Do you believe in God?

Nobody is hiding - and here is another person who cant have a damn conversation without bringing politics into it. But just so you know, my mother has been a devout Christian for 60 years, the pastor at her church, studies scripture everyday and yes - she IS a Democrat because she doesn't believe her religious views should be the determining factor on how she should vote for a president or congressman that is making decisions on whats best for everyone. She also supports Gay rights and is pro - choice because she is pro-life personally but she doesn't want her views to decide for others. As for me, im not either party, and its because of people like you on both sides who take their party affiliation like a damn cult
The reply is not a supprise.
Islam is a false religion and an anti-christ religion if not the religion of the Antichrist himself. I use the Hebrew because that was the language of Abraham and Israel. If it means curse in Hebrew then that is revealing as to the nature of the being in question. Allah is a false god not to be confused with Yaweh/Yeshua/Yehoshua.
According to Christians, if you arent with Christ. You're against him. Which means about half the world is "Anti Christ* which frankly, is ridiculous.
According to Christians, if you arent with Christ. You're against him. Which means about half the world is "Anti Christ* which frankly, is ridiculous.
I am just tongue in cheek right now, but look at the country at this time.
According to Christians, if you arent with Christ. You're against him. Which means about half the world is "Anti Christ* which frankly, is ridiculous.
Written 500 years before Islam

1 John 2:
22 Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.

23 Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also.

Those who believe that Allah has a son must be admonished since this is a monstrous blasphemy and falsehood (18:4-6).

Allah has never begotten a son and there are no deities beside him (23:91).

Anyone who says that they worship the same God are wrong.
Written 500 years before Islam

1 John 2:
22 Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.

23 Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also.

Those who believe that Allah has a son must be admonished since this is a monstrous blasphemy and falsehood (18:4-6).

Allah has never begotten a son and there are no deities beside him (23:91).

Anyone who says that they worship the same God are wrong.
Do people in my previous post see what I am saying about freedom of choice? Christianity is all around the world. You have that choice. Others may have to fight for it more than others.
Written 500 years before Islam

1 John 2:
22 Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.

23 Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also.

Those who believe that Allah has a son must be admonished since this is a monstrous blasphemy and falsehood (18:4-6).

Allah has never begotten a son and there are no deities beside him (23:91).

Anyone who says that they worship the same God are wrong.
religions that predate Christianity :

Hinduism, Buddhism, Asatru, Zoroastrianism. Shinto. The Greek pantheon, the Roman pantheon, the Egyptian pantheon.

Christianity is a fairly new religion, why you folks think you've cornered the market on spiritual truth is beyond d me.
religions that predate Christianity :

Hinduism, Buddhism, Asatru, Zoroastrianism. Shinto. The Greek pantheon, the Roman pantheon, the Egyptian pantheon.

Christianity is a fairly new religion, why you folks think you've cornered the market on spiritual truth is beyond d me.
Christianity is an offshoot of Judaism. Zoroastrianism is a proto-christian revelation to the Persians. The wise men that visited Christ were Zoroastrians. Hinduism is trinitarian in nature while monotheistic in it origin. Brahma is actually Abraham. Christ is a cognate of Krishna. All their gods are avatars of the one God. Chinese religion was monotheistic originally. Many of their pictographs tell the genesis story. Confucianism is a philosophy and Confucius was supposedly a monotheist.
religions that predate Christianity :

Hinduism, Buddhism, Asatru, Zoroastrianism. Shinto. The Greek pantheon, the Roman pantheon, the Egyptian pantheon.

Christianity is a fairly new religion, why you folks think you've cornered the market on spiritual truth is beyond d me.
Lol, I’d say that would probably be because “Christ” , God come as man, who is why there is Christianity, came later than those ancient times.
I’d also point out that Christianity also serves a “living God” the tomb was empty because Christ defeated death & rose from the grave, every other major religious leader is dead. There is no demeaning other religions, but as Christians we are called to share the gospel truth, but we shouldn’t become angry toward others because of it, we should pray for them. It’s easy as human beings in the flesh to become defensive or angry, we should watch out for that, it’s not us as Christians being rejected it’s Christ they are rejecting, we are just being obedient to our calling.
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There is nothing inconsistent with your beliefs and my beliefs. I agree there is no Christianity without Christ this is there is no Islam without Mohammed. I also believe it it’s not my place to judge who will be damned and he will be saved. My only issue, and it is not you said it, is with those that believe if you’re not a Christian you were automatically condemned to hell.

The Christian faith explicitly states that if you do not accept Christ as your Lord and Savior, you are doomed to hell.

Not my rule. Not my judgment. There is but one way to eternal salvation.
The common thread here is they also have faith in Yahweh, Allah, Vishnu, Buddha, etc. Like I said, only one group can be correct.

On South Park it was the Mormons...

It's not your belief in God that earns your salvation. It is the faith that Christ is the son of God, who died for your sins, that earns you eternal life.

I'm not judging others. I don't hate those who believe differently. These are the covenants...I am not in charge of them.
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The Christian faith explicitly states that if you do not accept Christ as your Lord and Savior, you are doomed to hell.

Not my rule. Not my judgment. There is but one way to eternal salvation.
Yep did you ever wonder why? I mean if you can suspend beliefs long enough to think about the social economic advantages of claiming your God is the only God and if you don’t believe in him, or more importantly tied to the religion, your condemned to hell. Is a cultural construct and that kind of interesting?

Regardless if it’s a personal thing your beliefs are yours and I respect him but I do not believe the same interpretation of Christ and Christianity that you do, I’m more of an Augustine Catholic
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Yep did you ever wonder why? I mean if you can suspend beliefs long enough to think about the social economic advantages of claiming your God is the only God and if you don’t believe in him, or more importantly tied to the religion, your condemned to hell. Is a cultural construct and that kind of interesting?

Regardless if it’s a personal thing your beliefs are yours and I respect him but I do not believe the same interpretation of Christ and Christianity that you do, I’m more of an Augustine Catholic

Social economic advantages? Do you know how my particular faith began?

I'm not here to change your mind. That's not my calling. It's not even my purview. However, when Christ is no longer the central element of Christianity, we're no longer discussing Christianity.
Social economic advantages? Do you know how my particular faith began?

I'm not here to change your mind. That's not my calling. It's not even my purview. However, when Christ is no longer the central element of Christianity, we're no longer discussing Christianity.
Depends are you talking about Christianity in general or your version of Christianity? Are you Catholic/Episcopalian or Protestant? And if your protestant are you Baptist, or Methodist or Presbyterian?
Depends are you talking about Christianity in general or your version of Christianity? Are you Catholic/Episcopalian or Protestant? And if your protestant are you Baptist, or Methodist or Presbyterian?

There is NO Christianity without Christ. Period.

Theism, countless other faiths in intelligent design...but without Christ, it isn't Christianity.
There is NO Christianity without Christ. Period.

Theism, countless other faiths in intelligent design...but without Christ, it isn't Christianity.
I’m not sure that actually answered the question, but OK good night
According to Christians, if you arent with Christ. You're against him. Which means about half the world is "Anti Christ* which frankly, is ridiculous.

I don't understand why that is ridiculous. I don't hate Muslims but I certainly do not support, or believe, their faith.

I think you are confusing my lack of faith in their beliefs as some type of prejudice. That's not the case.

My God tells me that there is no salvation save that through his son, Jesus Christ. That's not my judgment. That's faith in my religion. I will not water down my faith in the name of "wokeness" or platitude. I wouldn't expect a Muslim or a Hindu to water down their faith for my benefit either.

Jesus Christ is the son of God. There's no wiggle room for me in that statement. How could there be? Imagine the most important element in your life. Now imagine me asking you to alter that element in the interest of not offending others.
And Hitler was a devout Roman Catholic, and he murdered masses. Slavery and the genocide of Native Americans which killed more than 60 million that we can count was done in the name of Christianity. I'm a history professor, if you would like to play this game about "who has killed more" we can do that and you'll lose but i didn't make my comment to do that, nor is it what i want, which is why i wrote at the end "this is just my opinion".

If you believe that Hitler was a devout Roman Catholic, you are a flawed history professor.

He put much more faith into the occult and mysticism than he ever did into Christ. To argue otherwise is to deny history...which is apparently your life's work. Seems like an odd thing to do.
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I never said it was originated by Christians - I said slavery from Africa to this country by the Europeans was done in the name of Christianity - they literally said this was God's will . Slavery, in one form or another, has existed since the beginning of man

No, you simply added credulity to the Maoist discipleship that religion is the opiate of mankind.

The faith in something greater than oneself is not an opiate. It's humbling and challenging....and wonderful and life changing.

Calling it an opiate is obtuse and offensive.
I see this thread is starting to head into the same ditch that every discussion about religion seems to head.

What I always find fascinating about these threads is how certain people are determined to 'prove' that certain other people don't know as much about their beliefs as they think they do.

I think I know why they do this. But it's always fascinating to see the same dynamic play out over and over again.

I am always learning, and always assuming I have more to learn when it comes to God.

I am a happy student.
I never said it was originated by Christians - I said slavery from Africa to this country by the Europeans was done in the name of Christianity - they literally said this was God's will . Slavery, in one form or another, has existed since the beginning of man

They are not God. Humans are flawed...that includes those who invoke His name and those who do not.

God is love. Those who disagree with any part of those three words are out of line with His teachings. I am often out of line with His teachings. I do, however, see my failings and strive and pray to be more in line tomorrow than I am today.

The point being...if I fail tomorrow, you can try to use my failure as an excuse and an example for others for why they should deny Christ. My failure will be mine alone, not God's.
I don't understand why that is ridiculous. I don't hate Muslims but I certainly do not support, or believe, their faith.

Imagine the most important element in your life. Now imagine me asking you to alter that element in the interest of not offending others.
IMHO proselytizing is offensive in and of itself, and Christians are the only ones explicitly commanded to do so.

No one is asking you to alter you beliefs to avoid offending people. I just wish some of your ilk would refrain from waking me up at 7am on a Sunday to talk to me about a God I couldn't care less about since I've got a perfectly good religion of my own already.

Does that make more sense?
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IMHO proselytizing is offensive in and of itself, and Christians are the only ones explicitly commanded to do so.

No one is asking you to alter you beliefs to avoid offending people. I just wish some of your ilk would refrain from waking me up at 7am on a Sunday to talk to me about a Hod o couldn't care less about since I've got a perfectly good religion of my own already.

Does that make more sense?
But unless I've forgotten a "minor" point in the Scripture Christians aren't commanded to kill non-believers like some Muslims eagerly practice.
Social economic advantages? Do you know how my particular faith began?

I'm not here to change your mind. That's not my calling. It's not even my purview. However, when Christ is no longer the central element of Christianity, we're no longer discussing Christianity.
Perhaps relevant to remember that the poster you are replying to once said that republicans need to 'compromise' on abortion and embrace pro-choice in order to get more voters.
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IMHO proselytizing is offensive in and of itself, and Christians are the only ones explicitly commanded to do so.

No one is asking you to alter you beliefs to avoid offending people. I just wish some of your ilk would refrain from waking me up at 7am on a Sunday to talk to me about a God I couldn't care less about since I've got a perfectly good religion of my own already.

Does that make more sense?

Not entirely. There are many ways to proselytize. I talk to people who want to engage in a conversation. I think the most effective way to proselytize is to lead your life in a manner that reflects positively on your faith.

I cannot change you or anyone. Further, I wouldn’t try to as it's not my mandate. I can't do any of that...and I've never knocked on anyone's door uninvited.

It's possible that you are painting with a broad brush here. Like any other group, we're not all the same.
IMHO proselytizing is offensive in and of itself, and Christians are the only ones explicitly commanded to do so.

No one is asking you to alter you beliefs to avoid offending people. I just wish some of your ilk would refrain from waking me up at 7am on a Sunday to talk to me about a God I couldn't care less about since I've got a perfectly good religion of my own already.

Does that make more sense?

Going by what you’ve said in the past, is your religion the one founded by Anton LaVey?
This is why even if the Bible ” in fact "Divinely Inspired," based on my grade school knowledge of the game "telephone" a lot can change in 2000 years.
Divinely inspired is just code name for lack of authentication. There was no “Bible” in ancient times. The Bible, in whatever form, is just a compilation of selectively chosen scripture from unknown authors. Some parts are pretty reliable (ie the four gospels IMO) , but others are just tall tales.

Every religious book claims to be “divinely inspired.” It’s a meaningless attribute.
This is why even if the Bible was in fact "Divinely Inspired," based on my grade school knowledge of the game "telephone" a lot can change in 2000 years.

I understand that argument but if I can believe that God created everything, he could probably get his point across in a book written by many different men over a few thousand years.

Further, I'm not always certain that the actual words that I'm reading are always what matters. I can be in a tough spot, spiritually or otherwise, and I can read a passage in the Bible and hear something that I've never heard before. The act of reading the Bible, or hearing a sermon, at least for me, is very much like having a conversation with my living God.

That may sound crazy to some and that's ok, but that has been my experience. BTW, the lower I am, the more clearly I hear Him.
Divinely inspired is just code name for lack of authentication. There was no “Bible” in ancient times. The Bible, in whatever form, is just a compilation of selectively chosen scripture from unknown authors. Some parts are pretty reliable (ie the four gospels IMO) , but others are just tall tales.

Every religious book claims to be “divinely inspired.” It’s a meaningless attribute.

Sometimes I worry that consider yourself Christian because you aren't Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, ect. but you do believe in "God."

Not trying to lecture you but I'd be careful deciding what you believe, intellectually, and instead turn that over to Him. I don't have the language skills nor the ancient history knowledge to understand everything I read in the Bible. For that reason, I pray for guidance before reading the Bible...every time.
Today the best friend of the 36-year-old we lost yesterday came to the hospital because he wanted to meet me. His friend had made him promise not to come to the hospital while he was sick because he didn’t want anybody to see him like that. Matter of dignity I believe.

So his friend came to the hospital today and found me and we talked for a while and then I took him and his other friend upstairs to the intensive care unit where their friend had been. They got to meet the nurses that took care of them and visited with them for a while. Then his friend lead the entire I see you in a prayer in memory. It’s a very special beautiful moment that I was glad I got to take part in.
Sometimes I worry that consider yourself Christian because you aren't Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, ect. but you do believe in "God."

Not trying to lecture you but I'd be careful deciding what you believe, intellectually, and instead turn that over to Him. I don't have the language skills nor the ancient history knowledge to understand everything I read in the Bible. For that reason, I pray for guidance before reading the Bible...every time.
And a word of advice for you. You should try to understand the background of what you read. That way you’re not just blindly taking someone’s word for something. This applies to every text, not just the Bible. Worship God, not a book.
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