I disagree on separating Covid rollout and Mandates, you're splitting the baby. So I'll restate in smaller words, more direct. The rollout was about more than making doses available, that was already in motion. Pharma was approved to produce and they were going to get paid. The mandates made people mad and suspicious and led to increased hesitancy. Slow rolling approvals of alternatives like NovaVax made people suspicious and hesitant. Literally EVERYTHING Biden did with the vaccines created hesitancy.
Diversity for it's own sake is a disaster. Affirmative action doesn't work. By saying "I'm only hiring a black woman" you're cutting the available pool of candidates by 93%. Now, that's not to say an AA woman isn't the most qualified, but by limiting the pool up front you're already telling the world you care more about Demographics than qualifications. Juxtapose that with Trump who nominated Richard Grenell without bragging about it and to zero fanfare - because his policy was most qualified regardless of demo's.
The "Infrastructure Bill" was 90% pork and Green New Deal initiatives. Biden just repeated it today, high gas prices will move us to a greener energy base. Which means, in translation, I couldn't care less about how hard your life is, I'm going to make it as miserable as I can for policies that aren't very popular. $1.9T of cash infused into the economy, spiking fuel prices that increase the cost of everything, paying people not to work reducing the available amount of goods to buy - it's an inflation death spiral and we saw the numbers today. You want Green Energy? Great, make it efficient enough to compete without artificially inflating the alternatives (cheating).
He's a disaster, you've yet to mention one thing he's accomplished that actually helps anyone in this country live a more prosperous and secure life.