Biden Crime wave

Blaming the police, of course, after calls for defunding and disengagement with the black community. Now some in local DC leadership are calling for the National Guard to right those wrongs...which were, of course, the result of "institutional racism." Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

Some people will always be victims...meaning that they are never going to accept responsibility.

Black Travel advisory to Florida yet you have this slaughter house for black men 😡😡😡

Blue states/cities defunded police and crime skyrockets.
But hey, it's sure saving those Rat politicians money in their own budgets. 😡

Now, in order to stem the tide of the rising out-of-control crime waves, they want the National Guard (funded by all of us) to come in to save them.

NO FEDERAL MONEY should be spent to save them, and certainly not to rebuild the destruction that THEY have caused... 🤓
Sorry, no judgments from me without seeing/knowing what led up to that.
I doubt that it just came out of the blue.

Maybe it's time for the bus drivers to be installed with police type body cameras, and for the buses to be fitted with cameras too....
  • Wow
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"With Liberty and JUSTICE for ALL....." 🤓
(and to the (Constitutional) REPUBLIC for which it stands -- NOT a democracy) 😠

There is no such thing as a 'Two-Tiered' system of justice.
There is either justice, or there is injustice.

Whenever Free Speech Ends, The Killing begins.... 😳

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

The UN Assembly can KMA with their BS resolutions...

U.N. Human Rights Council passes resolution on religious hatred,,,, after Koran burning.​

(they can persecute and even murder the 'infidels' but oh no,,, don't you dare burn a Koran)

And any U.S. politician that support that resolution is a TRAITOR to their Oath of Office. 🤓
(and those people are in desperate need of a wall to stand in front of imo)
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Biden voter gets arrested for jerking off @starbuchs

@BamaFan1137 you can make this up 😭😭

Hopefully they got him for resisting arrest, disorderly conduct and obstructing as well. But DA's usually won't let you do resisting AND obstructing unless there are two separate and overt acts.

Honestly, he probably just needs a padded room, some medication and a nice doctor to talk to. <---best guess
STUPID politicians are often BLINDSIDED,,,, because they are BLIND and only see what they want to see,,, right up until the REALITY truck runs over them... 😎

If they were actually blindsided then they were out of touch to a level that beggars belief.

The good cops I know wouldn't work in such an environment regardless of what you paid them. And not just out of spite...their policies make policing more dangerous.

Being able to go home is sort of a priority. The job is dangerous enough without the ridiculousness.
Good cops immersed in the dying Rat cities and states have flocked to the many advantages that are in Florida.

We still have crime in FL, good and bad people are everywhere, but in FL the majority of us still respect and honor our 'good' public servants, while we try to sort out any that are under-performing or just bad people.

I'm kinda surprised that it's taken this long for cops to have a total city wide walk-out, leaving the moe-rons gasping at what they themselves have created with their public stupidity....
Gaslighting is a form of manipulation that often occurs in abusive relationships. It is a covert type of emotional abuse in which the bully or abuser misleads the target, creating a false narrative and making them question their judgments and reality.

Today's bought and paid for Lame Stream Media should be jailed over what they are attempting to do to the sovereign citizens with their warped coverage of the charges against Trump, and the lack of charges on the three latest Crime Family syndicates, the O'Bomba's, the Hillbilleries, and the Hunter-Jo Bidens...
I feel sorry for the poor guy driving the truck.

That's gonna hang over his head for a long, long time and other than maybe speeding he did nothing wrong.

We all see this so often though. If all of the other lanes of traffic are stopped other than your own, expect some effery.

I'm not blaming him. I'm just saying that it can be avoided if you're a more defensive driver.
Government Servant's 1st and most important job is to PROTECT IT'S CITIZENS.

-- A member of a self-appointed group of (sovereign) citizens who undertake law enforcement in their community without (Govt) legal authority, typically because the legal agencies are thought (known) to be (totally corrupted) inadequate.

VIGILANTE --- A member of a volunteer committee of sovereign citizens that are forced to organize to suppress and punish crime summarily, (as when the processes of law are known to have become totally corrupted); broadly as self-appointed doers of required justice. Otherwise crime & chaos runs out of control, as it's currently doing in Rat run cities and states....

Notice that a Free Florida doesn't need any vigilantes.

Corrupt Governments will always try to criminalize vigilantes, to protect themselves and their corrupted power systems, i.e. King George wanted the Founding Fathers and any who supported them,,, hanged....

And today's liberal (leftists/socialists) would have sided with the King, as long as they could escape being peasants to instead become Earls, Dukes, Princes, or even the straw-bosses over their fellow peasants....

IMOHO - It's fast becoming time for true (sovereign citizen) justice, to preside over the on going (corrupt Govt) injustices....
There is no such thing as Two-Tiered Justice. There is either Justice,
or there is Injustice that brings on the need for vigilantes....

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