but he has an issue because the Clinton cronies know the FBI knew their stuff was BS but used it for warrants anyway. That is why like that FBI lawyer previously I think most will be offered nice deals so this doesn't explode. Might review the stuff again later and see who is getting off the hook legally for those illegal spying warrants on Trump's camp.
I really followed all the details close when this stuff was all over the news and the FBI was so crooked it wasn't even funny. Just don't see the Dems (AG) allowing Durham to take all those guys down as this would dwarf Watergate then and the media couldn't keep ignoring it. I believe Durham won't be allowed to go past the Clinton flunkies and maybe some lower level FBI person but he has an issue because the Clinton cronies know the FBI knew their stuff was BS but used it for warrants anyway. That is why like that FBI lawyer previously I think most will be offered nice deals so this doesn't explode. Might review the stuff again later and see who is getting off the hook legally for those illegal spying warrants on Trump's camp.
Oh, I agree with you. Unfortunately, we have been taken over from the inside, and they control EVERYTHING. Those same people are who stole the 2022 election
I really followed all the details close when this stuff was all over the news and the FBI was so crooked it wasn't even funny. Just don't see the Dems (AG) allowing Durham to take all those guys down as this would dwarf Watergate then and the media couldn't keep ignoring it.
Then why haven't they already stopped it?

Because, Durham is now literally sending them to jail.

At what point do we start to wonder if.....they can't stop this?
My concern here is Americans REALLY not care about this? If we do not care...we have lost our Country. If we allow "news" outlets to wrongfully sway so many unknowledgeable people, and control their beliefs so much, we are in huge trouble. We are also NO DIFFERENT than China or Russia...of for that matter, any chithole third world country.
If you are sitting around "waiting to see more evidence" just do not pay attention to what is going on. Mueller spent THIRTY million dollars on this investigation...and found NOTHING. It was ALL made up BS from Hillary and her clan. Is this really the America you want your children to grow up in?
Thanks to the media and dems being sheep, half the country thinks obama, hillary, brennan, comey etc are actually HEROES saving America from evil Trump.

This is part of the reason why I asked what would happen if tonight Durham said he was indicting all of them for treason. It would be instant Civil War, cause half the country truly thinks those people are patriots.

This aint gonna happen overnight. It will take YEARS.
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Then why haven't they already stopped it?

Because, Durham is now literally sending them to jail.

At what point do we start to wonder if.....they can't stop this?
Because Durham hasn't touched the institutions hardly and my guess is they know they won't be slam dunked. Reading some of the legal stuff it appears to me Durham is mostly just going after Clinton flunkies. My opinion is the AG would tell Durham no if he wanted to nail Hillary or James Comey and his immediate underlings. Would love to be wrong but doubt I will be.
Thanks to the media and dems being sheep, half the country thinks obama, hillary, brennan, comey etc are actually HEROES saving America from evil Trump.

This is part of the reason why I asked what would happen if tonight Durham said he was indicting all of them for treason. It would be instant Civil War, cause half the country truly thinks those people are patriots.

This aint gonna happen overnight. It will take YEARS.
It is less than half the country. The US average IQ is 98. Not 68. More than half the country believes the "progressives" are crooked polling tells us. Even Quinnapiac.
Oh, I agree with you. Unfortunately, we have been taken over from the inside, and they control EVERYTHING. Those same people are who stole the 2022 election
You and others here are forgetting who it was that took down the Sovereign King of England, and it wasn't the kind of Rats that currently control the stinking DC swamp.....

That King finally had to cry 'uncle' and he surrendered his SOVEREIGNTY to the PEOPLE, not to the yet non-existent Federal Corruption Traitors....

The corrupt in the swamp seem to have forgotten what "Let Them Eat Cake" will eventually earn them....
I knew this right away. Clapper and Brennan were lying their azzes off, so it was apparent that they were hiding something. Same w Comey, who single handedly ruined the reputation of the FBI forever. Now most of us, who at one time trusted these government agencies, do not trust ANY of them at all
I was going to post this story Monday, but he had not been sentenced yet. The media? Crickets. According one of the few articles I could find, only one year means he is cooperating with the prosecution of Crackhead Hunter.
A Palin daughter spat with a sleepover buddy made Page 1 of the NY Times. A Brandon son dismissed from the Navy for drug use made Page 29A of the NY Times.

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