Derek Chauvin trial - what does the jury do?

It's not possible to consider this case without looking at the politics. If you say you are, or that you can, then I'm sorry but I don't believe you.
I disagree and I know a lot of people who don't. You guys are just too political. You guys would probably politicize which hand you hold your dick with when you pee.
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I disagree and I know a lot of people who don't. You guys are just too political. You guys would probably politicize which hand you hold your dick with when you pee.

Always my right. Not because I'm conservative...but because I'm right handed.

This case was very political. Politicians know this as well. Want proof?

I've said all along that I believed Chauvin was guilty of negligence. But convicting him of Murder 2, based on Minnesota law??? That’s simply not possible sans politics.
The appeals courts and Supreme court have shown themselves to be cowards in these political issues. I predict they will reject any appeal.

See Blackstone's ratio...

It is better that ten guilty persons escape than that one innocent suffer.

Benjamin Franklin stated it as: "it is better 100 guilty Persons should escape than that one innocent person should suffer."

Or if you prefer...

Abraham drew near, and said, "Will you consume the righteous with the wicked? What if there are fifty righteous within the city? Will you consume and not spare the place for the fifty righteous who are in it? What if ten are found there?" He [The Lord] said, "I will not destroy it for the ten's sake."


Authoritarian personalities tend to take the opposite view. Communists employed similar reasoning during the uprisings in Jianxi, China in the 1930s: "Better to kill a hundred innocent people than let one truly guilty person go free," and during uprisings in Vietnam in the 1950s: "Better to kill ten innocent people than let a guilty person escape." Similarly in Cambodia, Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge adopted a similar policy: "better arrest an innocent person than leave a guilty one free."
I bet the cop here in Nashville is thankful that he got shot and spent a few days in the hospital Otherwise another sainted minority would have been the victim of systemic racism and the officer fired and arrested. Better to spent a few days in the hospital than getting life in prison.

I get the argument that we can’t be 100% certain that Chauvin’s actions caused or significantly contributed to Floyd’s death. But I have no objection to convicting a guy who knelt on someone’s neck for ten minutes even though he was already handcuffed. IMO, even if Floyd survived, Chauvin should still have been sentenced to hard time.
The cop was a dumbass, but didn't commit murder. If we convicted dumbasses at this rate there wouldn't be enough prisons to hold them all. Cop should have handcuffed this POS to a park bench or lamp post and let Darwin claim his prize. Likely would have died just the same and even then, the SJW's would have howled anyway. This shit has gotten out of hand. Don't be a criminal, don't resist and then you won't be put in this position.
No one is going to want to be in law enforcement when this is how you are ultimately treated. Wokeness now values the lives of criminals and thugs more than they do those who protect and serve.

Any cop in these big city lefty areas need to leave asap to more cop friendly areas. Unless they are within like 2 years of their minimum retirement time they need to find another agency.

I used to get jumped on by some conservatives for calling out idiot or trigger happy cops but what has happened in the last couple of years is just crazy and this lefty war on cops is totally out of control. A cop can't even arrest someone now in these places without people threatening a minor riot or worrying whether some state attorney will charge him to placate the mob.
Cause of death. It's really that simple. Did you not watch one minute of the trial?
You don't think his knee led directly to his death?

Keep in mind, if i am on drugs and you push me in front of a moving car, you will be charged with my murder. It doesn't matter if i was high or that the car trauma killed me. What matters is the push. That cop knee was the push.

I have an uncle serving life in prison for murder and he wasn't even in the room when it happened, so this stuff is normal. You dont have to directly kill someone, you just can be directly involved (which Chauvin was). The cop was charged like every other person would be.

Lastly, the defense job is to create doubt. I dont need someone to tell me how he died. Its on video. 7 cops testified against him, think about that. That video was his end, without it, he never gets charged.
The 2nd degree murder charge is a bit too much. The cop was negligent and his actions caused Floyd’s death, but a manslaughter charge was more fitting. Most cops are good people and don’t go around targeting black people. My father served in law enforcement for over 27 years and I can tell you that he is not a racist person, nor have I heard any racist comments from his police buddies when I was a kid. I think we are headed into a segregated society if this keeps up. You will see white cops now not wanting to have anything to do with black communities and this whole BLM movement, and the constant use of the word racism is causing irreversible unity damage. I think we have to find a way to get back to viewing people as Americans first.

I get the argument that we can’t be 100% certain that Chauvin’s actions caused or significantly contributed to Floyd’s death. But I have no objection to convicting a guy who knelt on someone’s neck for ten minutes even though he was already handcuffed. IMO, even if Floyd survived, Chauvin should still have been sentenced to hard time.

Fired for sure...maybe even convicted for Assault 3rd....but hard time in your scenario? Meh.
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You don't think his knee led directly to his death

Well that is the issue one actually knows that it did.

What we know, and what was said during this trial is that the tissue around his neck didn't show damage. The defense countered by saying that in many cases the tissue may not show damage.

Does that eliminate reasonable doubt for you? Even for Murder 2? It does not for me.
Fired for sure...maybe even convicted for Assault 3rd....but hard time in your scenario? Meh.
Hard time at a condo security guard station for life. Stupid people deserve stupid jobs. But murder? I don't think so. Another life long criminal is off the streets. Sorry if I'm not appropriately sad. This country is screwed when people fly flags at half mast on his passing.
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Hard time at a condo security guard station for life. Stupid people deserve stupid jobs. But murder? I don't think so. Another life long criminal is off the streets. Sorry if I'm not appropriately sad. This country is screwed when people fly flags at half mast on his passing.

I can't be ok with Floyd's death, with the way it went down, no matter what actually killed him. Chauvin's actions stained my profession regardless.

But agree, if Floyd had survived, Chauvin becomes Paul Blart's lackey and justice is served.
Murder up 56% nationwide under the vegetables administration. The Biden and RAT 🐀 war on Cops bearing fruit.
I wonder how many of those 56% being murdered are innocents and God fearing. Let the hoodlum bastards shoot it out and weed each other out.
Well that is the issue one actually knows that it did.

What we know, and what was said during this trial is that the tissue around his neck didn't show damage. The defense countered by saying that in many cases the tissue may not show damage.

Does that eliminate reasonable doubt for you? Even for Murder 2? It does not for me.
That's not true. The medical examiner said it did. You're just determined to think it's questionable for political reasons. You probably was questioning it before the testimony. I don't care what the examiner said from either side. I trust my eyes. But see what the medical examiner said...

That's not true. The medical examiner said it did. You're just determined to think it's questionable for political reasons. You probably was questioning it before the testimony. I don't care what the examiner said from either side. I trust my eyes. But see what the medical examiner said...

Your eyes can read a toxicology report? Is it a cops duty to carry around a suitcase full of Narcan for the druggies? SMH.
That's not true. The medical examiner said it did. You're just determined to think it's questionable for political reasons. You probably was questioning it before the testimony. I don't care what the examiner said from either side. I trust my eyes. But see what the medical examiner said...

You're making some rather pithy proclamations in this post. Hopefully I can help.

My point is included within the very link you shared. Not even all of the prosecutions witnesses could agree on a very important point...

Baker did not include a lack of oxygen, or asphyxia, as a cause of Floyd's death.

Baker's findings were at odds with those of other prosecution expert witnesses who were explicit in their assessments that Floyd died from asphyxia.

And the defense also put on witness expert testimony that refuted the prosecutions witness.

Given everything you know, there's no chance that reasonable doubt on Murder 2 is reasonable??? Really?
You're making some rather pithy proclamations in this post. Hopefully I can help.

My point is included within the very link you shared. Not even all of the prosecutions witnesses could agree on a very important point...

Baker did not include a lack of oxygen, or asphyxia, as a cause of Floyd's death.

Baker's findings were at odds with those of other prosecution expert witnesses who were explicit in their assessments that Floyd died from asphyxia.

And the defense also put on witness expert testimony that refuted the prosecutions witness.

Given everything you know, there's no chance that reasonable doubt on Murder 2 is reasonable??? Really?
Your eyes can read a toxicology report? Is it a cops duty to carry around a suitcase full of Narcan for the druggies? SMH.

Doesn't matter, as I stated before. If it led to his death. He's accountable. You guys are ignoring that. Plenty of people are in jail for that.

I seriously don't get why anyone would stand up for this guy. If you guys want to make it political, ok but if you truly care about cops and blue lives. This is the kind of cop that you guys should want off the force. This is kind of cop that you guys should be ready to make an example of. I truly believe that's why 7 cops broke the blue wall. He did a bad thing.

The other 3 cops, I don't believe is guilty of anything but Chauvin? Come on now.
Doesn't matter, as I stated before. If it led to his death. He's accountable. You guys are ignoring that. Plenty of people are in jail for that.

I seriously don't get why anyone would stand up for this guy. If you guys want to make it political, ok but if you truly care about cops and blue lives. This is the kind of cop that you guys should want off the force. This is kind of cop that you guys should be ready to make an example of. I truly believe that's why 7 cops broke the blue wall. He did a bad thing.

The other 3 cops, I don't believe is guilty of anything but Chauvin? Come on now.
A lot of things lead to death. Being conceived, living a life of a common criminal, drug abuse, resisting arrest and being restrained by 3 officers. Add them all up, recipe for death. He won the lottery. I won't shed a tear for Chauvin, he's not a good guy. Murderer though? I don't think so. We won't agree on this. That's okay, doesn't mean you are a bad person. We simply disagree here.

The other two cops are being scrutinized for involvement too. That's just flat out bullshit. Chauvin was their superior. They were just following orders. But that's not good enough for the bloodthirsty woke. They want more scalps, even though they had nothing to do with any of this. They were simply there.
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Doesn't matter, as I stated before. If it led to his death. He's accountable. You guys are ignoring that. Plenty of people are in jail for that.

I seriously don't get why anyone would stand up for this guy. If you guys want to make it political, ok but if you truly care about cops and blue lives. This is the kind of cop that you guys should want off the force. This is kind of cop that you guys should be ready to make an example of. I truly believe that's why 7 cops broke the blue wall. He did a bad thing.

The other 3 cops, I don't believe is guilty of anything but Chauvin? Come on now.

Are you on drugs right now? I defend this guy? If I disagree with part of the verdict, I'm defending him?

And I should want him off the "force?" Do you just not remember who posts what?

Listen, you seem to think that it's immoral for me to disagree with any part of the verdict. You're welcome to your opinion...just as I am.

I've said dozens of times that I believe that he is guilty of negligence and that's Murder 3.

If at any point you are interested in a serious conversation, let me know.
But agree, if Floyd had survived, Chauvin becomes Paul Blart's lackey and justice is served.

For the love of all things this post I state that even if Floyd had survived that Chauvin should have been fired and possibly prosecuted for Assault 3.

...but @kalimgoodman doesn't understand why I still want him "on the force." I on punk'd???
Are you on drugs right now? I defend this guy? If I disagree with part of the verdict, I'm defending him?

And I should want him off the "force?" Do you just not remember who posts what?

Listen, you seem to think that it's immoral for me to disagree with any part of the verdict. You're welcome to your opinion...just as I am.

I've said dozens of times that I believe that he is guilty of negligence and that's Murder 3.

If at any point you are interested in a serious conversation, let me know.
And I don’t think anyone here is saying he is a good cop or that he shouldn’t be held accountable. He is a POS. Murder 2 wasn’t proven and should not have even been charged in my opinion. I am fine with murder 3 and/or manslaughter. I also believe being a LEO has to be a tough and stressful job. They have to make split second decisions sometimes, that can be the difference between life and death. Think about 9/11, they were the ones running into the twin towers. I for one am glad they are out there helping to keep me and my family safe.
For the love of all things this post I state that even if Floyd had survived that Chauvin should have been fired and possibly prosecuted for Assault 3.

...but @kalimgoodman doesn't understand why I still want him "on the force." I on punk'd???
Only an idiot can't understand. The guy has no business being a cop, but that still doesn't make him a murderer. Kalim still doesn't get it.
The felonious assaulter of pregnant women died of an overdose. The 140 lb Napoleon is a pawn in a political game. Although two other officers are men of color this has and will continue to be framed as systemic racism. This verdict is a blight on society. It furthers a false narrative that the left has been pushing since Ferguson, Mo.

Again I hope to retire to one of 2 TN counties that have a total population of ~5K. I am done with this society. More than half the people are morons. A significant amount of people are still getting their news from ABC, NBC, CBS etc. I could converse with my grandparents and parents and understand most cultural references. Today's generations know nothing preceding their birth. @Sunburnt Indian I think your data must be outdated. There is no way that the average IQ in this nation is anywhere north of 75.

I think I will tend to my garden, drink some wine, fire up a chofu jacuzzi, connect to Musk's starlink and stream something on my Roku while the rest of you cower in fear that some morally bankrupt member of the LGBTQ+ crowd may be offended by you and get you canceled.
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The other 3 cops, I don't believe is guilty of anything but Chauvin? Come on now.

On this we've actually flipped positions if you can believe it.

Two of them were super green rookies. I'm willing to give them way more slack but it's still right on the edge for me.

The third guy wasn't as green. I'm not sure how Minnesota's laws read on this but in Alabama, you're culpable in that situation. I'd have to do a lot more research on it to come up with a reasonable consequence for him.

But none of them should ever be cops again, obviously.
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The felonious assaulter of pregnant women died of an overdose. The 140 lb Napoleon is a pawn in a political game. Although two other officers are men of color this has and will continue to be framed as systemic racism. This verdict is a blight on society. It furthers a false narrative that the left has been pushing since Ferguson, Mo.

Again I hope to retire to one of 2 TN counties that have a total population of ~5K. I am done with this society. More than half the people are morons. A significant amount of people are still getting their news from ABC, NBC, CBS etc. I could converse with my grandparents and parents and understand most cultural references. Today's generations no nothing preceding their birth. @Sunburnt Indian I think your data must be outdated. There is no way that the average IQ in this nation is anywhere north of 75.

I think I will tend to my garden, drink some wine, fire up a chofu jacuzzi, connect to Musk's starlink and stream something on my Roku while the rest of you cower in fear that some morally bankrupt member of the LGBTQ+ crowd may be offended by you and get you canceled.
I am working to do the same thing. 5 more years. I have looked at Kentucky and Tennessee and counties that off the beaten path.
A lot of things lead to death. Being conceived, living a life of a common criminal, drug abuse, resisting arrest and being restrained by 3 officers. Add them all up, recipe for death. He won the lottery. I won't shed a tear for Chauvin, he's not a good guy. Murderer though? I don't think so. We won't agree on this. That's okay, doesn't mean you are a bad person. We simply disagree here.

The other two cops are being scrutinized for involvement too. That's just flat out bullshit. Chauvin was their superior. They were just following orders. But that's not good enough for the bloodthirsty woke. They want more scalps, even though they had nothing to do with any of this. They were simply there.
I don't care about Floyd lifestyle. Police officers deal with the worse of the worse. That's part of their job. That's why they carry a gun. They don't carry guns for people like me and you. At the same time, it doesn't mean they should kill people. You think they kill everyone on drugs? They knee everyone on drugs? Because he's on drugs, it's ok to kill him, sorry but you sound silly. He had no regard for Floyd life. That's murder 2.
On this we've actually flipped positions if you can believe it.

Two of them were super green rookies. I'm willing to give them way more slack but it's still right on the edge for me.

The third guy wasn't as green. I'm not sure how Minnesota's laws read on this but in Alabama, you're culpable in that situation. I'd have to do a lot more research on it to come up with a reasonable consequence for him.

But none of them should ever be cops again, obviously.
I am definitely not saying that they should be cops. I'm just saying at that time Chauvin was the senior police officer and they had to follow order's. The police union is big on chain of command or showing up an older officer especially as rookies. So I get why they were scared. The police culture failed them. I'll have a difficult time accepting them as guilty but I do understand if they are guilty. I hope they plead out.