A friendly reminder now that the coronavirus thing is happening

TRUMP disgusts ME! There is not a SINGLE redeeming character quality I would want my kids or grandkids to emulate. He proved to be a fraudulent businessman, promotes nepotism, bangs porn stars while married and could never begin to speak truth if his worthless life depends on it. The sooner this fraud is kicked out of office the better.

IMO, there are two parts to a president. One is the party part, where they come in and try to meet their campaign pledges. The other part is how they handle things in office. To me, being president is too big a job for one person, There is too much you need to know, nobody can keep up with it all. So they need to surround themselves with quality people, experts in their field, to advise and keep the president up to speed. The other is to stay above the fray, not to get involved in the minutia. To only speak when there is something important to say.

Obama was really good at this, and so was George HW Bush. Clinton loved the sound of his own voice a bit too much. It's hard to measure Dubya, he had 9/11 to deal with so he had to speak often, by TBH, his voice really annoyed me. But they all at least did have people who knew their jobs as their advisers. And this is why Trump is the worst. Said he was going to clean up the swamp, and brought in his kids and cronies into positions they were breathtakingly unsuited for (Omarosa, really?) and never, ever shuts up. If he would have handled himself presidentially, I would not dislike him as much as I do. But I didn't vote for him, and won't, because of the R party goals of increasing an already bloated military and giving huge tax breaks to people with more money than they will ever need while trying to cut retirement and social programs for regular people.
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Now how about the same kind of rundown on the Dim-Moe-Rats.... o_O

Joe and nepotism cocaine/dead-beat Dad Hunter with their Ukraine and China corruptions. Both should already be in jail. :mad:

Nancy (the Wicked Witch of the West) and her nepotism son Paul also in Ukraine.
Russian Collusion, 30+ Million and 2+ years of wasted time, ending in failure.
Ukraine Pro-Co / Briber Impeachment BS, another waste of time & $$ to fail again.
Back-loading the Co-V bill with a Ton of Dim-Moe-Rat Pork, while holding relief money hostage for her own political socialist goals. o_O

Bernie (communist / socialist) traitor to his Oath of Office Sanders.
(As a combat decorated veteran, I'd put him on a wall with a firing squat). :mad:
Constantly bagged on millionaires, at least until be became one with 4 houses.
Another Limousine Liberal that has the platform of (Do what I tell you, not what I do).

Pamela Harris, who's own father owned slaves in her lifetime. :eek:
Should be in jail for her support of 'Ponzi Scheme' business dealings. o_O

Lizzy Warren - Pocahontas liar, ran a predatory real estate business with family nepotism help. Also lied about being fired for being pregnant. Confirmed long term liar.

Dianne Feinstein - Had a Chinese chauffeur for 20 years that was feeding info to the Communist Chinese government. Where is he now? What consequences has she faced for not properly vetting that communist spy?

And as with so many other stories of importance to the American citizens, silence from the Fake News MSM, the known propaganda arm of the DNC leftist / socialists). o_O

And that is just the 'tip of the iceberg,' not an in-depth study for the Rats.

And now you might want to actually list what Trump has done as the elected President, instead of what he might have done before times as a private citizen.
I was never a fan of the person, :cool: but I am of the office holder so far.

~ Crevate to that being his signing that socialist Co-V bail-out bill that was back loaded with a freakin' TON of Dim-Moe-Rat Pork... :mad:
IMO, he's now gone from 'draining the swamp' to drowning in it.... :oops:

Now I'll wait while you assemble ALL of there many 'redeeming qualities' for us... :cool:

Insta..Your C and P bs does not work with this topic. Its a bit humorous to me when it comes to sports, but it is completely dumb when it comes to this topic. Let's try to restrict yourself to the topic of The Orange Man, as hard as it may be for ya. Besides for every dirty deed done by a de, I can name 10 by the CONS. LMAO!
Not a problem on the name calling, im not offended by that. My problem with politics is this, its like religion, people are stuck in their beliefs no matter how many facts are presented. Im not "conservative" or "liberal" but i do tend to lean more with conservatives on issues. I like my guns, killing baies is not ok, and foreign policy of liberals is lets help every other country. Now with conservatives i dont like their policies on immigration or climate (a wall? We dont need one). Then comes the issue of media. An independent company found that CNN was negative towards trump 96% of the time where fox was neagtive 51% of the time. My issue with what you are saying is "fox is bad" is that you are painting with broad brush becuz you are told to. The fact is there are some very fair down the middle reporters on fox (BB) and there are some extremist (Hannity). Same can be said about CNN and PMSNBC. Tapper, Cuomo, gay black guy(cant think of his name) all lean left and lean heavily left. I find Cooper to be pretty reasonable from time to time. However, my biggest gripe with you is saying that the media does not lean left, it 100% does. Watch project varetos(sp?) and listen to what some of these people say behind closed doors. Some MSM is very fair and calls the president on things he should be called on but they also say stupid thi gs like "hes a racist becuz he called it the chinese virus". That is bias reporting si ce nearly every virus MERS, ebola, spanish flu, etc were ALL named after its origin.

Its interesting that you say you think the country has gone more conservative over the last 40 yrs. I feel its gone the other way. What i have found tho is most people are just good people, for instance, sadgator and i disagree on pretty much everything, football, religion, politics, tom bradys sexiness....but i guarantee him and I would be friends if we met in real life. I judge people off of who they are. If you think people are being manipulated by fox, thats fine, i personally think everybody is manipulated by the media (left and right). I especially think the media plays on the fear of minorities (blks, browns, women). I think media in todays time is garbage, its completely bias one way or the other and you rly have to search for someone who can be the least bias.

You think this country has become less conservative?

So let me put this forward to you.

What would you say about a president who pulled troops out of a war that was still ongoing, made friends with China and Russia, pushed arms control treaties, expanded social security, pushed for improved desegregation and affirmative action, passed major environmental laws and created a new bureau to oversee the environment? Does that sound like a liberal or conservative to you?
TRUMP disgusts ME! There is not a SINGLE redeeming character quality I would want my kids or grandkids to emulate. He proved to be a fraudulent businessman, promotes nepotism, bangs porn stars while married and could never begin to speak truth if his worthless life depends on it. The sooner this fraud is kicked out of office the better.

I think that is where we differ.... I dont need a president to be someone of high quality character. I need him to keep me safe and keep the economy in good shape. Trump has done well in both those categories. A president doesnt need to be nice or friendly, they need to be ruthless for their people (not necessarily ruthless in general). I voted for trump becuz i feel like he is going to put Americans first, hes going to keep us safe, and hes done well with the economy. Where would he be on the list to babysit my 2 kids? Probably at the very very bottom.... But i didnt vote for a babysitter. I think that is the difference, you seem him as a terrible person (which hes hard to defend so i wont) and you think that makes him a bad pres. I separate the 2
IMO, there are two parts to a president. One is the party part, where they come in and try to meet their campaign pledges. The other part is how they handle things in office. To me, being president is too big a job for one person, There is too much you need to know, nobody can keep up with it all. So they need to surround themselves with quality people, experts in their field, to advise and keep the president up to speed. The other is to stay above the fray, not to get involved in the minutia. To only speak when there is something important to say.

Obama was really good at this, and so was George HW Bush. Clinton loved the sound of his own voice a bit too much. It's hard to measure Dubya, he had 9/11 to deal with so he had to speak often, by TBH, his voice really annoyed me. But they all at least did have people who knew their jobs as their advisers. And this is why Trump is the worst. Said he was going to clean up the swamp, and brought in his kids and cronies into positions they were breathtakingly unsuited for (Omarosa, really?) and never, ever shuts up. If he would have handled himself presidentially, I would not dislike him as much as I do. But I didn't vote for him, and won't, because of the R party goals of increasing an already bloated military and giving huge tax breaks to people with more money than they will ever need while trying to cut retirement and social programs for regular people.

All of this I agree with and more. I have been environmental scientist most of my life. The gutting of the EPA and the weakening of the Endangered Species Act are just two examples of his disdain for the physical world that just happens to sustain humanity on this planet. Instead it is often maligned and criticized by the right as an impediment to the economical success of our country. This perspective is not only short sighted but ignorant and just pushes the tin can down the road for the next generation to deal with.
You think this country has become less conservative?

So let me put this forward to you.

What would you say about a president who pulled troops out of a war that was still ongoing, made friends with China and Russia, pushed arms control treaties, expanded social security, pushed for improved desegregation and affirmative action, passed major environmental laws and created a new bureau to oversee the environment? Does that sound like a liberal or conservative to you?

I personally think affirmative action should be done away with immediately, its racist. I understand and would have agreed with it in its time but its unnecessary now. No reason for it. As an engineer i can tell you about the new environmental laws and most of them are bullshit. I cant stand havi g to go thru that when building/designing. Its a pain and just stupid.
All of this I agree with and more. I have been environmental scientist most of my life. The gutting of the EPA and the weakening of the Endangered Species Act are just two examples of his disdain for the physical world that just happens to sustain humanity on this planet. Instead it is often maligned and criticized by the right as an impediment to the economical success of our country. This perspective is not only short sighted but ignorant and just pushes the tin can down the road for the next generation to deal with.

Go person by person in the trump admin and tell me why each one of them are not qualified. I have major issues with this statement because it is IMPOSSIBLE for you to know how each of them are at their jobs. Its just a partisan statement and not true. Some have done well and some havent.
I think that is where we differ.... I dont need a president to be someone of high quality character. I need him to keep me safe and keep the economy in good shape. Trump has done well in both those categories. A president doesnt need to be nice or friendly, they need to be ruthless for their people (not necessarily ruthless in general). I voted for trump becuz i feel like he is going to put Americans first, hes going to keep us safe, and hes done well with the economy. Where would he be on the list to babysit my 2 kids? Probably at the very very bottom.... But i didnt vote for a babysitter. I think that is the difference, you seem him as a terrible person (which hes hard to defend so i wont) and you think that makes him a bad pres. I separate the 2

The character of a President is VERY important . The quality of which he or she leads his personal life reflect those he will govern with. Trump is an egotist to the 10th degree. Ego is usually released by emotionally mature people by their 30s or 40s and replaced by wisdom. This dude acts like a petulant 10 year old, claims to know more than our generals, our intell, and our environmental scientists and our doctors at this critical time. Sorry, it is DIRECTLY related to how one governs. and the results of this Presidency directly reflect those qualities. I could go on and on, because it is so obvious to anyone with an objective lens but I do not expect that here...
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All of this I agree with and more. I have been environmental scientist most of my life. The gutting of the EPA and the weakening of the Endangered Species Act are just two examples of his disdain for the physical world that just happens to sustain humanity on this planet. Instead it is often maligned and criticized by the right as an impediment to the economical success of our country. This perspective is not only short sighted but ignorant and just pushes the tin can down the road for the next generation to deal with.

The EPA had how many employees? Like 15k or more? We dont need that many
The character of a President is VERY important . The quality of which he or she leads his personal life reflect those he will govern with. Trump is an egotist to the 10th degree. Ego is usually released by emotionally mature people by their 30s or 40s and replaced by wisdom. This dude acts like a petulant 10 year old, claims to know more than our generals, our intell, and our environmental scientists and our doctors at this critical time. Sorry, it is DIRECTLY related to how one governs. and the results of this Presidency directly reflect those qualities. I could go on and on, because it is so obvious to anyone with an objective lens but I do not expect that here...

Sorry but this is factually incorrect. People can act differently in their jobs then they do at hone. Most of us do. The character of a president means nothing unless its detrimental in foreign policy. Trump has had excellent foreign policy. Its probably his biggest strength. Before Trump was president he hosted dinners with foreign leaders all the time. He was a HUGE democrat lol thats the hilarious part about this discussion. Trump is actually a democrat running as a republican but peoppe cant tell because of the socialists that are taking over the democratic party.
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Go person by person in the trump admin and tell me why each one of them are not qualified. I have major issues with this statement because it is IMPOSSIBLE for you to know how each of them are at their jobs. Its just a partisan statement and not true. Some have done well and some havent.

LMAO. I have no intentions on doing this for you. Even if I wanted to, it would yield no success in changing your mind. I have no real desire to do that. What my desire is , is to state the truth as I see it. WHY? Because I see all to often on these boards a push to assert the Pub agenda as if that is in some way manly. In actuality it is the opposite. Other than this particular time on this board, I will never visit this topic here again. Sports is a common denominator for me here that allows me to converse with dudes who enjoy the same. And make no mistake, I could GAF what someone may think of my political opinions. I just generally deem them as wel as others unsuitable for the sports board and I generally honor that.
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LMAO. I have no intentions on doing this for you. Even if I wanted to, it would yield no success in changing your mind. I have no real desire to do that. What my desire is , is to state the truth as I see it. WHY? Because I see all to often on these boards a push to assert the Pub agenda as if that is in some way manly. In actuality it is the opposite. Other than this particular time on this board, I will never visit this topic here again. Sports is a common denominator for me here that allows me to converse with dudes who enjoy the same. And make no mistake, I could GAF what someone may think of my political opinions. I just generally deem them as wel as others unsuitable for the sports board and I generally honor that.

Fair enough.
Sorry but this is factually incorrect. People can act differently in their jobs then they do at hone. Most of us do. The character of a president means nothing unless its detrimental in foreign policy. Trump has had excellent foreign policy. Its probably his biggest strength. Before Trump was president he hosted dinners with foreign leaders all the time. He was a HUGE democrat lol thats the hilarious part about this discussion. Trump is actually a democrat running as a republican but peoppe cant tell because of the socialists that are taking over the democratic party.

NOT going to discuss this further with you. YOUR opinion, no personal offense honestly, means nothing to me.
The Washington press corp has had many studies done on it - 90% percent always vote democrat although 100% of them claim to be independents via voting registration. The problem isn't the bias per se - it's that they don't acknowledge it. Fox is conservative, Cnn and Cnbc are liberal but they all pretty much say so. I will give an out to the actual reporters on those networks as the Jake Tapper/Chris Wallace types actually are down the middle news guys.

But the rest are hacks. Not a Sean Hannity fan but at least he admits his bias. You have idiots like Rachel Maddow running around acting as if she'd down the middle.

But those are cable news so you kind of expect it. The worst players are the ABC types - George Stehanaopolis is the worst. He was LITERALLY Hilary Clintons' chief of staff...and like 5 years later - SHAZAM - he's a trusted reporter!! Okay - sure.

So yeah, when the Washington press corp votes democrat 90%+ all of the time you can't take them seriously.
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Im not "conservative" or "liberal" but i do tend to lean more with conservatives on issues. I like my guns, killing baies is not ok, and foreign policy of liberals is lets help every other country. Now with conservatives i dont like their policies on immigration or climate (a wall? We dont need one).

Immigration is fine with me, the legal / controlled kind. I still get goose-bumps when I see new citizens taking their oaths and becoming legal citizens.

On the other hand, I have an urge to arm myself and report to the border when I see hoards of illegal border invaders storming in by the millions, bringing disease, drugs, human trafficing, etc.

Without controlled immigration, you have no country. o_O
Without a wall (or a line of armed troops with STK orders) you don't have control of your border. I'd prefer a wall to the armed troops, but either to open uncontrolled borders.

Anyone too stupid to see the results of a no-wall uncontrolled border should just ask those that were here a few hundred years ago what happens when you don't have a wall and/or control of your borders... :cool:

As to climate control, you're delusional if you believe that mankind is in control of mother Earth's climate. And anyway, NOBODY on Earth is going to do what is best for the environment. Not in their own home, or community, or state, or nation. Lookout for #1 is the over-riding policy of humans on the whole, with 'Mother Theresa' types being as rare as Saints.... :rolleyes:
Insta..Your C and P bs does not work with this topic. Its a bit humorous to me when it comes to sports, but it is completely dumb when it comes to this topic. Let's try to restrict yourself to the topic of The Orange Man, as hard as it may be for ya. Besides for every dirty deed done by a de, I can name 10 by the CONS. LMAO!

Naw, what you do is make unfounded and un-backed with facts/links BS claims, while you attempt to tell others how to act and what to say/think. You're a failure at it, but it's worth a few laughs for me. :rolleyes:
The other is to stay above the fray, not to get involved in the minutia. To only speak when there is something important to say.

This really is it in a nutshell...the sumbitch can’t keep his mouth shut...and he’s likely to talk his ass right out of the White House, which would be just dandy to sadgator.

It’s fine if people think this dude promotes their ideology...whatever...but the President of the United States under no circumstances whatsoever should ever be in a Twitter war with Jimmy Kimmel. He just shouldn’t....period...end of story....
Immigration is fine with me, the legal / controlled kind. I still get goose-bumps when I see new citizens taking their oaths and becoming legal citizens.

On the other hand, I have an urge to arm myself and report to the border when I see hoards of illegal border invaders storming in by the millions, bringing disease, drugs, human trafficing, etc.

Without controlled immigration, you have no country. o_O
Without a wall (or a line of armed troops with STK orders) you don't have control of your border. I'd prefer a wall to the armed troops, but either to open uncontrolled borders.

Anyone too stupid to see the results of a no-wall uncontrolled border should just ask those that were here a few hundred years ago what happens when you don't have a wall and/or control of your borders... :cool:

As to climate control, you're delusional if you believe that mankind is in control of mother Earth's climate. And anyway, NOBODY on Earth is going to do what is best for the environment. Not in their own home, or community, or state, or nation. Lookout for #1 is the over-riding policy of humans on the whole, with 'Mother Theresa' types being as rare as Saints.... :rolleyes:

Im not for open boarders by any means but if someone has no priors then its fine with me. Do i care if he builds a wall? No. But its not why i voted for him
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This really is it in a nutshell...the sumbitch can’t keep his mouth shut...and he’s likely to talk his ass right out of the White House, which would be just dandy to sadgator.

It’s fine if people think this dude promotes their ideology...whatever...but the President of the United States under no circumstances whatsoever should ever be in a Twitter war with Jimmy Kimmel. He just shouldn’t....period...end of story....

Agree about the twitter but to be fair, its actually not trump tweeting lol its his chief of staff.
I'm pretty sure it's Trump 100% of the time on Twitter - not sure why anyone would think otherwise. A lot of his personality draws ire including mine but he's president so you support him when he does good things and chastise him when he doesn't'. The media don't get a pass because they are his opposition.

Presidents come and go but Media has lost all credibility and it's core to this country.
Presidents come and go but Media has lost all credibility and it's core to this country.

When did you decide the media lost its' credibility? When Trump started calling it fake news for the media's irritating habits of bringing up things he has said in the past that contradict what he's saying today and fact checking his statements for the most egregious lies?
Yeah, but that’s just because they are educated and intelligent...

You said what I was thinking.

I kinda miss the days of George Will, Charles Krauthammer, and William F Buckley Jr. I rarely agreed with their viewpoint, but they were smart and eloquent and used logic to build their arguments. Nowadays conservative talking heads just spout crazy conspiracy theories, usually while shouting. Where did all the smart conservatives go? It's sad, really.
I wish Trump would stay off twitter but he can't help himself. The economy was roaring no doubt. I am in the staffing business and in my 26 years in the biz I've never seen a job market this red hot. Our average wage has increased almost $3/hour over the last 18 months. He is egotistical and a narcissist with no moral compass. But unfortunately so are most folks that sit here in DC.
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You said what I was thinking.

I kinda miss the days of George Will, Charles Krauthammer, and William F Buckley Jr. I rarely agreed with their viewpoint, but they were smart and eloquent and used logic to build their arguments. Nowadays conservative talking heads just spout crazy conspiracy theories, usually while shouting. Where did all the smart conservatives go? It's sad, really.
This made me chuckle....conspiracy theories are a common occurrence in DC...right now the liberals are leading the way. A new one just about every day. Do you not pay attention to AOC? That will change though as soon the next Dem is elected. Then it will be the pubs that sprout them regularly..which they will. Politics as usual.
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The character of a President is VERY important . The quality of which he or she leads his personal life reflect those he will govern with. Trump is an egotist to the 10th degree. Ego is usually released by emotionally mature people by their 30s or 40s and replaced by wisdom. This dude acts like a petulant 10 year old, claims to know more than our generals, our intell, and our environmental scientists and our doctors at this critical time. Sorry, it is DIRECTLY related to how one governs. and the results of this Presidency directly reflect those qualities. I could go on and on, because it is so obvious to anyone with an objective lens but I do not expect that here...
Wish this were true, but sadly doesn't appear so. Clinton and Trump both seem to have no moral value and 1 did two terms and Trump most likely will do two terms.
Trump has had excellent foreign policy. Its probably his biggest strength. Before Trump was president he hosted dinners with foreign leaders all the time.

Which part of Trump's foreign policy do you like best? Where he gave North Korea a bunch of concessions for things which they reneged on, like everyone told him they would? Where he got into a trade war with China and gained nothing from it? Where he abrogated the treaty with Iran so they went back to trying to build nuclear weapons? Or maybe (and this is my favorite) when he met with Israel to end the Israel-Palestine conflict BUT DIDN'T INVITE PALESTINE. The US and Israel then decide the best way to end the conflict is to give huge chunks of Palestine to Israel and for the US to stop pushing for a Palestine nation. Shockingly, Palestine did not go along with this. Who holds peace talks with only one side? WTH dude!
Not being critical, just curious as to why you think this?

Plenty of overseas bases we can close. Too many pencil pushers. I also think spending $575,000 per person in the military is a bit high.

Mostly though, it's to cause a rethinking of the idea that 15K employees in the EPA is too high. If we are going to cut the EPA to save money (right after giving all the billionaires a huge tax cut, btw), then maybe there shouldn't be any sacred cows. Let's look at the big dog if we need to cut costs.
Plenty of overseas bases we can close. Too many pencil pushers. I also think spending $575,000 per person in the military is a bit high.
I am favor of closing the overseas bases. In this day and age seems to be unnecessary. But not totally sold on reducing the size of the military.
We are going drone. As remote technology improves, the need for people is reduced.
Agreed. However, as we go drone it creates a new demand for a different type of soldier. What's fascinating is how much AI has improved manufacturing and distribution in the US, but my employee demand is just as high as ever. Their roles have changed. Will be interesting to watch what happens over the next decade, but hopefully I will be retired and watching from the sidelines.
Which part of Trump's foreign policy do you like best? Where he gave North Korea a bunch of concessions for things which they reneged on, like everyone told him they would? Where he got into a trade war with China and gained nothing from it? Where he abrogated the treaty with Iran so they went back to trying to build nuclear weapons? Or maybe (and this is my favorite) when he met with Israel to end the Israel-Palestine conflict BUT DIDN'T INVITE PALESTINE. The US and Israel then decide the best way to end the conflict is to give huge chunks of Palestine to Israel and for the US to stop pushing for a Palestine nation. Shockingly, Palestine did not go along with this. Who holds peace talks with only one side? WTH dude!

He gave NK nothing, we still have harsh sanctions on them and they are no longer firing missiles every month. Getting into a trade war with china is necessary, if it didnt happen now when we can fight back, we would get sunk in 25 yrs if we tried it then. This is basic economics of short term loss for long term gain. The iran deal.... Lol Tell me the things that you think are necessary for an iran deal. We couldnt even check to see if they werent building and they were. The Iran deal is probably the worst deal ever constructed by ANY US president. Iran was capturing ships, shooting down drones, capturing our sailors, and literally doing ANYTHING against what the deal stood for. Im not sure if i can debate this with u anymore if you say just talking points. There has to be substance to what you are saying. It seems you just have a list of what trump did and you say they are bad because trump did them. Thats insane
The military has 1.3 million employees. We don't need that many.

Aks the American Indians if they would like more in their military........oh wait. I get it man, you let the news dictate your opinion. Thats fine, i dont hold it against you but ive already seen all of these talking points on the news so there is no reason for you to retell them to me. Also, how tf would you know how many are necessary? Lol you know the inter workings of our military and where we need military. Explain to me which ones we could cut and why.