So you stopped thinking the news was unbiased because of an OPINION? Editorials are not unbiased. The news is not editorials. I thought you might have forgotten this but now it seems you never really understood it. America needs to go back to teaching Civics. People need to understand how these things work.
Journalists, being people, have opinions on things. When they are reporting the news, they leave their opinions out of it. When they are giving their opinion, it is not news. It is an editorial. It's ok for them to do that.
In the newspaper days, it was normal for a variety of opinions to be printed on the editorial page. Since that was for most people the only source, it was important to provide a variety. Now, with so many options, media outlets are free to specialize. The problem here began with Fox News, which blurred the line between editorials and news, causing people to think the opinions given were news. Unfortunately, it proved popular and so more outlets have taken the same tack. It's a little amusing to watch conservatives get all shrill with the "liberal media" doing the same thing the "conservative media" does but gets a pass when they do it. And it's affecting newspapers as well. I live in a town with a lot of poorly educated, well, bumpkins, and they were all up in arms because the local paper dared to print a liberal opinion in the editorials section. Calls to boycott the paper, letters to the editor denouncing them, it was hilariously sad. The local area Facebook group was just going wild. I finally had to go on there and explain to them how it all works. Suffice to say they didn't get it.
Also, you must forgive the elementary ed teachers, they have to deal with all the issues that poverty and drug addiction in families puts on the little children, and so they are pretty strident about increasing social services to help these children and families. I think you will find social workers fall into this same category. Just like the Scrooge McDucks of the world, after a long day of diving into their huge bank vault full of gold want to lower taxes so they have more piles of gold to swim in. It's all about perspective.