
Ring of Honor
Oct 1, 2012
If the malaria drug that Trump is championing shows ANY real chance of being the cure for Chinese Virus, the media will IMMEDIATELY stop talking about the virus in any shape, form or fashion.

It will be like this never happened. Because if they keep covering it, they have to also cover the fact that Trump cured it.

They will drop it immediately. Keep watching...
File this one under wishful thinking. The virus isn’t going anywhere. We’re failing spectacularly at fighting it.

By that logic we've been failing spectacularly at fighting the common flu for decades.

You guys had your fun, but it's time to let the adults take over now. It's time for everyone to go back to work and stop paying attention to the children.
Don’t worry...the malaria drug isn’t a “cure” for the hoax virus...

Rio Giardinieri, a 52-year-old Florida man who was infected with the coronavirus and had already said goodbye to his wife and kids, says the drug Trump has been recommending, hydroxychloroquine, saved his life and he’s now due to leave the hospital soon:

I'd trust his 1st hand experience over any MSM 'Fake News' outlet's BS. o_O
I'm almost hoping that any socialist with Co-V refuses to use it.... :oops:
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File this one under wishful thinking. The virus isn’t going anywhere. We’re failing spectacularly at fighting it.

You're being a clown. Quoting some gadfly on Twitter, who links a graph from the NYT? That's his claim to fame for credibility? Just stop.
Or GTFO of that hellhole where you live, away from those people. You live in Jersey.. You DO realize the Manhattan crowd laughs at you people, right?
You're being a clown. Quoting some gadfly on Twitter, who links a graph from the NYT? That's his claim to fame for credibility? Just stop.
Or GTFO of that hellhole where you live, away from those people. You live in Jersey.. You DO realize the Manhattan crowd laughs at you people, right?

Damn, that was a country-girl ass-whoopin'! @bradleygator you ok over there?
File this one under wishful thinking. The virus isn’t going anywhere. We’re failing spectacularly at fighting it.

China is lying, and the US has 5-6 times the population of Italy or Spain. If we went by % of population instead of numbers, the US would be significantly below both Spain and Italy

Mark Twain’s 3 types of lies: white lies, damned lies, and statistics
Dr Fauci talking now, saying we need to be prepared for the possibility that we could have 100k people die from Chinese Virus. He says it's possible to not have that many, but we need to be ready to accept that we might.

100k projected now. Original CDC projection was one million dead.

Critical thinker knows that means that the efforts of the Trump Administration have lowered the projected number of dead by 900k.
China is lying, and the US has 5-6 times the population of Italy or Spain. If we went by % of population instead of numbers, the US would be significantly below both Spain and Italy

Mark Twain’s 3 types of lies: white lies, damned lies, and statistics

PokerDog has the presence of mind to realize we're not dealing with classical mechanics.
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If the malaria drug that Trump is championing shows ANY real chance of being the cure for Chinese Virus, the media will IMMEDIATELY stop talking about the virus in any shape, form or fashion.

It will be like this never happened. Because if they keep covering it, they have to also cover the fact that Trump cured it.

They will drop it immediately. Keep watching...


Michigan Democrat With Coronavirus Credits Trump With Saving Her Life: ‘I Do Thank Him For That’

A Michigan state Democratic lawmaker who was suffering from the coronavirus credited President Donald Trump with saving her life, saying on Monday that his constant touting of hydroxychloroquine is what led her to ask her doctor for the malaria drug.
Only one question:
If your spouse or your child gets sick with this virus, would you want the doctors to include this course of hydro/Z pack as part of their treatment, or do you want to wait until the FDA/CDC completes Phase I and II trials?

Yeah. I thought so. End of discussion.
Only one question:
If your spouse or your child gets sick with this virus, would you want the doctors to include this course of hydro/Z pack as part of their treatment, or do you want to wait until the FDA/CDC completes Phase I and II trials?

Yeah. I thought so. End of discussion.

I'll be honest, I think there's a few dems here that would NOT want to use chloroquine just because they don't want to have to admit that Trump was right.

Yes, that's insane. That's the point, these people are insane.
TOLJA.... What I've been saying for weeks, ever since this 1st came up as a cure, and a possible preventative. :p
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